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Międzynarodowe public relations należy traktować jako dziedzinę powstałą w konsekwencji zmian i wciąż pogłębiających się procesów zachodzących na arenie międzynarodowej. Globalizacja, mediatyzacja i demokratyzacja doprowadziły do powstania nowych aktorów w środowisku międzynarodowym, a także redefinicji roli państw od ośrodków administracyjnych do podmiotów konkurujących ze sobą w zglobalizowanej gospodarce. Umiędzynarodowienie życia gospodarczego wymaga dostosowania się do nowych warunków poprzez wdrażanie pewnych rozwiązań od strony praktycznej oraz pojęć w wymiarze teoretycznym, który ową praktykę stara się opisywać i wyjaśniać. W sytuacji coraz większej roli mediów funkcjonujących w skali międzynarodowej, pogłębiającej się demokratyzacji i globalnej konkurencji umiędzynarodowienie public relations zdaje się nieodzowne. Państwa i nowi aktorzy, do których zalicza się między innymi korporacje czy też organizacje międzyrządowe, konfrontując się z wyzwaniami, jakie stawia przed nimi współczesne życie gospodarcze, muszą podejmować się działań z zakresu międzynarodowych public relations, aby zyskać atrakcyjność i konkurencyjność w środowisku międzynarodowym. Dziedzina ta wykracza poza tradycyjne ujęcie public relations, ponieważ należy w niej uwzględnić różnice językowe, kulturowe i geograficzne. Istotne wydaje się także to, że ta dziedzina odgrywa niezwykle ważną rolę w perspektywie państw i organizacji międzyrządowych. Działania z zakresu międzynarodowych public relations tworzą dodatkową, pozornie nieuchwytną, wartość w postaci reputacji, miękkiej siły i marki kraju, co przekłada się na zaufanie, a w konsekwencji pozwala na wprowadzanie pozytywnych zmian, promowanie wartości, poprawę efektów ekonomicznych i budowanie pozycji podmiotu w środowisku międzynarodowym.
W ramach wspólnej polityki zagranicznej i bezpieczeństwa Unia Europejska stosuje sankcje mające wspomóc egzekwowanie jej celów, a zwłaszcza przestrzegania praw człowieka, demokracji i praworządności. Celem artykułu jest analiza skuteczności polityki sankcji Unii Europejskiej wobec Islamskiej Republiki Iranu. Zastosowaną metodą badawczą jest analiza porównawcza. Pierwsza część artykułu została poświęcona teoretycznemu ujęciu sankcji oraz czynnikom mającym wpływ na ich skuteczność. W następnym opisano podstawy systemowe wspólnej polityki zagranicznej i bezpieczeństwa Unii Europejskiej oraz zastosowanie sankcji jako jej elementu. W trzeciej części przedstawiono próbę oceny efektywności unijnej polityki sankcji wobec Iranu.
Podejmując problem granic polityczno-gospodarczej działalności państwa rozumianej jako dopuszczalny zakres publiczno-prawnej ingerencji w stosunki gospodarcze, podkreślić należy konieczność analizy uwarunkowań ustrojowych. W przypadku Polski wynikają one z krajowych regulacji konstytucyjnych i z praw podstawowych oraz zasad ustroju gospodarczego Unii Europejskiej. Wpływ na organizację gospodarki unijnej i krajowej mają również pozaprawne regulacje zachowań gospodarczych, czyli polityka gospodarczo-społeczna prowadzona przez instytucje unijne oraz krajowe organy władzy publicznej. Autorka prezentuje szczególnie formułę społecznej gospodarki rynkowej, a także aksjologiczne podstawy publicznoprawnej ingerencji w gospodarkę w obszarze rozwoju i spójności.
