Приступ етнолошком проучавању Cрба у Бањалуци крајем XIX и почетком XX века (1878-1918)
The subject-matter of this research work is the Serbian citizenry in Banjaluka at the end o f the 19th and at the beginning of the 20th cc., or, more exactly, the Serbs who were town inhabitants during the Austro-Hungarian rule of Bosnia-Hercegovina (1878-1918). The goal of the research work is to acquire an all-embracing insight into the existence and culture of the Serbs in Banjaluka and thereby supplement ethnologic understanding of the Serbian civil society of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the time of transition processes. The research focus is threefold: 1) The origin of families, the migratory movements, 2) The social structure of the Serb national community in Banjaluka, 3) The cultural structure in pursuance of two models: patriarchal and central-European. The research work has draw n on written sources (registers of births, marriages and deaths, land-property registers, legacies of individual families), verbal sources (evidence of Banjaluka Serbs), relevant literature, press, works of fiction, visual sources (photographs, portrait paintings).