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Review of: M. Hrdlička. Předložky ve výuce češtiny jako cizího jazyka. [Acta Universitatis Carolinae. Philologica. Monographia CXXXV]. Nakladatelstvi Karolinum, 2000, 142 str.
Review of: M. Košková: Z bulharsko-slovenskej frazeológie. Bratislava, 1998, 195 s.
The article examines the representation of the intensity of envy in the Polish, Russian and Ukrainian languages in the linguoaxiological aspect. In the description of the intensity of emotion, a quantitative and qualitative assessments can be distinguished. The scale of the intensity of envy, reflected in the compared languages, is quite wide — from low to very high manifestation of feeling. However, a very strong feeling of envy is more often objectified. The comparative analysis showed a predominant similarity in the representation of the assessment of the intensity of envy in the Polish, Russian and Ukrainian languages. Although it is possible to highlight some of the features inherent in any one language. For example, the description of a strong manifestation of envy through the image of a liquid substance is especially characteristic of the Russian language.
The aim of this article is to present a selected lexis of Russian and Polish languages, and its increasing frequency in con- temporary texts. The author of the study pays attention to the various relations between language and reality: language as a reflection of reality, language as a tool for its interpretation and creation. The paper discusses such pairs of words as вызов/wyzwanie, гуманитарный/humanitarny, гибридный/hybrydowy, the word абьюз, derived words with the com- ponent кибер and their Polish equivalents, as well as collocations with these words.
This article deals with the problem of finding Polish equivalents in the translation of Russian-language special chess lit- erature. The focus of the article is on the general characteristics of chess literature in the form of the use, along with chess terminology, of informal and slang definitions, general sports and military phraseology and elements of an artificial semiotic system in the form of chess notation, symbols and diagrams. The variability and synonymy in the field of chess vocabulary, the problem of equivalence at the level of phrasemes and the question of the translator’s subject knowledge are also analyzed. The text corpora containing 37 issues of the„64 — Shakhmatnoe obozrenie”and 14 chess books, as well as examples drawn from translations of chess literature and Polish media, is used as the source material.
The article focuses on the difficulties with finding Polish-Russian translation equivalents for personal income tax termi- nology. The method of their fixation in specialized translation dictionaries is verified. In case of detecting the absence of an equivalent or its inadequacy, potential translation solutions are proposed based on parallel texts. The Polish- and Rus- sian-language forms of annual personal income tax returns and the main regulatory legal acts that codify the terms used in the returns have been used as parallel texts. Based on the analysis, errors in translation dictionaries were identified, and recommendations for determining translation correspondences were formulated.
The article is devoted to the analysis of errors that appeared in the translation of the Polish Labour Code into Russian, published by Wolters Kluwer in 2019. The translation of selected legal provisions from the printed version was compared with their translation, published in the LEX Legal Information System. Particular attention is paid to errors resulting from insufficient knowledge of how normative acts should be translated and a lack of knowledge of the law. It is emphasized that the principle of consistent use of a particular term within the entire legal text is important. Also, terms from different legal systems should not be used. According to the results of the analysis, it can be concluded that the electronic version of the translation is of higher quality than the printed one.
The research will focus on Polish cookery books and their Russian translations. A particular focus will be placed on trans- lation series сookery book by Maria Lemnis and Henryk Vitry Książka kucharka dla samotnych i zakochanych. Translation specificity of both texts is reflected not only in ways of finding appropriate equivalents for cuisine-related terminology but also, among others, in communication tactics adopted by translators. This will allow to show specificity of this genre, its varieties and modifications in the context of social transformations, behaviours as well as author-reader relationship.
This article is devoted to the problems of translating science fiction literature. As a material for analysis, a novel by well- known Polish fantasy writer Jacek Dukaj — Perfect Imperfection, was used. The author’s attention focused primarily on the problem of translating terms and pseudo-terms, as well as neologisms. As the analysis of the material in the Russian translation has shown, the translation decisions generally coincide with the author’s intention of the original.
This article is devoted to the functional and semantic description of the Russian and Polish terminology of theolinguistics. Russian and Polish lexicographic sources were used to analyze the interpretation of words that a priori can perform the function of theolinguistic terms; the features of their functioning in Russian- and Polish-language theolinguistic texts were studied; the selection and seminal analysis of Russian and Polish terms included in the conceptual and terminologi- cal field “theolinguistics” was carried out.
The text presents the issue of evaluating and updating ethnic stereotypes about Russia and Russians (ruski, ruscy, ruskie) implemented in internet communication using folksonomy (social categorization of content). The research area is the Polish website wykop.pl, the materials of which have been used for the contextual analysis of contemporary implementa- tions of linguistic ethnic stereotypes manifested by objects such as tags. The operator #rosja (#russia), together with the excerpted tags, creates collocations, opening the way to renegotiating the image of stereotypes Russia and the Russian. The last part of the article presents linguistic implementations of ethnic stereotypes Russia and the Russian in tags used for discrediting and polarization in public unofficial social discourse.
