A. Janowska. Funkcje przestrzenne przedrostków czasownikowych w polszczyźnie
Review of: A. Janowska. Funkcje przestrzenne przedrostków czasownikowych w polszczyźnie. Katowice. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Slaskiego, 1999, 134 стр.
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Review of: A. Janowska. Funkcje przestrzenne przedrostków czasownikowych w polszczyźnie. Katowice. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Slaskiego, 1999, 134 стр.
Review of: Nová slova v češtině. Slovník neologizmů (Koi. pod ved. O. Martincové), Academia, Praha, 1998, 356 стр.
That is, about phraseologisms with a "language" component that mean obtaining information (based on the Corpus of Parliamentary Discourse from 1918–2021) In the article, I analyzed 3 Polish phraseologisms – someone grabbed / captured / gained the language // caught / grabbed / got the language (ktoś złapał / schwytał / zdobył języka // złapać / schwytać / zdobyć języka); someone inquires / inquires for language // inquires / inquires for language (ktoś zasięga / zasięgnął języka // zasięgać / zasięgnąć języka); someone pulls / pulls someone’s language // pulls / pulls someone’s language (ktoś ciągnie / pociągnął za język kogoś // ciągnąć / pociągnąć kogoś za język) – functioning in the Polish parliamentary discourse. The material comes from the Corpus of parliamentary discourse (CPD) developed at the IPI PAN, containing nearly 700 million segments. I compared CPD data – in the semantic and frequency plan – with the general Polish language (based on corpuses: NKJP, Monco.pl and „Odkrywka”). It turned out that in the case of the analyzed phraseologies, as components of the secondary nomination system, the Polish parliamentary discourse does not perform a specific semantic and turnout ‘distortion’. The analyzed phraseologisms function in CPD just like in general Polish, which is a peculiar difference compared to the research on lexemes and lexical constructions in CPD.
The noun piec (furnance) in Polish phraseology The basic purpose of the article is to provide a general reflection about the decline of certain expressions. The field of observation constitutes both the lexical combinations featuring the component piec which are used in the modern language as well as obsolete ones. The analytical material was not selected in a random manner – piec is deeply rooted not only in the Polish but also in the all-Slavic culture as well. As a matter of fact, this implement revolutionised man’s direct environment, becoming a permanent fixture of human abodes. It turns out that the history of the Polish language attests the fact that in the past there were many more constructions which featured the name of an implement which served the purpose of heating the rooms in a building and that of cooking. What type of phrases have been retained by our language and which became obsolete? What factors determined the elimination of those phrases from the language – these are the fundamental questions which I will attempt to answer in the present article.
A contribution to the history of modifiers of time. The 24-hour span of time in the description of 16th-century memoirists The present article is devoted to the selected determiners of time in the early Polish language. The author studies the indication of time within a 24-hour span of time, documented in 16th-century memoirs. In the analysis one may distinguish two groups of temporal constructions. The first one is associated with the ways in which a point of time is indicated (przed godziną wtórą a dwudziestą; raniuczko, skoro ze dniem; trzy godziny po miesiącu); another one is associated with the indication of the duration of an action/state (np. pół ćwierci godziny). In the evolution of the perception of the world it is above all the changes imposed by the development of science and technology that are relevant – in this case the means of measuring time and space. A prominent feature of 16th-century texts is associated with the diversity of description associated with the class of the anteriorly prevailing perception of time with the new systems of keeping time. One is struck not only by the diversity but also the richness of the ways of expressing temporal relations, which enable a subtle modelling of description.
"Vanity" in the Ecclesiastes according to Marcin Bielski against the background of selected 16th‑century biblical translations The article concerns a selected aspect of the translation of the Book of Ecclesiastes by Marcin Bielski and included in the Kronika wszytkiego świata (1554) and the Kronika, to jest historyja świata (1564). The meanings were compared with the ways of speaking about vanity in other 16th-century translations of the Book of Ecclesiastes (Hieronim z Wielunia, Biblia Leopolity, Biblia brzeska, Biblia nieświeska, Biblia Jakuba Wujka) and the Vulgate. The conducted analysis showed the lack of a confessional justification for the choice of the lexeme vanity in Bielski’s translation.
Oddawam się w respekt łaski WXMci Dobrodzieja… [I surrender myself to the respect of the Most Graceful Sir Benefactor’s grace]. On one of the acts of language politeness in the 18th-century Polish epistolography In the paper, a selected act of language politeness observed in the 18th-century Polish epistolography is described. The essence of this act was that the sender surrendered himself to the grace or some other characteristic of the addressee, such as protection, friendship, love, respect, or memory. To express this intention, a conventionalised formulae was used, such as oddawam się w respekt łaski, sam się zwykłej […] rekomenduję łasce, oddaję mnie […] statecznej przyjaźni, afektom się […] polecając. (I surrender myself to the respect of your grace, recommend myself to the common […] grace, I surrender myself […] to the stable friendship, recommend myself to affection […]). This formula was used when closing a letter, among many other petrified and markedly final structures, such as e.g. the formula of respect, the formula of service offers, or the actual closing of the text, the subscription formula. The linguistic shape of the formula of surrendering oneself to the other’s grace (protection, friendship, love, respect, memory) was characterised by the lexical and grammatical variability of all elements of its structure, where the number and type of the components were conditioned by pragmatic considerations (degree of expressed politeness) and social factors (status of the addressee).
