Nazwy potraw w południowo-wschodniej Małopolsce jako przejaw kontaktów językowych (bandurzak, lewasz, proziak)
The subject of the presentation concerns three names of dishes, i.e. bandurzak ‘potato pie’, lewasz ‘a kind of potato soup’ and proziak ‘soda bread made from flour and water with some baking soda, baked on an iron sheet’, which occur in the regional lexis of the south east of the Małopolska Region, the part of Poland where a variety of linguistic, cultural and ethnic influences have been observed. The analysis of those names points at the difficulties an etymologist or a dialectal lexicographer have to face in order to show the route of the wordfrom the source language to the target language. It also clearly shows how intertwined the influences of Polish, German, Slovakian, Ukrainian and Hungarian languages are in the south east of Poland.