Творчески и иновативни подходи в музикалното възпитание - моята музикална революция
This report examines the key issues in contemporary music class activities within the regular Bulgarian secondary school. It clarifies the role of new technological tools and their application in music education, as well as the role of the teachers and their ability to make use of the educational potential of social networks in contemporary educational practice. It presents the results of pedagogical experiments in three main areas: 1. Listening to music; 2. Singing, dancing, playing an instrument; 3.Musical creativity. Particular ideas have been suggested for the use of attractive Internet videos of the sound and music of various, musical instruments and instrumental ensembles, as well as music from different genres and nationalities. The report also focuses on the advantages of using free software with effects to change the height, dynamics and tempo of favorite students songs which they then perform karaoke. The article offers an innovative approach to presenting students with acoustic musical instruments through cooperation with people of the art. The report provides innovative ideas for homework, which each student plays on the piano, and ideas for projects, presentations and making improvised musical instruments from everyday objects. The report also touches the topic of other extracurricular music activities that stimulate students' interest in the in-depth study of music.