The Polish language in the French letters of Queen Marysieńka – function and genre analysis The article presents a function and genre analysis of the use of Polish words (transcoded markers) in the French letters of Queen Marysieńka Sobieska to her husbands: Jan Sobiepan Zamoyski and King Jan III Sobieski. The functional characterization distinguishes an emotive function (based on the strategy of including emotionally and stylistically charged elements in L2 = the second language), e.g. świnia (pig), a referential function (based on the strategy of including names of realities belonging to the space of L2), e.g. pospolite ruszenie (mass levy), and a deictic function (based on the inclusion of proper names functioning primarily in L2), e.g. Jaworów. In reference to the genre analysis, the role of personal and factual factors, which imply the use of L2 in the letters of bilingual people, is observed, as well as the place of elements from L2 in the structure of letters. It is concluded that the presence of elements in L2 does not affect the cohesion of the letters, but broadens their potential and proves the author’s full competence in both languages.
Expressive qualifiers and the identification of emotionally marked vocabulary in the lexicographic sources The article compiles and compares the signaling or qualifying expressive vocabulary methods in 13 early and contemporary lexicographic sources. The author refers to the findings of researchers to date, including on the history and scope of use of qualifiers, in particular expressive qualifiers (e.g. piesz., lekcew., pog., wulg., żart.), and other ways of signaling by lexicographers of expressive marking of words, e.g. in the form of terms used in the definition (e.g. „expressively about...”, „with pity about...”, „offensive word”). Based on the collected material, she formulates conclusions about the possibilities and difficulties in the excerption of expressively characterized vocabulary from the lexicographic sources in a diachronic approach. It justifies that in studies of expressive lexis, it is necessary to observe colloquialisms as well as diminutive and bold words. He also draws attention to the possibility of using electronic dictionaries in quantitative and qualitative research on expressively characterized words.
The oldest construction vocabulary in the Polish language (outline of the issue) The article presents an outline of the research problems of construction vocabulary contained in the Old Polish Dictionary, collecting words until the year 1500. Preliminary analyzes have shown that the oldest layer of vocabulary in this field relates to wooden construction, widespread in Poland from the earliest times. The text presents a proposed classification of the material and discusses several thematic groups: names of buildings, tools, materials, construction activities. Then, the prospects for further research were outlined: the need for a complete thematic classification of the construction vocabulary used in the Old Polish era was indicated, as well as to determine its origin, including words related to building common to all Slavic languages and dialectal names used only in certain Slavic areas, and for both groups to determine which words were taken from the Proto-Slavic or even Proto-Indo-European era, and which and when were borrowed from foreign languages. The next stage of research would include words newly created in Polish from native forms and words borrowed into Polish in the Middle Ages. On the basis of the collected material, it was initially indicated that Old Polish borrowings in construction vocabulary come less frequently from Czech and Latin, and the greatest number from German.
The history of the soup’s name warmuszka The subject of the article is the name of an old dish made of water and bread, registered in the Silesian dialects as warmuszka. The purpose of the article is to discuss the etymology of the name and to show how the name functioned in comparison with other terms for bread soup in the old general Polish lanquage and the dialects. Material research revealed that the most likely source of the name warmuszka is Middle Upper German form warmuos adopted through the Czech language in various forms (farmuszka, framuszka, faramuszka, warmuz) and adapted to the Polish language, eventually.
A word goes around the world. Considerations on the internationalism lordosis and its Indo-European origin Like many other internationalisms, the Polish medical term lordoza (cf. English lordosis, German Lordose, Czech lordóza etc.) ‘anterior curvature of the spine, producing convexity in front (occurring as a physical deformity)’ stems from Ancient Greek. The various national languages took over not only the form, but also the original meaning of the Greek noun λόρδωσις; the latter is based on the verb λορδόω ‘to bend backwards’, which, in turn, derives from the adjective λορδός ‘bent backwards’. Morphological analysis makes it evident that Gk. λορδός (which reflects the apophonic variant *lord-) is etymologically related to the Indo-European verbal root *lerd-, which is confirmed by certain Indo-Aryan verbal formations (e.g. Sanskrit lardayati ‘s/he loads’). It is suggested on the basis of assorted lexical data that the Indo-European root *lerd- apparently meant ‘to carry a burden’ > ‘to bend backwards due to a heavy burden’ > ‘to contort, deform’. The reconstruction of the original meaning of the verbal root *lerd- allows us to assume the original sense for λορδός ‘bent backwards under the influence of the weight carried’. Thus, the word under discussion, λόρδωσις, originally denoted the ‘physiological bending of the spine caused by carrying a heavy load’.
