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Brak je jedna od pojava koji u modernom društveno-političkom kontekstu izazivaju brojne polemike i polarizaciju zagovornika/ca različitih pristupa njegovom fenomenu kao i fenomenu bračne zajednice. Da bismo ga uopće razmatrali, pokušat ćemo da isti odredimo s različitih stajališta koja nećemo pomiriti, ali ćemo barem ostvariti uvid u različite aspekte poimanja ove institucije. Budući da je brak društvena pojava, pojmom ćemo se baviti sa sociološkog stanovišta. Jedan od najpoznatijih savremenih sociologa, Anthony Giddens, brak definiše kao dozvoljenu seksualnu vezu između dvoje odraslih pojedinaca. Iako ova definicija odiše univerzalnošću, budući da ne inicira spol supružnika/ca podvodeći ih pod prostu sintagmu odraslih pojedinaca, Anthony Giddens ne ulazi u demistifikaciju tradicionalnih odrednica braka.
Još od uspostave patrijarhalnog sistema kao optimalnog poretka, u odnosu na materijalne uslove koji su preovladavali kroz većinu našeg civilizacijskog razvoja, postojala je i podjela rada između muškog i ženskog. U ranim fazama formiranja rodnih uloga vjerovalo se da podjele između muških i ženskih uloga proizilaze iz njihovih prirodnih i bioloških razlika, te su se tako formirale djelatnosti koje “prirodno“ podliježu jednoj ili drugoj sferi.
The paper describes two main approaches to activation services offered to persons with disabilities: social (re)integration (rehabilitation / inclusion) and work integration (vocational rehabilitation). Work integration is characterized as an aim and result mainly of the state policies while social inclusion is characterized first of all as a phenomenon of activities undertaken by associations and foundations from the third sector. Author arguers for the complementary character of relation between social inclusion and work integration programs. Both have to produce an empowerment effect through their services. It is also stressed luck of co-ordiation of activation services offered by different institutions as state fund called PFRON, social integration centers, social welfare agencies and job centers.
The paper deals with the problem of self-advocacy treated as an activity serving in behalf of disabled persons’ empowerment and emancipation. But the base of this activity is ability to independent decision making and reflective thinking, to which people with mental handicap are, more or less, incapable. The thesis of the paper is then the statement that self-advocacy should be applied to disabled, but fully intellectually capable, persons. The actions undertaken by mentally handicapped self-advocates towards persons from their social environment are apparent and lead to development of facade knowledge about their abilities in social life.
Despite many legislative and financial actions, the labour market of people with disabilities, is characterized by their low professional activity. This is a visible contradiction to growing expectations of disabled people community, especially those young and well educated, who are more convinced of the value and need of professional work. Despite many inconveniences associated with performing their professional activity, working is a source of satisfaction for them. Treating people with disabilities as equal and equal citizens in the sphere of work is one of the condition to the process of normalization and their social integration. In breaking the social stereotypes connected to employment of disabled people, those factors may play the biggest role: quality of created law, spreading good practices through employers and promoting successful careers of people with disabilities.
Social economy is an important area of the social integration. It uses economic tools to keep the margin groups in the core of social life. The one of the margin groups are disabled people. Social economy offers them the wide scope of the social entrepreneurship models. We would focus on three of them: therapeutic session tool-room, labour activation plant and disabled people social cooperatives. This text analyse both advantages and disadvantages of these social economy subjects.
The causal-consenquential link between the death, the inheritance and the kinship relations is indicated in the paper. The death of the individual who was the owner of the one part or of the major part of family property during his/her life is a cause for heritage partitioning, while reorganization of "forces and powers" within the kinship structure is the consequence of this partitioning. The city of Vranje with its near area spatialy frames the subject of issue, while the 20th century last decade does it temporaly.
Contemporary anthropological research show that an understanding of the body and personality characteristics including perceptions of their origin and means of their transmission is to be seen as an integral part of the structure of a kinship system. This article is concerned with the question of the use of the body and identity of a child in the process of managing power relations within the traditional and the modern Serbian kinship systems. It examines principles that regulate the perception of physical and psychological resemblance between children and their parents and other kins as well as rules that shape the choice of a name. The aim of exploring ideas about the origin and ways of transmitting phisical and personality characteristics of children is to gain the insight into complex relationships between different aspects of the kinship system and to unravel the mechanisms of its transformation or continuity.
The current collection contains reports from the International Scientific Conference, organized in partnership between the Department of Regional Development and the department of National and Regional Security. The event was held from 4 to 6 October 2018.The forum on "Trends in Regional Development and Security Management" is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the University and was held under the auspices of the Rector of UNWE, Prof. D.Sc.(Econ.) Statty Stattev. The scientific and practical nature of the conference supports the promotion of international relations and quality research in three thematic areas:• Regional development management;• Regional security and crisis management;• Socio-economic development of the regions.
W literaturze przedmiotu podkreśla się, że jedną z największych słabości rynku nieruchomości, przynajmniej polskiego, jest brak kompleksowych i wiarygodnych informacji na temat jego stanu i rozwoju. Dane, którymi dysponuje przeciętny inwestor, są zwykle ograniczone zarówno jeśli chodzi o zakres przedmiotowy, jak i przestrzenny. Działalność na rynku nieruchomości, w tym deweloperska, wymaga systematycznych badań tego rynku, bowiem proces deweloperski jest długotrwały, wieloetapowy i skutkuje przekształceniem przestrzeni w aspekcie fizycznym, materialnym, społecznym oraz ekonomicznym. Naukowe badania rynku nieruchomości mieszkaniowych powinny być w związku z tym możliwie jak najbardziej kompleksowe, tzn. dotyczyć sfery podaży, popytu oraz cen mieszkań, uwzględniać perspektywę różnych (również słabszych) interesariuszy, dane historyczne i prognozy rozwojowe, zjawiska lokalne i globalne, wskaźniki ekonomiczne i opinie uczestników rynku. Celem prezentowanej monografii jest przedstawienie sytuacji na rynku mieszkaniowym w kontekście preferencji i potrzeb klientów nabywających mieszkania, wpływu pandemii COVID-19 na rynek nieruchomości, a także określenie czynników mogących oddziaływać na wartość nieruchomości. Problematyka została omówiona z uwzględnieniem istoty współczesnego miasta i procesów w nim zachodzących. Przeprowadzone w poszczególnych rozdziałach przedmiotowe analizy pozwoliły na wskazanie różnych niedopasowań ofert do oczekiwań nabywców na rynku nieruchomości. W wyniku postępowania badawczego autorzy sformułowali wnioski oraz rekomendacje dotyczące kierunków rozwoju rynku nieruchomości mieszkaniowych. Monografia może być źródłem wiedzy dla teoretyków i praktyków gospodarczych, a także stać się inspiracją do dyskusji i dalszych badań dotyczących kierunków rozwoju rynku nieruchomości. Wydanie dofinansowane ze środków Ministerstwa Edukacji i Nauki w ramach programu Doskonała nauka.
Zmiany w systemie podatkowo-składkowym zaimplementowane w ramach programu społeczno-gospodarczego Polski Ład mają istotne znaczenie w ujęciu mikro- i makroekonomicznym oraz w perspektywie krótko- i długookresowej. Wpływają zarówno na wysokość i podział dochodów podatników, jak i na finanse oraz samodzielność finansową podmiotów sektora finansów publicznych. W monografii zmiany te i ich skutki są identyfikowane i oceniane w trzech perspektywach poznawczych: prawnej, finansowej i ekonomicznej.