Bogdana Suchodolskiego koncepcja uspołecznienia kultury a marksizm
This paper presents Bogdan Suchodolski’s (1903–1992) general programme of socialization of the culture and pedagogical programme of creation „the new man”. The main question is: is this conception a marxist’s „programme maximum”? And, if not, what’s the marxist’s „programme maximum” in the subject of culture (in the wider meaning), and what’s the main goal of the marxist’s pedagogics? Is it a programme of humanization of the work, or a programme of egalitarian „kingdom of freedom”, where everybody are an artists? What’s the role of pedagogics in preapering to future „kingdom of freedom”? Could be Suchodolski’s pedagogics usefull in this area? Although Suchodolski’s vision of culture based on optimistic presumptions according possibility of the future humanization of the work, one of the most important goal of his pedagogical programme is preapering to creativity activity during free time and popularization of non-instrumental style of life (also, non-instrumental attitude to the knowledge). The author tries to reconstruct of evolution of Suchodolski’s conception of the future, and suggests, that late Suchodolski modifies his old views on the possibility of radical dezalienation of the work.