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Global technological advances continue to bring about major changes. The present study aims to address important aspects for the application of Education 4.0 for the fourth industrial revolution, immediately following the COVID-19 pandemic. The research work focuses in particular on modern technologies for education and training, responding to the challenges and opportunities of business in the conditions of Industry 4.0. Research methods and techniques based on desk research and data from secondary sources, including strategic document analysis and content analysis, were used. The findings indicate that investments in the development of environmental infrastructure and human, technical and financial capacity must be strengthened to reach an adequate participation of Education 4.0 in the post-Covid Industry 4.0.
This paper presents the conclusions of the study on the impact of ORA USARB Institutional Repository and the Digital Library at Alecu Russo Balti State University. The study was conducted on the basis of the Questionnaire which contained eleven questions as a method of collecting research data and analyzed through Google Docs. The respondents represented 4 faculties:Faculty of Philology, Faculty of Exact, Economic and Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Educational Sciences, Psychology and Arts, Faculty of Law and Social Sciences.The study revealed the satisfactory use of USARB's own open resource resources: Open Recearsh Archive (ORA USARB) and the Digital Library by the university community and beyond, the integration and recognition of the Institutional Repository in the global information structure. Also note worthy are the efforts of the USARB Scientific Library Virtualization Services Group and the Center for Cultural Events to promote information seminars, Information Literacy courses, educational events to demonstrate the advantage and increase open access.
The past years of pandemic have forced the population in every country to a different way of living, working, studying and interacting with each other. The article attempts to analyze and assess the digital skills of the population in Poland during the Covid-19 pandemic. It assesses the situation associated with the educational process from the point of view of teachers, children and their parents, taking into account the circumstances and conditions related to training, including state administration support. It uses data from documents of the Ministry of Science and Education and various publications and data from the Central Statistical Office (CSO) in Poland. Demographic indicators are selected and the structure of the rest is analyzed for the period 2005-2021, and for the covid situation the period 2018-2021.
The present study deals with an important point in the history of the educational activities in the old capital city of Turnovo, namely the opening of a Hellenic school in 1821. The analysis of the data of its chronicle reveals the significant role of the Orthodox clergy, headed by the bishop of Turnovo, in relation to the establishment, organization and maintenance of the school. By the middle of the 19th c. it was not only the most authoritative centre of education in the city but it also had a leading role in the public and economic life of the Bulgarians.
This book is a brief manual of games and theatrical exercises that the team of the show Familia Offline used during a year in the workshops that were the basis of the development of the show. The book includes dramatic writing exercises adapted to the performance script, theatrical improvisation exercises, vocal training exercises and a text about the working method of one of the theorists and practitioners who revolutionized theater pedagogy of the 20th century – Dorothy Heathcote.
This book is a brief manual of games and theatrical exercises that the team of the show Familia Offline used during a year in the workshops that were the basis of the development of the show. The book includes dramatic writing exercises adapted to the performance script, theatrical improvisation exercises, vocal training exercises and a text about the working method of one of the theorists and practitioners who revolutionized theater pedagogy of the 20th century – Dorothy Heathcote.
This book is a brief manual of games and theatrical exercises that the team of the show Familia Offline used during a year in the workshops that were the basis of the development of the show. The book includes dramatic writing exercises adapted to the performance script, theatrical improvisation exercises, vocal training exercises and a text about the working method of one of the theorists and practitioners who revolutionized theater pedagogy of the 20th century – Dorothy Heathcote.
This book is a brief manual of games and theatrical exercises that the team of the show Familia Offline used during a year in the workshops that were the basis of the development of the show. The book includes dramatic writing exercises adapted to the performance script, theatrical improvisation exercises, vocal training exercises and a text about the working method of one of the theorists and practitioners who revolutionized theater pedagogy of the 20th century – Dorothy Heathcote.
Îmi amintesc cum stăteam la Replika în curte și eram bombardată cu idei. Era începutul rezidenței mele, alături de dramaturga Alexa Băcanu. Apucasem să expun doar câteva lucruri la care mă gândisem: tema educației sexuale în România și comunicarea între părinți și copiii lor.
Și de aici a început documentarea. Știm că în școală nu se întâmplă de obicei, dar într-un fel sau altul, tinerii află totuși despre sex. Care sunt sursele? Sunt ele de încredere? Le oferă toate informațiile necesare? La nivel de țară, răspunsul la ultimele două întrebări e nu. Suntem pe primul loc în Uniunea Europeană la numărul de mame minore. Ăsta e unul dintre primele lucruri pe care le-am aflat în timpul documentării.
“Totul e foarte normal” nu beneficiază de un decor în sensul comun al cuvântului, ci de o configuraţie a spaţiului de joc și un raport între acesta şi auditoriu, care determină şi servesc conceptului spectacolului. Tema de la care am plecat a fost declanşarea comunicării pe teme tabu între generaţii într-o formulă ludică, prietenoasă şi jovială cu care să rezoneze ambele categorii de vârstă.