Celem artykułu jest charakterystyka środków protekcji uwarunkowanej stosowanych w Unii Europejskiej w kontekście zmian dokonujących się na jednolitym rynku wewnętrznym i w gospodarce światowej. W opracowaniu skupiono się na środkach ochrony przed nieuczciwym importem, w szczególności instrumentach antydumpingowych, gdyż te stosowane są najczęściej. Wykorzystana w opracowaniu metoda badawcza obejmuje analizę źródeł literaturowych, w tym aktów wtórnego prawa Unii Europejskiej oraz danych statystycznych dotyczących środków protekcji uwarunkowanej, a także praktykę gospodarczą.
Author, building on the contributions of Messkoub and others, assesses the particular challenges of reversing the trend within European societies towards greater inequalities of income and wealth. Beyond the intellectual challenge of weakening the grip of disciplinary neoliberalism on both policy elites and many elements of European political culture, the trust of a progressive social agenda has to address the widening disparities of 'market incomes' as an issue of public policy, as well as the fiscal implications of a system of asymmetrical mutuality (Messkoub). Recent taxation policy has tolerated divergence among member state tax systems, encouraging both inter-state tax competition and weakening the fiscal potential for neutralising chronic social disparities. Reversing this trend and establishing sustainable and progressive systems of public goods and public finance is a critical precondition for the survival of the European project.
Different trajectories of post-socialist societal transformations and their alternativeconceptualizations are discussed. The paper addresses the specific mode of post-socialist societydesignated as "state capture" and its economic, political and social dimensions. The paper offers atheoretical model of the captured state, identifying its differentia specifica and its economic,political and social effects. The interaction between state institutions, political and economicpower networks and their rational strategies to capture the state is identified. The implementationof these strategies involves the formation and operation of politico-economic power networks thatseek to control key public legislative, executive and judiciary institutions and to extract economicand political benefits. The state capture has fundamental political, economic and social consequences that could become serious barriers to deepening European integration and even stimulate disintegration processes.
Three main questions are asked in the paper. Firstly: how has the sense of ‘life satisfaction’ and happiness of Poles changed over the period of twenty years between 1991 and 2011? During this period Poland has experienced substantial growth of gross domestic product (GDP) per capita, but is Polish society becoming happier and more satisfied with life? Secondly: what is the level of subjective well-being individuals commonly perceived as losers (older, poorly educated and unemployed) in comparison with people who objectively appear to be winners (well-educated, in low middle age, employed)? Thirdly: how has the subjective well-being of unemployed, older and poorly educated people changed during this twenty year period between 1991 and 2011? Some authors suggest that because happiness became something everybody want, it is a core value of society, and it lays the basis for our modern welfare state. Because happiness represents an individual right, individual and societal aim, it is crucial to discover and scrutinise relations between the individual level of happiness, and the impact on it resulting from a variety of factors. It might be true that simple application of happiness economics to policy making would be unreasonable. But still if we agree that happiness constitutes a good life for individuals and thereby also a good society, it is important to collect, analyse and include this type of information for the purpose of policy making.
Thirty years ago, Bulgaria made a shift towards democratic development, but the social environment has the potential to strengthen or undermine the selected direction. The aim of the current work is to identify the state of Bulgarian political culture and entrepreneurial activity and make a forecast about their future development. The object of the study is Bulgaria since 1989. The focus are a selection of indicators, regarding the political culture and entrepreneurial activity. In order to achieve our goal we make review of the studies, regarding the topic and use quantitative data in order to evaluate the political culture and entrepreneurial activity. Among the sources are European values study, World values survey, Eurostat and Global Entrepreneurship Index.