The influence of computer-internet reality on the spelling norms of contemporary Polish The paper – in accordance with the title – concerns the influence of information technology on the orthographic system of the Polish language. The use of computers and the Internet not only resulted in the appearance of new words in Polish, but also contributed to the decision on how to write specific computerisms (allowing their polonized version), and even to the formulation of spelling rules that standardize the spelling of certain word series, such as the names of computer fonts, programming languages, programs and operating systems, or the names of Internet portals. However, not all issues concerning the writing of newly appearing in Polish language computerisms have already been considered by linguists. The normative solution requires, among other things, spelling of derivatives created on the basis of nouns ending in silent e, which have been adopted from English. This is why the author discusses the existing spelling habits of the users of contemporary Polish language and signals the facts which should be taken into account when formulating an appropriate orthographic rule.
The present article entitled Literary and Paraliterary Dialect Texts from the Czech-Polish Border Region is devoted to authorial texts stylized in a dialect. It concerns the Silesian dialect in the Těšín region, on both sides of the state border (i.e. in the Czech Republic and Poland). The research material comes from shorter literary texts (prose) published in the regional press or in book forms. The authors (of these texts) are two women who are amateurs in literary production. One comes from the Czech part of Těšín, the other from its Polish part. The focus of the article is on the modifications of the dialect at the level of lexemes and phrases (phraseologisms), but also on morphological and phonetic phenomena, and consequently on the “orthography“ of the dialect texts. The analysis shows that although both authors write in the same dialect, each of them does it a little differently. The influence of the standard language – Polish or Czech – is evident in their texts. On the other hand, it should be emphasised that writing in a dialect still has its sense: dialect is an attractive linguistic code, rich in expressive devices, and readers find pleasure in being able to identify with this specific regional language, which they themselves use to a large extent.
Review of: Jakub Bobrowski, „Staropolszczyzna” filmowa. Osobliwości językowe jako wyznaczniki stylizacji historycznej w dziełach audiowizualnych, Kraków: Instytut Języka Polskiego PAN, 2020, ss. 263.
Review of: Olga Kielak, Zwierzęta domowe w języku i kulturze. Studium etnolingwistyczne, Lublin: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej, 2020, ss. 316.
The main research objective of this article is to reconstruct reflections on Polish language issues in Jerzy Pilch’s columns (1952–2020). Among other things, the author poses questions concerning the evaluation of the state of contemporary Polish contained in these texts and the existing – according to Pilch – relations between language and the social context. The textological analysis and interpretation of the selected columns is made with the help of some concepts of the eminent humanist Mikhail Bakhtin (1895–1975), such as polyphonicity, dialogue, speech genre… The analysis demonstrates the importance of the theme of language in Jerzy Pilch’s column writing. His reflections range from the general contemporary Polish language to individual words, their history, semantics and connotations. The meta-linguistic motifs of the columns concern not only private speech, everyday conversations, but also dialogue in the public, political sphere. Pilch’s assessment of contemporary Polish is generally negative. Descriptions of linguistic usus dominated by Internet slang and unnecessary English neologisms prevail. However, language, Pilch believes, is a ‘self-cleaning’ mechanism.
Aim. Phonetic deficits are one of the core language-cognitive symptoms at cognitive level aetiology of dyslexia in variety languages and orthographies. The presented study examines possibilities of diagnosis of phonological deficits in the Slovak language (similar to Czech and Polish grapheme-phoneme rules) in students at upper secondary schools. The comparison of 237 non-dyslectics and 149 dyslectics in upper secondary schools brings new stimulus for diagnostic procedures at counselling centres. Methods. Four phonemic awareness tests for upper secondary school students (aged 15-20 years) were developed. The testing tasks included tasks on phoneme analysis/segmenting in words and non-words (10), phoneme synthesis/blending in words and non-words (10), phoneme transposition in words and non-words (8), and phoneme elision in non-words (8). Results. Dyslectics achieved a lower average score in phonemic awareness tests than non-dyslectics. First and second year students (aged 15-17 years) achieved similar average scores, but third and fourth year students (aged 17-20 years) achieved lower results. The t-statistic for the phonological analysis tests was 2.827 with df 56.259 and a p-value of 0.007, indicating a significant difference between the groups under study. The t-statistic for the phonological synthesis tests was -2.568 with df 284 and a p-value of 0.011, also indicating a significant difference between the groups. The t-statistics for the phonological transposition and elision tests indicate that there is no significant difference between the dyslexic and non-dyslexic group. Conclusion. The study brought several inspirations for the tasks and tests that can be used in the diagnosis and re-diagnosis of dyslexia, specifically for adolescents.
The article presents the results of a comparative analysis of the linguistic landscape of two towns located on the Polish-Czech border: Kudowa Zdrój and Náchod. Their location makes it possible to attempt a comparative observation of how two levels of the linguistic landscape are created: top-down and bottom-up. It also gives the opportunity to analyze the behavior of the residents themselves and their attitude towards the neighbor’s language. The article also highlights which communication strategy is more attractive for both nations – whether communication is heading towards general globalization nowadays, and the dominant language is becoming lingua franca – English, or whether borderline influences the development of receptive multilingualism (lingua receptiva).