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One of the tasks of this text is to find out whether the verb chybovat is only imperfective, or biaspectual (imperfective and perfective), while it has never been determined as biaspectual. With the help of introspection, questionnaire and corpus investigation, the author concludes that this verb is ambivalent as to expressing perfectivity. It is just somewhere on the way between the verbs only imperfective and verbs biaspectual, being exposed to many factors determining its further direction. The units that are currently undergoing change should be given, according to the author, increased research attention, as this could lead to a deeper understanding of the principles of linguistic changes. A part of the text is also a reflection on the causes of difficulties in trying to include a particular unit in the corresponding language class.
In the frame of the formal-semantic level description of language system, appositonal subordinate clause is defined as a subordinate clause incorporated into the matrix-clause by the semantic-syntactic relationship of apposition. Appositional subordinate clause specifies the anticipatory expression in the matrix-clause and its reference is identical with this expression (the same denotatum is expressed twice). The appositional clause has the same sentence validity and the anticipatory expression, however, it belongs to a different level than the determinative subordinate clause. Appositional clauses are classified according to the connective introducing this clause (autosemantic, synsemantic). In case of autosemantic connective (pronoun or adverb) according to the denotatum common to the anticipatory expression and the connective (person, thing, place, time, manner).
The paper presents an overview of experimental research on the role of grammatical and lexical aspect on the construction of situation models. The first part of the paper is concerned with terminological issues. The second part discusses the advantages of experimental methods in aspectual research. The third part presents selected research in the field. It is shown that most studies actually use incorrect terminology and that the distinction between progressive and non-progressive (or perfect) is incorrectly labelled as the distinction between imperfective and perfective. The paper argues that this should not be a reason to discount these studies and that it would be fruitful to include Czech language in the experimental research of aspect, since the Czech aspectual system could potentially enhance our understanding of the construction of situation models in language comprehension as such.
The paper assumes the premise that the reflexive elements se, si that form the so-called proper reflexive verbs have the status of derivational morphemes. The aim of the paper is to describe the consequences of the adoption of the given premise for the interpretation of various types of reflexive verbs. It can be assumed that different groups of reflexive verbs represent derivational types which are distinctive and clearly defined to varying degrees. The more obviously the reflexive verb and the non-reflexive verb differ in terms of (a) semantic valency, (b) syntactic and semantic transitivity, the more distinctive the derivational function of the reflexive morpheme is. A distinctive, easy to define derivational type is represented by reflexive verbs(derived from transitive verbs) which are both syntactically and semantically intransitive(verbs of the type hnát se, rozbít se). A less distinctive derivational type comprises verbs which are syntactically intransitive but retain a certain degree of semantic transitivity (proper reflexive verbs formed with the morpheme se). The least distinctive derivational type is represented by verbs which are transitive in both the syntactic and semantic senses (some types of reflexive verbs formed with morpheme si).
In 1598, Daniel Adam of Veleslavín published the systemic dictionary entitled Nomenclator quadrilinguis Boemico-Latino-Graeco-Germanicus. This dictionary significantly influenced the works of younger lexicographers. However, one such work that drew from Veleslavínʼs quadrilingual dictionary the most, more precisely, it completely reproduced the Nomenclator’s content excluding the Latin and Greek entries, has remained somewhat forgotten. The work in question is Nejnovější ouplný česko-německý slovník (Neuestes vollständig böhmisch-deutsches Wörterbuch; Prag 1807 and 1808), whose author is Karel Ignác Thám. In this paper, we compare the macro- and microstructures of the two dictionaries.
Review of Plecháč, Petr – Kolár, Robert (2017): Kapitoly z korpusové versologie. Praha: Akropolis
Review of Faltýnek, Dan (2017): Co je nového v lingvistice. Praha: Nová beseda
The article deals with the Middle Czech unclear noun kloryt recorded in the inventory of Lords of Rosenberg (Rožmberk). According to musicologists, it denotes a musical instrument. The author identifies it as an appellation of the Renaissance and early Baroque wind instrument clareta, first mentioned in a German musicological treatise by Sebastian Virdung (1511), later called clarina. The author reconstructs the development of its original form klarét(a) > klorét > klorýt.
Review of Šimandl, Josef (ed.) (2016): Slovník afixů užívaných v češtině. Praha: Karolinum, 652 p.