„Nu, nu am vorbit încă, să nu îi dau idei” sau „Acum au internet, știu ei mai multe ca noi” – acestea sunt două argumente între care oscilează scuzele adulților pentru a evita tematica educației sexuale – fie ei părinți, cadre didactice, directori de școli sau autori de programe școlare. Dacă în toate țările dezvoltate, educația sexuală se predă în școli de zeci de ani, în România, educația sexuală nu se predă decât opțional în cadrul materiei Educație pentru sănătate. În 2016, numai 2.000 dintre cei 19.000 de directori le-au propus părinților să-și trimită copiii la aceste ore. Pentru mulți adulți este dificil de acceptat trecerea de la copilărie la adolescență, faptul că tinerii devin ființe de sine stătătoare care își fac propriile alegeri, inclusiv în ceea ce privește sexualitatea.
Correlating the economic prosperity of a nation with the quality of its cyber infrastructure is not a game of chance. Improving cybersecurity in society, the industrial system and public administration will become increasingly stringent. The lack of security professionals makes companies, organizations and social services more vulnerable. As the global health emergency from Covid-19 taught us, coordination from the top of the chain of command is important. Whether it is to minimize intrusions, data loss or the spread of malware, the collaboration of all state institutions and private sector is essential. Developing new capabilities and tools to improve the cyber security of the country system is a challenge of the utmost importance for the growth and well-being and security of all. Cyber security education in the conscious use of the network therefore will play a central role in both the defense and development of a country.
Cybersecurity is one of the new dimensions of security, the one responsible for ensuring a secure online space, a space which can be used safely in all areas of people’s lives - from finance to social media, education, economy, politics, information, debate and even military. Because over 50% of the population is connected in 2020 to the internet, both for work and personal purposes, as numerous transactions are being registered in the cyberspace every second, government and private sector alike need to work together to secure this space to develop early-warning systems and protect the IT infrastructure of any kind of attacks. There are tools for measuring and monitoring cyber-attacks, which need to be explored and constantly improved. But this is not enough as the use of these tools needs to be completed by the joint efforts in raising the users’ awareness in protecting against any attacks. Additionally, exploring and taking advantage of the benefits a digital economy and society can offer should be supported by investments in education and training while maintaining an updated and secure infrastructure.
The paper discusses the importance of training for the success of Romania’s contribution to the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) of the European Union. At the time when the EU Member States are taking concrete measures to implement the European Compact for a Civilian CSDP (2018) and the second annual progress report is planned, Romania is still struggling with the inter-institutional negotiation of the would-to-be National Strategy for the Implementation of the Civilian CSDP Compact, not yet approved by the Government. However, training is not seen as a strong point in the future strategic document, probably because there is not real coordination in the field. Despite the increased interest in CSDP related training (the number of the Romanian members of the European Security and Defence College multiplied five times in just two years), the training institutes are not working in a coordinated way and most of their CSDP training seems mostly related to individual projects or targets and not following a national policy, nor national objectives related to the Civilian Compact implementation. The debate opened by this paper aims to increase the awareness at the national authorities’ level and to suggest the way ahead in liking training to the Romanian policy on CSDP.
Respect for equal opportunities and control of migration are the basis for the development of any democratic society, the magnitude of these phenomena and their importance on the state balance determining an analysis consistent with the very identity of states and the European Union as a whole, especially as they can influence the values and cohesion of a state. The objective of the research is to present the challenges and vulnerabilities identified in relation to equal opportunities and migration from the perspective of education, their impact on the environment, but also the challenges that may arise in the current global context, caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. The article starts from the exposition of the importance of equal opportunities and migration in a complex security environment with rapid evolutions and significant implications on multiple levels of social, economic, political and security life, and the main conclusion is that at EU level joint efforts must be made to adopt and respect unitary measures to ensure respect for human rights, in order to ensure security.
We argue that the principles and practices specific to the performance management can be used as levers in the education system and in the professional training of military personnel, especially in the higher military education system. We will focus particularly on the most important aspects of performance management: planning and goal setting, monitoring, evaluation and feedback. Beyond the conceptual aspects, we will discuss the implications that these practices have on the teaching-learning process and we will highlight their value in the military academia by elaborating on how they can be applied in three problematic situations. Thus, this article provides teachers and instructors in the military education system with learning-oriented methods that will create a productive classroom environment and highlights the opportunities that students have and the benefits at the institutional level.
One of the aims of the education system is social and professional integration of young graduates. But in the ever-changing world, we live in today, choosing a career becomes a very difficult task. Today's students, subjected to the flow of information from a very young age, enter school with a great deal of knowledge about the world around them. The extracurricular activities in which they participate during the school years open their horizons of thought and many of them may be attracted to several areas, thus being in a very difficult position: what to choose, when I find that I am attracted to more things/professions and I think I can do them well? Therefore, career counseling becomes extremely important in the life of any young person. Counseling refers to a process in which a professional establishes a relationship – based on trust – with a person who needs support. During this process, the young student expresses his/hers ideas and feelings about a problem and receives support in clarifying their meanings, in identifying value patterns based on which solutions will be formulated. The counseling process involves guiding a young person to a profession for which he/she shows interests and skills. At the heart of this process one can find self-knowledge, vocational education, career education, exploration and career planning
Using the darkweb can be challenging for inexperienced users, as this network is often associated with illegal and dangerous activities. However, there are a number of artificial intelligence apps that can help users navigate the darkweb safely and find important information. These applications use advanced data analysis and natural language processing techniques to identify trusted websites and resources and assess the risks associated with their use. The use of the dark web for criminal purposes is associated with illegal activities such as drug sales, human trafficking, money laundering and others. Artificial intelligence applications can provide advanced tools and technologies to facilitate these activities, providing anonymity and security to users.