Польсько-український діалог у жанрі «розмов»
The article is devoted to selected issues concerning the Polish-Ukrainian relations; focusing on the history of the origin and the analysis of the content of Ukrainian palimpsest. Oksana Zabuzhko in an interview with Iza Chruślińską (2013) and Pawel Smolenski’s She hasn’t died and will not die. Interview with Yuri Andrukhovych (2014). Both publications are considered as results of an intensive cultural cooperation between Poland and Ukraine; as well as valuable sources of refl ection on the nature and dynamics of the Polish-Ukrainian relations. Moreover; the author of the article discusses the specifi cs of the genre of extended interviews and highlighted reasons for its popularity; as well as presents its representations in Ukrainian culture. The author also presents refl ections of Polish; Ukrainian and Russian researchers on the defi nition of extended interviews and the determination of appropriate terms for this non-fi ction genre.