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The object of the article has to do with the elements of Silesia and Silesian people’s image which are evaluated positively or negatively in the skits of Kabaret Rak. This is a typical Silesian cabaret which supports the regional identity and the associated values. The perspective of a cabaret emphasises the means of building comedy, verbal and situational humour. The stereotype (including the self-stereotype) is an important category which determines to a great extent the common beliefs about Silesia and its inhabitants. A significant context has to do with the peculiar nature of the audience and the reception-related competence associated with the comprehension of the Silesian dialect.The elements of positive evaluation of Silesianness include inter alia the Silesian dialect, the mining industry and football. The category “us–them” presents a clearly negative image. The analysis also covered the problems which are perceived in two ways (the pursuit of autonomy) or ones which are perceived clearly negatively (the harm associated with the mining damage). All the elements of the Silesia and of Silesian people’s image belong to stereotypical symbols associated with the region and its inhabitants.
The article is a review of the volume Specyfika leksyki i słowotwórstwa języków słowiańskich na przełomie XX i XXI wieku (“Prace Slawistyczne – Slavica” series, vol. 136), ed. Zofia Rudnik-Karwatowa, Slawistyczny Ośrodek Wydawniczy, Warszawa 2012, 188 pp.
In this article the author focuses on the issue of hypothetical modalitya in Polish and Lithuanian. A list of the basic exponents of hypothetical modality in both languages is presented. However, the focus is mainly placed on the lexical exponents. On the basis of one of the six groups, which describes a high degree of probability (H5), the differences between the use of the lexical exponents in both languages are examined. In the study, multilingual corpora resources, including The Polish-Lithuanian parallel corpus Clarin-PL., are utilized.
Specialised dictionaries fulfil a plethora of linguistic and cognitive functions in specialised communication. In particular, such reference works help introduce, harmonise and standardise national terminologies, thus playing an indispensable role in disseminating high quality specialised knowledge. An even more important role may be attributed to bilingual and multilingual specialised dictionaries, whose primary goal is to facilitate the flow of scientific and technical information at an international level. This function has come to the fore in today’s multinational and interconnected professional world. In light of the developing and ever stronger cooperation between Poland and Ukraine, an attempt is being made to evaluate bilingual and multilingual terminographic works containing Polish and Ukrainian which have been published in Poland to date. The aim is to assess the positive developments and to identify the gaps in Polish-Ukrainian terminography. It is hoped that the findings presented in this paper will be applied by terminographers in order to compile terminological dictionaries of higher quality, which satisfy the needs of specific users and follow terminographic principles.
This article deals with the problems of semantic equivalence that authors of various types of dictionaries, including bilingual ones, are faced with. Words and phraseological units of common Polish and Ukrainian origin separately developed their systems of meanings in both languages, making it difficult to identify analogues that adequately reflect the semantic structure of linguistic units. In general, the author’s assumptions are based on experience of publishing Polish-Ukrainian and Ukrainian-Polish dictionaries of various types.
The review of four articles by István Lanstyák: - “Álom és valóság között” (Between Dream and Reality), Irodalmi Szemle, 6, 1993, pp. 6 9 -7 8 and 7, 1993, pp. 9 6 -1 0 5 .; - “Diglosszia és kettősnyelvűség” (Diglossia and Bidialectism), Kétnyelvűség, 1, 1993, pp. 5 -2 1 .; - “A magyar-magyar digloszszia néhány kérdéséről” (Some Issues of Hungarian-Hungarian Diglossia), Kétnyelvűség, 1, 1994, pp. 1 7 -2 8 .; - “Kétnyelvűség és a nemzeti nyelv” (Bilingualism and the National Language), Irodalmi Szemle, 2, 1994, pp. 63-75.
The analysis is concerned with optimization pattern applied in modeling answers ininstitutional communication. The pattern ensures that an affirmative answer to a closedquestion confirms a positive and optimistic scenario of events. The analyzed examplesof interviews coming from institutional discourse (medical and public services ones) showin what way optimization is realized and how it becomes not only a pattern modellingthe discourse but also an instrument of construing interpersonal relations. The pattern isparticularly striking in the context of the Polish culture, which prefers the script of complainingrather than affirmation.