Purpose: The current pandemic crisis caused by Covid-19 significantly impacted the processes of European integration. The European Union decided to act within and beyond existing competences and instruments to support the efforts of its Member States, along with regional and local authorities, in the fight against Covid-19. Our study sheds light on the instruments and solutions proposed within the framework of the cohesion and budget policy to tackle the problems related to Covid-19 in Europe. The analysis focuses on two strands: 1) EU assistance offered through cohesion policy (CP) instruments toward above areas; 2) the future evolution of EU budget, and therefore integration shifts, provoked by the Covid-19 crisis. Design/methodology/approach: The study analyzes statistical data with regard to the use of instruments of the Cohesion Policy under the Covid-19 pandemic, but also the amendments introduced to legal acts and decision-making processes that refer to the multiannual financial framework (MFF) for 2021–2027. Findings: We notice a strong shift of priorities regarding environment transformation, digitalization, and health protection, reflected in the MFF. The coordinative role of European institutions and the redirection of different financial instruments to health care follows the neofunctionalist paradigm and represents a spillover effect resulting from integration. The crisis analyzed from the institutional perspective is seen as a chance to reform the decision-making process, while on the other hand, as a threat to the inclusive integration of all Member States. Originality and value: The paper is an original contribution on the overall use of both financial and legislative instruments in the times of unprecedented health and economic crisis caused by Covid-19 in the European Union. The text can be a valuable insight for both researchers and practitioners in the field of broadly understood European studies.
Polecamy książkę, która jest jak bardzo dobra multiwitamina. Dostarcza kompleksowego wsparcia osobom, które chcą poznać świat finansów i funkcjonować w tym świecie, a zatem jest wsparciem dla szerokiego grona czytelników. Kompleksowość wiąże się z szerokim spektrum poruszanych zagadnień: od finansów osobistych po finanse międzynarodowe, od finansów publicznych po finanse przedsiębiorstw, od prostych instrumentów finansowych, jak czek, po te notowane na giełdach papierów wartościowych. Co ważne, zagadnienia te przedstawiono w świetnie przyswajalnej pigułce. Przyswajalność tej pigułki wynika z formy i języka przekazu. Czytelnik znajdzie tu przejrzyste definicje i liczne przykłady oraz ilustracje. Znajdzie też zadania, które umożliwią mu weryfikację zdobytej wiedzy. Choć podręcznik był tworzony z myślą o młodzieży przygotowującej się do Ogólnopolskiej Olimpiady Wiedzy o Finansach „Finansomania”, z pewnością będzie też wsparciem dla wielu innych czytelników i poszerzy grono finansomaniaków.
The aim of current chapter is to present the genesis of 2 related phenomena: the sustainability and sustainable development concept, as well as the range of definitions in order to suggest a definition that can be applied in the whole e-book. The other objective is to present the Corporate Social Responsibility concept which, nowadays, is recognised as the process through which business contributes to sustainable development implementation. It was highlighted, however, that in the current situation, sustainable development may be achieved by new types of businesses built on the principles of saving resources (by recycling or reuse). For traditional businesses, based on non-renewable resources, CSR leading to sustainable development is a real challenge as it requires re-shaping business models.
The United Nations Global Compact represents one of the biggest voluntary initiatives under the United Nations organisation. This initiative was founded in 2000. It is strongly connected with Corporate Social Responsibility and efforts in achieving sustainability as it is a call for businesses worldwide to contribute towards sustainable world development in economic, social as well as environmental areas. Until last year, when the UNGC celebrated its 20th anniversary, it already had over 11,500 participants all around the world. This fact can have significant impact on achieving its goals which were set in the form of 10 principles divided into 4 main areas, where the positive and sustainable operating of business as well as other types of organisations is much than needed today. Therefore, in the text of this subchapter, the basic information about the very Global Compact initiative is presented, as well as its 10 universal principles set in the areas of human rights, labour standards, environment and anti-corruption, through which the participants are required to take strategic actions in achieving broader societal goals, mainly current Sustainable Development Goals,the interconnection of which is also presented and highlighted. The aim is to help understand the importance of this UN initiative for creating a better and sustainable world by incorporating business and other organisations.
