Гендерный аспект урбанизации коренных народов Магаданской области
The purpose of the article is to analyze the gender aspect of Even and Koryak people migration from nomad locations and villages to urban localities of Magadan region. A gender shift is determined on the edge of village/district center. This shift is shown as an “urbanization ladder” that demonstrates sharp increase of density of women gender structure between nomad areas and urban locations. Also, the gender diversity in the education level between Koryak and Even people is revealed. Even women are significantly more educated than Even men; whereas there isn’t significant difference in education level between Koryak women and men. Aborigine women migration to district centers is caused by their parental responsibility (desire to live together with their children) and opportunity to receive “mother fund” reward (which could be converted into a two-room apartment cost). Women dominance in district centers is correlated with their education level advantage over men. However the educational gender gap in cities inverts in favor of men. The motivation for city or regional centers migration among women can be explained by a city lifestyle preference and advantageous interethnic marriages with non-locals.