Az árnyékoktatás vizsgálata az észak-erdélyi és székelyföldi középiskolások körében
The shadow education is the special segment of the two educational systems of the public and private tutoring education. In the sociology of education these topics were only recently discussed, and researches about these subjects only have a history of two decades. In our research we try to define the types of shadow education among Transylvanian high school students, more exactly those activities that do not take part of the formal educational system and private tutoring. What kind of social-demographic variables and motivations define the participation tendency of Hungarian students from Northern Transylvania and Szeklerland? What are the characteristics that describe those students who participate in private tutoring? In our study we would like to offer a general idea about the amount of time students spend doing various activities, and on the other hand the manifestation of shadow education in our region.