Author(s): Carmen Holotescu,Gabriela Grosseck,Diana Andone,Laura Gunesch,Liviu Constandache,Violeta Daniela Nedelcu,Malinka Ivanova,Roza Dumbrăveanu / Language(s): English
Issue: 03/2020
The Covid-19 pandemic led to an unprecedented situation, when education worldwide moved online, leading to what is called Emergency Remote Teaching. Finalized one month after the suspension of face-to-face activities in schools and universities, this paper aims to capture the actions taken in Romania for the continuity of education in online environment, the strategies adopted in schools and universities to support this process, the collaboration between the educational actors and the involvement of the whole society. How prepared was the country in terms of infrastructure, teacher training, digital competences of teachers and students? How did the parents and the society get involved? What measures were taken by the Ministry of Education and Research and the educational institutions? Does this crisis make a difference even greater than the one already existent, in terms of the access to education? What educational technologies have been used, what is the role of Open Education practices and projects, the integration of Open Educational Resources and Massive Open Online Courses, of open pedagogies? How do we compare ourselves with countries with similar infrastructure, such as Bulgaria and Moldova? How have we been able to benefit from the many international initiatives, projects and resources? What are the results of the studies already carried out on the efficiency of the actions taken? What can be done better until the return to the face-to-face activities in schools and universities, expected to be in the coming months? What are the lessons learned and how do we apply this knowledge for a better future? What current practices will have an impact on the teaching-learning activity, on the opening of education?