The analysis focuses on selected constructions with names of Polish politicians in French. The author lists basic patterns with proper names in French and describes some constructions in greater detail, paying attention to those structures which enable the speaker and the addressee to express their emotional and/or ideological attitude to the referent of a proper name. Specific examples of such uses are discussed and possible interpretations and communicative intentions conveyed by such constructions are considered. anthroponyms,
The urban dialect of Poznań has been consciously and purposefully used in journalistic and artistic texts, i.e. in the media (in particular in the press and radio) and on stage, for decades. The trend for yet another functionalization of the regional lexis in the urban space, i.e. using it in various areas of life for persuasion, ludic and expressive purposes and for promotion of the city, has become clear in the recent years. The authors of this paper quote examples of regional lexis i.e. in proper names (of restaurants, shops, service points, education establishments, sports facilities, cultural events), in names of commercially available foods, in inscriptions on city promotional gadgets, in official texts of city institutions, etc. They also record manifestations of a spontaneous initiative taken by inhabitants of Poznań in the form of graffiti painted on walls. Such examples are evidence of vitality of the regional variant of the language in Poznań. Its use in the public domain reinforces the sense of local identity of inhabitants of Poznań.
The purpose of this paper was lexical and metaphorical analysis of tombstone inscriptions for dogs found on Polish-language websites in the study of the linguistic worldview (LWV) and showing the view of the dog, the attitude of the contemporary human being (a Pole) to the dog. The subject of this paper was taken up as part of the research project carried out by the Department of Slavic Studies of the University of Ostrava The view of the dog in the languages and culture of Slavic nations. The analysis showed that the dog is defined very positively here, as a family member, a friend, happiness, an angel, a sweetheart, a treasure, etc. The similarity between the choice of vocabulary on humans’ and dogs’ tombstone inscriptions is striking.
This paper describes the history as well as goals and objectives of Towarzystwo Kultury Języka (Society for Language Culture), a scientific association established by Prof. Witold Doroszewski in 1966. The author presents the main directions pursued by the Society, its organisational structure and selected achievements over fifty years of its activity.
The review of: Anita Lorenc, Wymowa normatywna polskich samogłosek nosowych i spółgłoski bocznej, Dom Wydawniczy „Elipsa”, Warszawa 2016, ss. 370
This paper is a linguistic attempt at outlining the area of the Polish phraseology of the ancient provenance. It presents the meanings, abundance and diversity of Anticisms, that is language units which are evidence of the influence of the ancient Greek and Roman culture on Polish. Apart from the idioms which are really ancient, that is language units whose bond with antiquity is real and sensed (e.g. pyrrusowe zwycięstwo (Pyrrhic victory) or puszka Pandory (Pandora’s box)), established formally and through cultural motivation, there is a significant group of commonly known petrified collocations which could be called ancient only genetically or (non-)ancient (e.g. marnować czas (to waste time) or o wilku mowa (to speak of the devil)). Therefore, the expression everyday (non-)ancient idioms covers the Anticisms which: (1) are commonly known and used at present, stylistically neutral, colloquial, less frequently formal, (2) have a neutral and universal motivation related to the observation of the reality, (3) have an identifiable ancient source, yet their bond with the source is not sensed by language users and the ancient textual and cultural context of the idioms is not usually necessary to understand their figurative meanings.
This sketch falls into the area of research on the language awareness of the past centuries and is a contribution to the history of prescriptivism. It is dedicated to borrowings and their evaluation in the period of the partitions, when language became the basic support for the national identification. The object of the analysis is a small book titled Barbaryzmy i dziwolągi językowe (Barbarisms and linguistic oddities). The aim of this study is to identify the evaluation criteria for borrowings which are manifest in metalinguistic comments. The analysis of the guide permitted the identification of 8 evaluation criteria of such language elements. These are the categories of nationality, adequacy, system, economy, usage, cultural as well as literary and writer authority, function, tradition. The criterion of aesthetics is revealed only in the stylistic layer and should be considered the same as nationality. The guide argues that, although in relation to foreign-language linguistic innovations the determinant was the prospect of national bondage, other indicators were equally, or at times more, important. It could be said that the criterion which is called nationality today had an ambiguous status even in the period of the partitions.
Syntetyczne, obejmujące niecałe 180 stron dzieło podzielone zostało na kilka wyraźnych części: Wstęp, Naukę o głosce (fonetykę i fonologię), Naukę o wyrazie (morfologię: słowotwórstwo i fl eksję, a także etymologię i semantykę) oraz Naukę o zdaniu (składnię). Każda z części dzieli się na paragrafy (łącznie jest ich 146) i zakończona jest krótką, składającą się z kilku pozycji bibliografi ą uzupełniającą. Zarówno zawartość, jak i sposób przedstawienia treści sugerują, że książka przeznaczona jest dla nieprofesjonalistów. Autor unika specjalistycznej terminologii i stosuje opisowe określenia, np. nauka o wyrazie, upodobnienie pod względem dźwięczności spółgłosek, które należą do dwu sąsiadujących wyrazów; niejednokrotnie zwraca też uwagę na poprawność językową. Książka ma charakter popularnonaukowy.