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This chapter aims at reviewing some of the most important developments in feminist research on the welfare state. The first section outlines the core of the debate between the feminists and mainstream literature, often centred on the critique of Esping-Andersen’s Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism, the second one presents some alternative typologies developed for gender-centred comparative analyses of welfare states. Thirdly, I will review this scholarship in the light of the developments in Central and Eastern Europe. The fourth section briefly touches upon thechallenges for current feminist debates, especially with regard to the politics of the welfare state, strategic dilemmas and varieties of feminist standpoints.
The aim of this paper is to present a changing nature of the Polish labour market in and after 1990s, employment and unemployment level and structure in Poland post-1990, labour market policy in Poland, assurance of social security to the unemployed issue, activation of the unemployed issue.
This chapter assesses whether national law, policies and practice in the field of unaccompanied asylum seekers are in compliance with international conventions including the UNHCR guidelines and UN convention of the rights of the child (CRC). We will discuss policy and practices on minors exposed to human trafficking, taking Norway as a case. The Norwegian Immigration Act of 2008 includes provisions and formulations intended to strengthen the legal position and rights of asylum-seeking children as children. The intention was to ensure that national regulations on immigration were in accordance with the CRC and in line with the Norwegian Human Rights Act 1999. The CRC as well as UNHCR guidelines mention human trafficking, including forced labour and sexual exploitation as one main threat to which children may be exposed. The chapter discusses three scenarios which represent distinct forms of how unaccompanied minors are recruited into exploitative relations on their way to or in Europe and how their cases are assessed when applying for asylum in Norway as unaccompanied minors. Ways into and out of exploitation may have decisive implication for how their asylum applications are assessed and for further access to rehabilitation measures.
This chapter describes and proposes a new social inclusion model for supporting unaccompanied minors in becoming autonomous, as they are one of the most vulnerable groups of contemporary migration flows. According to the Committee on the Rights of Children “unaccompanied children (also called unaccompanied minors) are children, […] who have been separated from both parents and other relatives and are not being cared for by an adult who, by law or custom, is responsible for doing so” (Committee on the Rights of the Child, 2005).
The destructive effects of the Second World War, which resulted in great loss and suffering in the not so distant past, still has an important place in the lives of countless people living in different geographical locations. German families constitute a population whose members witnessed the bitter outcomes of the war in no small measure. War-related memories of families have been handed down from generation to generation up to the present day. Despite many of the generation who actually lived through the war preferring to erase the traces of it from their day to day lives, their children and even their grandchildren have taken on board this memory (Koçyiğit, 2016).
The paper is organized as follows. The first section starts by setting out the outline of the context of long-term care (LTC) utilization in Poland, i.e. the predominance of informal care. The next part of the paper draws on collected data, presents policies concerning LTC in Poland. Data on social policies on LTC in Poland were compiled from figures given by national bodies, predominantly the Central Statistical Office and the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy. Due to limited space, only the main aspects of these social policies are considered. For example, the paper does analyze those policies directed at supporting family carers, which are in fact, very modest. The next section focuses on the various policy options that Polish authorities may wish to pursue in their attempts to ameliorate the problems associated with publicly financed LTC services. The final section concludes.
Göç olgusu, yüzyıllar boyu insanların kendilerine daha uygun yaşam kurabilme isteği ve çabasıyla var olagelmiştir. Hemen hemen her ailenin uzun veya kısa bir göç hikayesi vardır. Ancak son yıllarda, bilhassa iç ve dış toplumsal çatışmaların sonucu olarak, insanların göçe zorlanması yığınlar halinde göç dalgalarının oluşmasına neden olmaktadır. Sayısı bir milyarı bulan, göçmenlerin ve yeni bir “vatan” arayan mültecilerin insan hakları ve insanca yaşama ihtiyaçlarının birçok uluslararası platformda tartışılmakta, Sivil Toplum Örgütleri ve Birleşmiş Milletler nezdine, bilhassa 2030 Dünya Kalkınma Gündemi çerçevesinde çözümler aranmaktadır. Konu acil ve komplekstir.
The report analyses the current situations and conditions for the existing income inequality in the EU. It presents various theoretical concepts and authors. The methodology utilized in the research includes systematic approach, comparative analysis, statistical approach.
