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Respect for equal opportunities and control of migration are the basis for the development of any democratic society, the magnitude of these phenomena and their importance on the state balance determining an analysis consistent with the very identity of states and the European Union as a whole, especially as they can influence the values and cohesion of a state. The objective of the research is to present the challenges and vulnerabilities identified in relation to equal opportunities and migration from the perspective of education, their impact on the environment, but also the challenges that may arise in the current global context, caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. The article starts from the exposition of the importance of equal opportunities and migration in a complex security environment with rapid evolutions and significant implications on multiple levels of social, economic, political and security life, and the main conclusion is that at EU level joint efforts must be made to adopt and respect unitary measures to ensure respect for human rights, in order to ensure security.
U Federaciji Bosne i Hercegovine od 2015. godine u primjeni je Zakon o zaštiti i postupanju sa djecom i maloljetnicima u krivičnom postupku FBiH19. Zakon predstavlja strateški zaokret i donosi određene novine u oblasti maloljetničkog prijestupništva. Temelji se na rješenjima savremenog krivičnog zakonodavstva, međunarodnim standardima i iskustvima dobre prakse drugih zemalja. Zakonom se utvrđuju posebna pravila postupanja prema djeci koja su u sukobu sa zakonom, mlađim punoljetnim osobama i djeci koja su žrtve ili svjedoci, pri tome poštujući najbolji interes djeteta te omogućavajući da dijete, u skladu sa uzrastom, iskaže svoje interese. Njegova primjena u praksi zahtijeva pravovremenu reakciju i osposobljavanje svih nadležnih organa, prvenstveno stručnih osoba organa starateljstva, odnosno centra za socijalni rad.
Depreme hazırlıklı değiliz (Çoban, Sözbilir ve Göktaş, 2016; Öztürk, 2013). Deprem, dünyanın güvenli bir yer olduğu biçimindeki algımızı kırar (Nakajima, 2012), onu kabullenmek bu nedenle zordur. Karancı (2008)’e göre, afet zararlarını azaltmada psikolojik bir rolü vardır. Gerçekten de çeşitli psikolojik değişkenler, depremin olumsuz sonuçları üzerinde etkili olmaktadır. Herkes deprem nedeniyle travma yaşamaz. Kimin travma yaşayıp yaşamayacağı, başa çıkma yöntemlerinden sosyal desteğe, depremin şiddetinden yakın kaybına; göçük altında kalmaktan önceki yaşantılara kadar çeşitli değişkenler tarafından belirlenir (Bödvarsdóttir ve Elklit, 2004; Karancı, 2003; Sönmez, 2022).
Jedno od najvažnijih pitanja suvremene nastave je pripremiti, omogućiti i realizirati suradnju škole i obitelji. Škola kao odgojno-obrazovna ustanova i specifičan oblik organizacije, posljednjih godina radi na osnaživanju i modernizaciji rukovodstva s ciljem usklađivanja ljudskih, fizičkih i financijskih potencijala. Modernizacijom obrazovnog sustava rukovodstvo daje sve veći značaj izgradnji kooperativnih odnosa vezanih za školu, suradnji škole sa roditeljima i širom društvenom zajednicom. Kako je ukupan obrazovni sustav praktično pred vratima reformskih procesa, tako je pred rukovodstvom veliki zadatak iznaći adekvatna rješenja za stvaranje demokratične škole po mjeri djeteta, izgradnju harmoničnih, suradničkih odnosa za rad i kontinuirano razvijanje partnerskih odnosa sa roditeljima i širom društvenom zajednicom.
The report analyzes the characteristic features of the combat space for conducting unconventional warfare (Irregular Warfare-IW), taking into account the changes and peculiarities in the specifics and characteristics of combat actions at the current stage of the development of armed conflicts in different regions. By using the forms and approaches of intelligence anal-sis and taking into ac-count the requirements of the four successive stages of the intelligence cycle, the methods and ap-proaches are formulated for using the potential of the types of technical intelligence and of intelli-gence using the human factor in the interest of obtaining and interpreting information correspond-ing in volume and direction in the interest of the objectives and tasks of unconventional warfare (IW). The systematization of the obtained analytical assessments ensures the determination of the role and effects of conducting information and psychological operations with the use of modern information technologies in the preparation and implementation of unconventional combat actions (IW). The requirements for the specialized training of the analyst teams, performing analysis and evaluation of the obtained specific information regarding the characteristics of the unconventional battlefield and preparing the final intelligence product, have been determined in order of im-portance.
