Medijsko opismenjavanje odraslih u funkciji cjeloživotnog učenja: loše strane vremenskih prognoza
In our era, the epoch of the mass media, the simplest and the most complex knowledge and expirience is being increasingly presented or jointly shaped by young journalists, junior editors or relatively young owners. The state of youth generally corresponds with more insufficiently articulated bright and classic, literary and timeless knowledge. Furthermore, the state of youth, which dominates the mass medisa scene in our environment, does not have enough field of experience as important guideline of good professionalism. In theory, good information is a result of three journalist's experience: the experience of a specific message (event), the earlier experience and previous level of education. Now, how to compesante the leak of one of those elements on everyday basis? I am going to analyse a very simple, generally known and very important example in the ''world of life'' - the matter of ''weather forecast'' or ''weather information''. It is becoming important yet even more sensational. For media credibility, even regarding this information, the classic and background knowledge is exceedingly important in addition to modern views ''through telescopes-satellites''.