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There are many substances in extra virgin olive oil (EVOO), of which many have a beneficial effect. One of the most interesting substances in EVOO is Oleocanthal. This substance is first recognised in 2005 and can only be found in EVOO. Under further investigations it was proven that in vitro Oleocanthal has an anti-inflammatory effect comparable to Ibuprofen. This is due to the fact that it is an inhibitor of cyclooxygenase. It is able to form prostanoids, including thromboxane, which takes part in formation of thrombosis, and prostaglandins including prostacyclin, which prevent the formation of the platelet plug during blood clotting and acts as a vasodilator. The quality control of an EVOO is very important, because most often refined oils such as olive-pomace oil, seed oils or synthetic oils are used. In some cases, this may lead to serious health problems after consumption. Such an incident happened 1981 in Spain (Spanish toxic Oil syndrome) where 20000 people were affected from which 330 died from aniline intoxication. Optical techniques are ideal for this purpose because they are simple, cost-effective, rapid and non-destructive. Fluorescence spectroscopy has different applications: detection of adulteration, geographic region, quantification of fluorescent components, monitoring of photo-oxidation and thermal and assessment of quality changes of olive oil during storage.
The article examines the main reasons for lack of sufficient staff in the education system. Shown are results of several studies in this direction and the views of teachers from across Europe on activities that would be successful in combating the crisis of European education.According to the authors, in order to overcome the problem, the economic and general social status of the Bulgarian teacher must be increased, which can be achieved by raising wages in the sector, by qualification of teachers and introducing systems for career development, for differentiated pay work tied to pupils’ results and for teacher rewards.
Młodzi wcale nie muszą mieć dziś lepiej. I to jest powód narastającej fali antyestablishmentowej, której politycznym wymiarem jest Kukiz’15, PiS czy Ruch Narodowy. Ich siła zrodziła się z rozczarowania upadkiem złudzenia, że porażkę rodziców można będzie przesłonić sukcesem dzieci.
The practical models for parental mutual assistance, which are gaining popularity in Bulgaria recent years, are considered in this article. The interest towards this theme was provoked by the alternative possibilities that these models could represent towards formal educational institutions. The models for parental assistance provoke a new kind of thinking, an attitude and behavior towards problems of children’s education, that are based on values and personal responsibility.
Two classes of curves of (n+1)-th degree (n E N) e are obtained in the plane of a given triangle in connection with the generalization of a problem on locus determination. What are described are the common points of those curves and two regular polygons determined by the points of intersection of the curves and the circumcircle of the triangle.
A geometric relation is considered between polynomials with roots in three collinear points and the roots of their corresponding derivatives by means of a set of ellipses generated by the polynomial roots.
The present paper considers an application of the triangle inequality to integer triangles. Formulae are found for their number in the cases of equilateral, isosceles and scalene triangles. The formulae give opportunities for quick problem solving in regular math classes at school as well as at the level of competitions.
Making mistakes is a crucial part of human learning. Together with mistakes, misjudgements, miscalculations and wrong assumptions are indispensable aspects of learning skills and acquiring information. The mistakes one makes are gradually reduced as one learns from those mistakes. The provision of feedback from the environment facilitates the eventual learning. In this respect, language learning is no exception. The points of departure for the present study was to see whether the basic options and features in one such model (Long cited in Allwright and Bailey, 1991) were viable modes of error correction in the classroom. A questionnaire was prepared based on Long’s model in an attempt to see if the same decision-making process was followed by teachers in actual learning situations. Likewise, a similar study was also prepared to have an insight into the students’ perspective on error correction. The results of the present study (teachers’ responses in particular) tend to confirm the viability of Long’s model. In conclusion, it has been revealed that it is the teachers’ task to value their students’ attempts to improve themselves on the interlanguage continuum, be sensitive and receptive to their linguistic output and try his/her best to utilize the optimum way of dealing with their errors.
The present work introduces the structure, tactical and technical features and application of the AK-630, a Russian automated anti-air defense system. Systematic technical data and a detailed explanation of each aspect allow for maximum insight into the matter under consideration.
The text examines current issues of contemporary education. Placing focus on achieving an integrated learning outcome in the form of a set of pupils’ skills requires focusing on the interdisciplinary nature of the learning process. The author examines models for its practical application in school.
The communication strategies are considered in the context of the current needs of the theory and practice of the Bulgarian language education – development of communicative speech competence which is understood as acquiring knowledge and developing skills required to meet the communication needs of the students in personal and social terms leading them to achieve personal fulfillment.
The paper explicates a comparative interpretative reading of D. Boyadjiev’s poem “Elegy”, as well as D. Debelyanov’s poem “I Want to Remember You Like That”. The art imagery of the poetic text is considered through the prism of memory as a specific being, as a sign reality, embodying the act of consciousness, which considers that the found Meaning is always contradictory and immanent when connected to experience and realization of Love.
This article provides information on a pedagogical experiment in which the computer presentation stays as a visual support for a diverse teaching with innovative approach. The key milestones include: subject, object, aim, objectives, hypothesis, scope, criteria, indicators, the study methodology and achieved results.
The article presents some results from researching the cultural heritage of the Bulgarian communities in Central and Western Europe from 1991 to 2015. Empirical data on the use of distance learning in Bulgarian schools abroad are collected through electronic survey and discussion meetings with teachers. Based on the teachers’ suggestions Virtual Information Center has been created. The aim is to support the process to meet the communication and cultural needs of Bulgarians who live in our communities abroad and exchange of best pedagogical practices in a virtual educational environment.