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Rozprawa koncentruje się na wieloaspektowych zagadnieniach związanych z ryzykiem partnerstwa strategicznego przedsiębiorstw, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem podstaw teoretycznych leżących w sferze zarządzania strategicznego. Praca ma charakter teoretyczno-empiryczny, wskazuje na stan i kierunki rozwoju wiedzy w zakresie partnerstwa i ryzyka oraz wyniki autorskich badań ilościowych w tym zakresie. W związku z zauważalnym niedostatkiem studiów empirycznych w zakresie ryzyka partnerstwa strategicznego podjęto także ważne dla dalszego rozwoju badań kwestie metodyczne. Głównym celem pracy jest budowa modelu zarządzania ryzykiem partnerstwa strategicznego przedsiębiorstw obejmującego typy ryzyka partnerstwa oraz instrumenty oddziaływania na ryzyko ukierunkowane na osiąganie wyższych wyników w relacji. Rolą modelowania jest znalezienie struktury i mechanizmu stanowiącego bazę dla rozwoju zarządzania ryzykiem partnerstwa w przedsiębiorstwie. U podstaw tak postawionego celu leży założenie, zgodnie z którym ryzyko partnerstwa, a zwłaszcza jego wymiar relacyjny, może być przedmiotem zarządzania. Osiągnięcie celu głównego rozprawy wymaga pogłębionych studiów teoretycznych, metodycznych i empirycznych. Studium wykorzystuje nie tylko dorobek zarządzania, ale także socjologii i psychologii społecznej, szczególnie w warstwie metodycznej. Istotnym punktem odniesienia w pracy jest perspektywa zarządzania strategicznego, w której umiejscowiono problem partnerstwa oraz ryzyka. Rozważania koncepcyjne oraz badania empiryczne odwołują się do strategii przedsiębiorstwa i perspektywy menedżerskiej.
Monografia powstała w wyniku projektu badawczego i stanowi interesującą poznawczo pracę podejmującą problematykę zwinności przedsiębiorstw w ujęciu strategicznym. Na podstawie szeroko zakrojonej analizy literatury przedmiotu autorka dokonała udanej konceptualizacji i operacjonalizacji konstruktu zwinności strategicznej wraz z opisem i empirycznym sprawdzeniem zmiennych oraz atrybutów opisujących badany konstrukt. Część empiryczna pracy pozwoliła wyłonić model zwinności strategicznej w powiązaniu z efektywnością funkcjonowania badanych przedsiębiorstw. Synteza wiedzy w dyscyplinie nauki o zarządzaniu, szczególnie w obszarze zarządzania strategicznego, interesujące poznawczo badania wykorzystujące modelowanie strukturalne oraz propozycja zwinności powiązanej z efektywnością to cenne rezultaty poznawcze, które powodują, że książka może stanowić punkt wyjścia do przyszłych zamierzeń badawczych podejmowanych przez przedstawicieli nauki, a także być źródłem rekomendacji dla kadry zarządzającej. Przeprowadzone w projekcie studia literaturowe oraz badania empiryczne na reprezentatywnej grupie przedsiębiorstw pozwalają na sformułowanie implikacji dla praktyki gospodarczej. Podstawową kwestią jest budowanie świadomości menedżerów w zakresie zdolności adaptacyjnych przedsiębiorstw ukierunkowanych na atrybuty zwinności strategicznej. Menedżerowie średnich i dużych przedsiębiorstw zdają sobie sprawę, jak ważna jest adaptacja oraz proaktywna orientacja strategiczna, tym niemniej nie wykorzystują w pełni potencjału szybkiego i efektywnego podejmowania zmian strategicznych. Książka stanowi wartościowy wkład w stan wiedzy oraz rozwój teorii nauk o zarządzaniu i pierwszą w Polsce pracę, która gruntownie przedstawia teoretyczną perspektywę podejścia opartego na zwinności strategicznej dla zrozumienia związków między wpływem otoczenia na kształtowanie strategicznego reagowania przedsiębiorstw oraz ich wynikami.
The article dwells on the situation in Europe and in the world in the sphere of cultural heritage and its preservation in the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic. Attention is focused on the reactions, decisions and actions taken by the European Council/ Council of the European Union, UNESCO and ICOM.
The holiday is an essential element in the ideological regulation of public life; it plays an important role in shaping and stabilizing the group celebrating it, in all cases by actualizing the most important unifying values, and very often – by distinguishing examples of exemplary behaviour. The spread of the COVID-19 epidemic at the very beginning of 2020 leads to a number of radical changes in social life. The speed with which processes develop, as well as the search for new forms to continue established practices, leads to experimentation with the possibilities of new technologies, as well as of new conditions – education in an online environment, online shopping, outsourced commercial cash registers for outdoor service, limiting the capacity for public access, reducing programs, etc. Limiting physical access to official celebrations provoked an attempt to compensate for it by broadcasting the festive ceremonies live. However, the transfer of an event to an online environment places local communities in the passive role of spectators of a performance, without the opportunity of participation, and the social function of the celebration is reduced to the possibilities of the social network to communicate through texts and chat with other representatives of the community who observe the broadcast. These restrictions seem to compromise the very idea of a celebration and make visible the fact that its fundamental feature is the possibility of physical presence and participation of citizens.
