Od „miernoty” do arcydzieła. Interpretacja a redefiniowanie sztuki
The working thesis of this paper posits — which seems to be easily recognized by conceptual art, while remaining completely unrecognized by workshop art — that the status of the artistic merit and cultural determinacy of a work of art itself (within the traditional model of art) are never determined only by the properties of the object connected with its formal structure, but are to a great extent determined by discursive procedures and the act of interpretation. In other words, art should not be understood as that which can define its own artistic merit. It is, indeed, predominantly an effect of discursive qualifications, established by the current conditions and interpretative strategies, always situational, historical, cultural. In this context, the author, through the analysis of selected examples, considers the issue of discursive redefinition of art with regard to the act of interpretation, which not only concretizes the temporary meanings, senses or artistic properties assigned to a work of art, but also constitutes its cultural and historical identity.