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Speaking about the phenomenon of abstract art, we often credit the merits of the first "founder" or "pioneer" in this genre to Vasily Kandinsky. Being one of the earliest artists who used the term "abstract" in the period of development of fine arts, Kandinsky is an artist - theoretician who recreated the Renaissance idea of feeling, the vital, the terrestrial and self-knowledge in his works - distinctive and innovative for the period. Noting the foundations of perception of the abstract and spatial structures, Kandinsky wrote the book "On the Spiritual in Art. Point and line to plane" It will not be a mistake to say that he was the first "pure" artist, who had entirely focused his work on cleansing and simplifying images to the plane, depriving himself of the image due to his belief that excessive specificity prevented his paintings and self-expression. In his theories, Kandinsky offered to the general public a summary of the way in which the work of art is created and put it in the frame of visual composition consisting of two basic elements - the inner - emotional and the outer - accessible element.
In the time we live in, music is a cult. The musical style brings with it not only the worldview, but also the whole lifestyle of its listeners. Very often walking on the streets we can see girls with Rihanna's hair or boys dressed as Justin Bieber. But this is by no means a novelty or a fashion - the music that is listened to reflects on the appearance. The Beatles and the Rolling Stones, considered to be one of the symbols of the 60's and recognized as the most innovative and popular performers in the history of pop music, are considered to be one of the first major music waves to flood in and create their own style. As a period, the time in which the two bands quickly gained popularity coincided with the mass distribution of television. The performers quickly imposed their own lifestyle, behavior and dress, supporting the idea of avant-garde music of their time
Regarding the scientific aspect of the anatomical drawing, when it does not correspond to the actual authenticity (anatomical truth), the author considers that such an illustration in itself has no didactic value. In this case, the creative (artistic) aspect is not essential. Even if the drawing has high artistic qualities, they are not able to compensate for the lack of scientific fact. To the extent that a wrong word in the text may confuse readers with insufficient experience and knowledge in plastic or medical anatomy, undoubtedly the same (even to a greater degree) applies to the wrong anatomical drawing.
The article shows examples of paintings by Botticelli, Frans Hals and Delacroix, representatives of different eras and styles in the fine arts, in which the authors have made similar inconsistencies. Regardless of the reasons that led to these discrepancies in the spatial positioning of the longitudinal axes of the eyes, this in no way affects the aesthetic appearance, nor does it take away from the beauty of the works of the three world-famous artists.We cannot be sure of the reasons why the artist makes mistakes of this nature - and not once, but we must admit that in other cases he follows the rules of anatomically correct construction of the head.However, it turns out from art history that there are other examples of world-famous artists who make positional-spatial errors of the same nature in their works.
Defended PhD theses in Bulgaria in the field of linguistics, literature, history, folklore, ethnography and art studies
The focus of the study is to track the extent to which video games allow religious organizations to spread their ideas, views and beliefs among young people and believers in general, as well as the extent to which games influence the formation of certain stereotypes in the player. Of particular interest to the researcher are the websites of the officially registered religions in Bulgaria and their preaching and educational activities
Regional headlines: EU vs. Lukashenka; Navalny to return to Russia; historical buildings in Samarkand; makeover for Melania Trump statue; Bosnian Serb war criminal dies of coronavirus.
The main name and the set of the headings of Masha and the Bear animated film, as elements of the paratext, play an essential role in determining the characteristic properties of a product. They point to the national and cultural factors conditioning the animated film which manifest themselves on various (audio and video) levels of information transfer. The set of the headings is characterised by a high level of saturation with national and cultural elements such as sayings, phrases, quotations from classic literary works as well as from folklore, quotations from the songs which the Russian audience is familiar with, allusions to films and other television broadcasts. The translation of such names is more difficult and poses a real challenge for the translator. Three types of translation have been observed: literal translation, free translation and substitution. At the same time, it was neutralisation that was the leading strategy of translating headlines containing national and cultural elements. One of the justifications for the approach selected may be the type of the audience – children who – because of their insufficient cognitive experience – will not be able to decipher the coded connotations.
This article aims to provide information for successful presentation. It is based on the results of a study conducted and published for the Yearbook 2018 of the Department of Mass Communications, NBU. As a result of the data collected, it turned out that some students indicated the need for guidelines for successful presentation.
The study examines the newspaper company „Radikal“, which is founded in 1914 and declares bankruptcy in 1939 in the wake of WWII and the major transitions in Bulgaria during that time. The company’s final end comes in 1953. There are no studies in the journalistic literature that examine „Radikal“ in detail, so this study aims to fill this gap by tracing and evaluating the company’s activities. The study uses a chronological approach and content analysis and is based on archival sources that have not been previously used in the scientific literature, as well as on newspaper sources and other references from the journalistic and historic literature. The study concludes that „Radikal“ presents a good example of a successful party-associated newspaper publishingcompany, which is why it left a significant mark on the newspaper industry in the history of the Bulgarian Kingdom.
The current text introduces the idea of communicating through images. The tool is increasingly visible in companies' communication strategies. The prerequisites that lead to the development of this type of communication are discussed, focusing on one of the most used social media – Instagram. A parallel is drawn between the nature of the platform and the ability to find an intersection between visual content and storytelling. At the end of the text, two of the most successful examples from the corporate world are presented and their approach of engaging Instagram followers with the help of experiences in order to convert them into customers while demonstrating the company's philosophy and values.
Hate speech can be used as an instrument preferred to exert political influence upon voters during election campaigns. This article provides two examples to support this assumption – the first one is related to a Kirk and Martin’s study on the way main presidential candidates in the USA ran their campaigns in 2016, while the other assumption is related to the current debate in Bulgaria on the National Child Strategy 2019-2030. The present article focuses upon possibilities to reduce the phenomenon’s influence as well as upon some of the challenges researchers and policy makers face in their attempts to limit it.
The Internet gives people the illusion of freedom because connects quickly people all over the world. Connection speed and communication possibilities are real. But are we really free online? What other limitations there are besides marketing traps? Haw to be sure what is information and what is disinformation?
This article has been inspired by the popular discussions whether the Bulgarian National Television deserves to be named „public“ and how it will survive the new reality, with new types of media capturing the audience. The article aims to identify the steps that should be made in order to win the younger audience’s full trust. A survey of public television practices in EU Member States has been made and the best ones are outlined. Recommendations and next steps are proposed.
We briefly describe Wikidata, its importance for GLAM institutions, iconographic authorities in Mix-n-Match. Then we propose an Icon Knowledge Graph Model comprising the entities: iconographer, iconographic school, herminia, icon, measurements, material, technique, iconographic subject (saint or a title of the Virgin Mary), location (city, monastery, church, museum), scientific article, academic journal, issue, links to LOD datasets (e.g. VIAF, Getty AAT, ISBN, ISSN, academia.edu). Then we introduce the Virtual Encyclopedia of Bulgarian Icons (BIDL) and describe how we ex-ported it to Wikidata, while coreferencing to iconographers, saints, locations; and the extra info we added for such entities. Finally, we describe a conversion to the Europeana Data Model, including details such as links to Wikidata, bilingual descriptions, language tags, providers. The online version of the paper includes live links; the accompanying presentation includes more images and queries.