The article analyzes the local holiday “Kyustendil Spring Day”, invented in the late 1960s, in the context of the socialist festivity policies by examining the ideological content inscribed in its semantics, symbols and rituals. The overarching research questions refer to the instrumentalization of the holiday by the socialist authorities and its functions in the local festive calendar. The analysis rests upon archival material, articles in the local press, photographs, and discussions and comments in the social media networks, as well as upon a limited number of interviews conducted by the author.
The German population living in the Eastern European territories reached by the Red Army in 1944 was subjected to systematic cleansing. In Bulgaria, this process took place within an institutional framework and generated a substantial dialogue between the Soviet Control Commission, the Bulgarian State, and its German inhabitants. The study of this administrative dialogue reveals movements in the categorical repertoire created on institutional level in order to identify potential foreign enemies. Belonging of the so-called Germans to the national community was assessed through their religious, historical, social, or family affiliations. The heterogeneity of this population grouped from above reveals a strong social reality: the anti-German measures mainly affected individuals from mixed families, legally or ethnically related to the German world. This mixity appears to have been a problematic attribute for the ongoing administrative classification. The specificity of the category of intermarriage and its function multiplied the facets of this population and encompassed through the family institution the existing perceptions of what was an ‘enemy’ or a ‘friend’ of the new order. The classification of undesirable persons from mixed families generated unequal relations with the state, between locals and foreigners, between citizens and non-citizens, but also between women and men. By looking at the diversity of the studied group through the lens of identity representation analysis numerous questions related to the aspects of the complex social reality of the Bulgarian population at the end of World War II arise.
Internet memes are a basic representative of online folklore, which naturally arises and lives as part of virtual communication. Similar to political jokes, some of them comment on, gloss over, criticize and satirize political and social events, making them part of political participation and communication „from bellow“. The purpose of this case study is to use the example of the Slovak online platform Zomri [Die] to show how an amateur entertainment project, which is part of participatory online culture, became part of a societal discussion thanks to social network and popularity. Attention is paid to various actors (site admins, the public, politicians, media), the activities of those actors and the spillovers outside the internet environment. The study combines folkloristic theoretical starting points with approaches from media and pop culture studies. It is based on long-term online research of the platforms, its content, secondary activities and spillovers into other areas of the online and offline environment. It also builds on the analysis of media interviews and discussion with platform admins.
The paper analyses the evolution of the notion of cultural heritage from a comparative perspective and verifies the impact produced by the UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage in 9 countries (Mexico, Brazil, Italy, Jordan, Cyprus, Spain, Burkina Faso, Korea, Japan).
This article examines the process of safeguarding intangible cultural heritage as a factor for sustainable development. It traces and highlights the synergies between intangible cultural heritage and sustainable development. At the same time the author explores the interconnections between the different domains of intangible cultural heritage and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, through the normative documents of the leading international organisations in the field.
As UNESCO’s Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage turns twenty, the article focuses on its primary aim of safeguarding people’s living cultural traditions, practices, and expressions at the local level. Safeguarding measures are promoted throughout the Convention and related texts, but it is arguably the Register of Good Safeguarding Practices through which actual approaches are presented as being put to the test. The article uses the Register as a launchpad for examining community-based approaches to safeguarding ICH, and distilling “good” considerations for building ethical and equitable collaborations – from the first steps of initiatives to over the long term.
This article reviews two co-existing and mutually conflicting concepts in Bulgaria: the one of folklore and the policies of its conservation in the course of the 20th century, and the one of intangible cultural heritage (ICH) and the efforts for safeguarding it following the adoption, in 2003, of the relevant UNESCO Convention. A comparison is made between the folklore festivals, characteristic of the second half of the 20th century, and the Living Human Treasures Bulgaria National System, created in 2008 as one of the fundamental cultural policies of the Republic of Bulgaria in this sphere, which has resulted in the compiling of the National Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage. Based on observations made during several of its consecutive iterations conducted so far, the article seeks to outline important aspects and issues of the rationalization of ICH and its safeguarding at the present moment. The author draws on her experience as a member of the team of scholars at the Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Studies with Ethnographic Museum of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (IEFSEM – BAS), which has been participating actively at expert level in the implementation of the 2003 Convention in Bulgaria.
The 2003 Convention and Its Implementation in Bulgaria
The 2003 Convention and Its Implementation in Bulgaria
The 2003 Convention and Its Implementation in Bulgaria
The 2003 Convention and Its Implementation in Bulgaria
The work represents the habilitation thesis in sociology defended at the Doctoral School of Sociology of the University of Bucharest on February 11, 2022. It tells the evolution of the research carried out by the author in the field of organizational behavior, the context in which they were carried out and the consequences they had . It is not just an autobiography with professional accents, but a punctuation of those aspects behind the scenes of sociological research that train as specialists those who undertake to analyze institutions, heal them and make them perform. Organizations easily derail from the purposes for which they were established, focus on marginal things and less on customers, abandon strategies by drifting without direction or meaning, indifferent to employee or beneficiary issues and without taking a system of values and beliefs. Sociology can redesign organizations, and the author shows how he learned to use it to build strong institutions.
This paper examines the role of civil defense in Serbia’s crisis management system, focusing on its contribution to prevention, preparation, response, and recovery phases. The study addresses the insufficient integration of civil defense at the national level and identifies its key functions and opportunities for improvement. Using literature analysis, legal frameworks, good practices, and expert surveys, the research highlights the need for a clear normative definition of civil defense's role within the system. It emphasizes the practical establishment and development of the system for effective crisis response. The conclusion underlines the importance of a proactive approach and strengthening community resilience by fully integrating civil defense into Serbia’s crisis management framework.