Expressions of epistemic stance in academic discourse reflect not only the authors’ com- mitment to the truth of what is being said, but also their awareness of other members of the discourse community, the current thinking within the discipline, and the established patterns of interaction. Stance-taking is strongly embedded in culture and language, as demonstrated in numerous studies that focus on L2 academic English (e.g. Hinkel 2002; Dontcheva-Navratilova 2018; Wu and Paltridge 2021) and, less often, academic communication in various linguistic contexts (e.g. Perez-Llantada 2010). This paper pur- sues this latter line of inquiry and proposes a contrastive analysis of epistemic markers in conclusions to English- and Polish-language linguistics articles in an attempt to iden- tify their epistemic profiles. Epistemic profile refers here to a combination of two fea- tures: the epistemic modal value (Halliday 1985/1994) which is marked more frequently than others across a text or text fragment, and the concurrence of modality markers with specific rhetorical moves (Swales 1990; Yang and Allison 2003). Thus, it provides information about the value of modalization and the type of content that tends to be modalized. The analysis was based on a two-part corpus of conclusions to 400 linguistics articles, with 200 English-language articles drawn from international databases and 200 Polish-language articles published in recognized national journals. In the first stage, the frequencies of epistemic markers in the two sub-corpora were calculated (Scott 2008) and a statistical analysis was applied to determine whether the differences were signifi- cant. In the second stage, 50 concluding sections from each sub-corpus were manually annotated for rhetorical moves to determine whether epistemic markers tended to occur within specific moves. The findings show statistically significant differences in the fre- quencies of high- and low-value epistemic markers in the sub-corpora and a tendency for epistemic markers to occur within moves that offer interpretive content.
The paper presents an analysis of two types of syntactic constructions: constructions with a quantized verb like zaklepat 'knock' and a quantifier like dvakrát 'twice' on the one hand and constructions with reciprocals like navštívit se (vzájemně) 'visit each other' and a quantifier like dvakrát 'twice.' Both of these syntactic construction types display a similar ambiguity: for instance, dvakrát zaklepat 'to knock twice' means either 'to make two knocks' or 'to make two series of knocks' while dvakrát se vzájemně navštívit means either 'to make two visits' or 'to make four visits (two and two),' with the former senses being instances of "internal" quantification (what is quantified is part of the meaning of the quantized verb and the reciprocal, but it cannot be directly expressed with it). Through this analysis a group of conditions has been identified which arguably have to be met so that the ambiguity could arise: 1. The denotation of the predicate can be divided into separate actions. If reciprocals like navštívit se (vzájemně) 'to visit (each other)' are considered autonomous verbs (i.e. not syntactic constructions), then it is the case that: 2. The separate actions can be expressed with a verb which is a base for the respective quantized verb or the reciprocal verb in a derivational sense; 3. The verb is syntactically intransitive. A general condition for the observed ambiguity is an interaction of two quantifiers. It can be assumed that when an "external" quantification is opted for, i.e., sets of events are counted, the quantification carried out by the quantized verb or by the reciprocal usually happens before the quantification related to a quantifier like dvakrát 'twice.'
From the New Book of Proverbs and Proverbial Polish Expressions edited by Julian Krzyżanowski, proverbs and proverbial expressions containing the word “time” and other various temporal terms were collected. The aim of the article was to describe paremiological works of folk culture, taking into account the semantic (what image of time – maybe other temporal concepts), functional (purposes for which they were used in everyday life, what clues gave what were proverbs based on a temporal noun) and structural (temporal paremies, like all such constructions, have a specific ossified structure, fixed syntactic schemes) aspects. In addition to proverbs based on the lexeme of time, time measures (names of time segments, seasons, names of months and days), calendar proverbs and other temporal terms are described. Among the words of the thematic field of time there are about 150 lexemes - names of time – names of time periods, incl. general names, names of seasons, months, days of the week. The beliefs constituted and communicated in the texts of folk culture refer, inter alia, to man's idea of time as being omnipotent against which man is powerless; something powerful that a human being cannot resist. Time is endowed with the attributes of the supreme being. Proverbs show the inevitability of the passage of time and the accompanying aging processes of all living creatures. The construction of proverbs makes them easier to remember, e.g. by building rhymes. Paremias can take the form of comparisons, antitheses, metaphors or allegories conveying some general thought, a reference to specific situations or life experience of a person.
The subject of research in this article are temporal names associated with relative time, occurring in the Kujawy dialects. The research material comes from the Dictionary of dialect and culture of Kujawy and its extensive – numbering several thousand dictionary entries – file. The purpose of the analysis is to describe their motivations and meanings. A review of the names shows that native terms dominate, and that time by the Kujawiaks was not understood as a physical quantity regulated by clock hands. People living according to the rhythm of the seasons, days, liturgical calendar, used temporal names resulting from the observation of repetitive natural phenomena and related to church holidays and annual customs important for their community.