Purpose: The aim of this study is to indicate the role of the state in the pursuit of sustainable development of Poland. Design/methodology/approach: The authors assume that historical factors underlie the differentiated development of Polish regions. A critical review of the literature on historical determinants of development of Polish regions was conducted. International legal conditions calling on Poland to take action to reduce adverse climate change are presented. The amount of state budget expenditure on tasks related to sustainable development of the country is discussed. Secondary data from the reports of the Council of Ministers were used. Findings: Differences in the level of the development of Polish regions are historically determined. Compared to other countries, the degree of Poland’s achievement of sustainable development goals is satisfactory, as it ranks 23rd in the world ranking (out of 193 possible places). Budget expenditures on tasks contributing to the achievement of sustainable development goals are relatively small. Originality and value: It is pointed out that in the past, the amount of spending on state development financing has varied. Historical conditions continue to affect the uneven development of individual regions. The authors suggest that the unsatisfactory level of the development of some regions is due not so much to the lack of access to funding sources, but to the mentality of people living in these areas.
Purpose: The author aims to determine the estimated cost of adaptation of the Polish economy to a zero-emission energy system, taking into account the social aspect. Design/methodology/approach: The chapter shows that one of the causes of adverse climate change and increased air pollution in Poland is the increased burning of fossil fuels. It presents actions taken by international organizations to achieve climate neutrality. Against this background, Poland’s attitude towards the problem of ensuring climate neutrality of the economy is presented. The author looks at the problem of climate neutrality through the prism of the so-called social contract for the mining industry. This agreement takes into account the economic losses that the inhabitants of the Silesian Voivodeship will suffer in connection with this adaptation. The author assesses the legal feasibility of the miners’ demands. Findings: Poland should achieve climate neutrality by the early 2030s at the latest. Therefore, the hard coal mines should be already closed now rather than their extraction for each ton of raw material subsidized. In order to achieve climate neutrality it will be necessary to incur very large financial outlays, including for the safe closure of the mines and cash severance packages for the miners. The provisions of the social agreement for the mining industry are contrary to EU law and the climate goals set out in the so-called Paris Agreement. Originality and value: It was pointed out that Polish politicians have an ambivalent attitude towards the energy transition. They do not want to give up a strategic resource for Poland. Thus, they ignore the risks associated with the continued use of coal on a massive scale.
Revenirea Basarabiei în componenţa României, la 27 martie/9 aprilie 1918, a deschis, printre altele, şi o serie de oportunităţi economice ce urmau să fie puse în practică, măsuri care, de altfel, trebuiau să facă parte dintr-un ansamblu general menit a integra şi economic provincia cu teritoriul Patriei-Mamă. Găsirea unor soluţii noi era necesară, deoarece lunga ocupaţie ţaristă a provinciei (1812-1918) dirijase fluxul majorităţii exporturilor basarabene către est, către centrul fostului Imperiu, şi, în consecinţă, infrastructura de transport terestră a Basarabiei în momentul Unirii cu România corespundea acestei realităţi.
Purpose: Evaluation of value added tax (in Poland: goods and services tax) regulations in terms of their adaptation to changes resulting from the development of digitization of the economy, as well as to socio-economic processes. Design/methodology/approach: An analysis of legal acts, a review of tax rulings and proposed solutions concerning VAT taxation presented in the literature. The study addresses issues related to e-commerce and the provision of services at a distance. It also outlines the problem of taxation of the sharing economy. Findings: On the basis of the analysis it may be concluded that the regulations on indirect taxation of digital activity, although they are not without flaws, can be applicable to modern trade and provision of services. However, there are still issues which require developing new solutions (such as taxation of the sharing economy).
