O relacji mistrz – uczeń w kształceniu historycznojęzykowym
The article is a reflection on historical-linguistic education in didactics of Polish language in Poland. On the one hand the author was inspired to take up this theme by headword of Congress of Historical Linguists, ie. „Historical Linguistics – Protecting the Future, Respecting the Past” (Katowice, 13–15 April 2016). On the other hand an inspiration of this elaboration was a book „Signs of memory” edited by Maciej Grochowski and Zofia Zaron dedicated to the great Polish linguists of the second half of the twentieth century. The author shares her insights on historical-linguistic education at the academic level, noting the need to strengthen master – student relationship. In addition she discusses the method of tutoring which is based on individual cooperation between master (tutor) and his/her student. Moreover she indicates a few possibilities of using this method in historical-linguistic education with students.