The importance of innovation activity for modern development has been examined and the main concepts and definitions related to the field of innovation activity have been derived, and based on the achievements of leading researchers in this field, a generalized definition of the term innovation has been proposed. The place and importance of innovation for the defense industry is noted.
The aim of this paper is to describe the main advantages of the application of different types of planar antennas in security based on their design, functionalities, and limitations, considering that they are suitable for various applications such as AM radio (0.5 MHz – 1.6 MHz) and FM radio (88 MHz – 108 MHz), Wi-Fi (2.4 – 5 GHz), Bluetooth (2.4 GHz), control of access through identification systems with radio frequency tags (Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and mobile data. The analysis of software products for the simulation modeling of a wide variety of microwave devices, including planar antennas, contributes to the correct selection of a product that will satisfy the requirements for the credibility of the research and the reliability of the generated results.
The text discusses aspects of the emergence of geopolitics as a theory based on the synthesis of knowledge from history, geography and political science. Attention is paid to the geopolitical dimensions of national state power. It briefly defines what constitutes great (great powers), middle and weak states and their role in global politics. The elements characterizing the national power of a country are mentioned. A brief definition of military conflict is defined, as well as expectations of what types of military conflicts will eventually be fought in the world. A proper assessment of the country's place, interests and capabilities in the new security environment is presented as a basis for making the right choices.
The paper presents a review of counter drone measures in contemporary warfare. An emphasis is put onto small and tactical UAVs. Open sources freely available over Internet are used for the review. The conclusions are made in order to suggest the adoption of such know-how in Bulgarian armed forces
The transition from an industrial and post-industrial economy to the so-called "digital economy" or an economy based on the networked use of information and communication technologies at the beginning of the 21st century has been considered as a major factor for economic growth. The overall construction of a digital ecosystem within global and national economies has been assessed as a significant component of economic development and an institutional basis for sustainable growth, competitiveness and a high standard of living. The formation is traced and a generalized definition of the concept of "digital economy" is given, and the leading role of information and communication (digital) technologies in the modern economy is emphasized.
Moralno-pravna i politička obaveza svijeta i Evropske unije i Bosne i Hercegovine jeste ne samo spriječiti buduće, civilizacijski katastrofične zločine poput genocida nad Bošnjacima u Srebrenici i oko nje nego, i prije svega, spriječiti njegovo planski aktivno i politički, medijski, kvazinaučno, sistematsko poricanje i negiranje. Tome svjedočimo danas i svih poratnih godina u Bosni i Hercegovini i njenom susjedstvu. Umjesto odgovornosti za nesprečavanje genocida, u Srbiji se i dalje veličaju ratni zločinci koji su doveli do izvršenja genocida. Upornim i neskrivenim javnim veličanjem zločina i međunarodno presuđenih ratnih zločinaca, praveći od njih nacionalne heroje s jedne, i stigmatiziranjem kritičkoga govora i priznavanja genocida od strane grupacija ili pojedinaca u njihovom javnom angažmanu na tu temu, s druge strane, ohrabruju se politike i zagovornici opetovanja genocidnog zla i njegovo javno, nekažnjeno, stadionsko i medijsko veličanje, poput transparenata tokom utakmica na kojima se zanavlja napis: Nož, žica, Srebrenica.
COVID-19 defiantly threw down the gauntlet to established teaching methods around the world. The report examines the impact of the pandemic on global education, drawing on experience and changes in foreign education systems. The study aims to seek answers to questions such as: To what extent has the Bulgarian education system and its participants shown a resource to respond to the crisis?; More benefits or harms bring the urgent transition from in-person to online training?; Does the „step-by-step” reformation have the potential to grow into a new kind of education?”, and many more. The report also considers the prerequisites for the failures/successes of distance learning, including teachers‘ and students‘ levels of digital and media literacy and the role of the media and social networks in asserting or questioning its effectiveness.
Programme Education 2021-2027 is a key instrument for addressing major challenges in the education system with a total budget of over 1.9 billion BGN. The programme is co-financed by the European Social Fund+ (ESF+) with nearly 1.539 billion BGN, as well as from the state budget of the Republic of Bulgaria. The article presents the key priorities and management strategies of the programme.
The report examines the growing role of cyberspace as a fifth domain of military action and political confrontation. An overview of the main definitions of the concept of „cyberspace“ based on normative and strategic documents was made. Its hierarchical levels are distinguished. The main threats in cyberspace and their resonance in security and defense are laid out. It is concluded that digitization will become an increasingly important factor in military affairs, turning cyberspace into an operational environment and a new theater of military operations that is not limited by geographical boundaries.