Purpose: The aim of the study is to determine the costs of maintaining a dwelling by retirees and disability pensioners compared to other households in the years 1993–2019. Design/methodology/approach: In order to determine the amount of housing costs for retirees and disability pensioners as well as for other households, the author has collected data on the costs between 1993 and 2019 based on the publication of the Central Statistical Office (now known as Statistics Poland) entitled “Budżety gospodarstw domowych” (Household budget survey). Findings: The costs related to the maintenance of a dwelling constitute the second largest group of expenses following consumption. The cost analysis in the period between 1993 and 2019 showed a constant increase in housing costs, with the largest group of costs being those related to heating. On the other hand, the highest cost growth dynamics was related to water expenditures. The housing expenditure of retirees and disability pensioners was the highest or one of the highest among all the surveyed groups of households, which results, among other things, from the lack of adjustment of the living conditions of seniors to their needs (in terms of the number of rooms, flat area or architectural solutions), as well as from the poor technical condition of the dwellings, which also translates into higher maintenance costs. Originality and value: The issue of the cost of maintaining a dwelling by seniors is not frequently discussed in the scientific literature. The main areas of research concerning the elderly in the context of housing resources are most often related to architectural maladjustments. However, the topic of increasing housing costs in senior households is an important social problem and should be the subject of more research and analysis.
Purpose: The aim of the study is to present the concept of the silver economy and basic solutions in the field of gerontechnology utilised in senior housing, as well as to depict the situation in commercial retirement homes in Poland in terms of the use of devices related to gerontechnology. Design/methodology/approach: The author has conducted literature studies in the field of demography, the concept of the silver economy and gerontechnology. Additionally, an empirical study has been carried out with the use of a standardised questionnaire. The research population consisted of institutions providing round-the-clock care for disabled, chronically ill or elderly people. These institutions operate as part of business activity or paid statutory activity from at least January 1, 2017, with minimum 75% of the total population being people aged 65 and older. Findings: The sector of private retirement homes in Poland takes advantage of technological solutions to improve the quality of life of residents and the level of services provided. However, the catalogue of existing solutions is significantly limited and used primarily to support and monitor health. Solutions for the automation and control of the home environment are applied to a small extent, and the use of solutions for the exchange of information and recreation is marginal. Originality and value: The demographic changes taking place in Poland, as well as the growing costs of supporting older population groups and meeting their diverse needs may raise concerns about the productivity of the economy, its competitiveness and the condition of public finances. However, the existing scientific studies and foreign experience allow to conclude that if the silver economy is considered as a field of strategic activities, the existing threats can be perceived as opportunities. Gerontechnology is a vital element of this economy, and modern technological solutions aimed at seniors are an inherent and increasingly popular element of senior housing and will become one of the basic directions for improving the real estate market.
Purpose: The aim of the article is to answer the following research questions in the context of strong factors, both external (COVID-19 pandemic) and internal (restrictions): 1) What is the current professional situation of people associated with the real estate market? 2) What is the general situation on the real estate market? 3) What are the prospects regarding the professional situation and the market itself? Design/methodology/approach: The author has used the diagnostic survey method and the survey technique (electronic questionnaire) in the study. The research was carried out in the second quarter of 2020 (i.e. in the period of the strictest restrictions) on a sample of 247 people representing mainly the professions of a real estate agent, property appraiser and real estate manager. Findings: Pandemic restrictions, including in particular the restrictions on the functioning of selected aspects of the economic sphere (lockdown), drastically worsened the professional situation of people associated with the real estate market and had a negative impact on the overall economic situation. A shock occurred, above all, on the demand side of the market, disrupting the functioning of entities dealing with the professional service of the market, including primarily people working in the profession of a real estate agent and a real estate sales specialist in real estate development companies. A common feature of the professions in question is the work model based on direct contact with clients. In this case, remote work turned out to be possible only to a limited extent. The overall assessment of the situation on local real estate markets and their individual segments was utterly negative. Originality and value: The first weeks of the pandemic were characterised by very high dynamics and frequency of changes, which caused chaos and disrupted the functioning of entities operating on the real estate market. It was considered crucial to obtain the opinions of the people directly involved in and creating this market. The conducted research was one of the first in Poland which comprehensively allowed for a preliminary assessment of changes on the selected market.