Questioning the views in the work of Friedrich Engels, “The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State”, is the basic task of our effort to try to point out elements that are already known in the studies of this author, but also to get to know what are the moments from this well-known work, which seem different today as opposed to the period when Engels wrote it. Because, Engels greatly contributed to illuminating the genesis of the state, and the perspective of its development. Of course, considering the phenomena of culture and civilization, letters, analysis of the gentile order, its disintegration, and the formation of a new social organization - the state. This famous and influential book meaningfully describes, analyzes and gives a kind of synthesis of some of the most important phenomena in the development of human society, and the inevitable categories from the domain of social sciences and humanities as well.
The Romanian teacher is in a permanent change, which is why education is required to go beyond this context. Therefore, the school, in addition to the educational preparation of the student, must consider its education in non-formal and informal environments. In order to be able to carry out and implement such activities, the Ministry of National Education has elaborated the Methodology for organizing the "School after School" Program, through OMECTS no. 5349 / 07.09.2011, an official document, which presents the legislative framework in order to be successful. With the help of local authorities, these programs are much more flexible. They are carried out under the guise of educational projects and help the student both in the preparation of the subjects, as well as in various recreational activities, depending on his skills. An efficient partnership between the three factors involved in the educational process, the school and local authorities on the one hand, and the family on the other, implies mutual respect and trust, but also efficient communication and collaboration. All these concerns have as main objective to find the methods by which the students acquire the necessary knowledge to be able to cope with the daily changes of the society. As the learning must be carried out permanently, not only within the formal framework of the school, the local authority comes to support the family and the school so that the learning environment does not suffer and offers the student comfort.
Research related to family issues shows the importance of this educational institution in human life. Viewed by society more and more often as an individual, it becomes increasingly difficult for the church to form and develop the consciousness of man as a person capable of relating not only to those around him (family members or, more broadly, society), but also to himself, and especially to God. The challenges coming from society find less and less resistance to preserving the morality of the family, even among the parents, so, from our point of view, this is where the process of spiritual renewal should begin, by valuing on Orthodox Christian foundations the institution of the family, of the spouses in relation to each other, the parents’ valorisation of their own children's chastity before marriage and fidelity to each other within it.
Abstract: The kindergarten and the family have an essential role in the harmonious development of the child. It is very important to have a close connection between the kindergarten and the child's family to be able to work together on his development. The kindergarten must always collaborate with the child's family, because the parents must be considered partners by the educator in the children's education, in the process of their development. Between the kindergarten and the family, there must be a permanent relationship of collaboration, which should be maintained through the realization of the educational partnership between the kindergarten and the family. The kindergarten-family educational partnership has an important role in the child's development, because through the activities within it, pluses are brought in the child's development. Both the kindergarten and the family have their well-established role in the kindergarten-family partnership and each one tries to do his part to be able to achieve something for the good of the children together, because this is the common goal of the two educational environments, that of working together on children's development, and to train him to be able to integrate into society. Therefore, the collaboration between the kindergarten and the family has a very important role in the harmonious development of the child. Keywords: collaboration; development; kindergarten; family; child.
In times of social and/or economic crises, the most vulnerable members of the society face more significant difficulties than the rest of the population. Comprehensive and strategic measures are needed to reduce social exclusion and marginalisation. Mainstreaming and promoting social entrepreneurship is important for the development of an inclusive economy. The social impact is configured by investing the revenues generated in supporting vulnerable groups on the 'margins' of socio-economic processes to engage in economic activity and create opportunities for professional and social integration. Long-term value added from economic activities leads to cost reduction and the reduction of the effects of inequalities and poverty.
Rodina je základní společenskou jednotkou, která se jako pojem velmi obtížně vymezuje. K zápisu rodokmenů používáme graf (viz ilustrace 1.2), který by měl být alespoň dvougenerační. Muž se zapisuje symbolem trojúhelníku, žena symbolem kruhu. Neurčitý počet dětí, či jenom všeobecný zápis potomků značí symbol čtverce. Jedinec se nazývá ego a jeho generace se nazývá nultá. Graf čtený z hlediska jedince se nazývá egocentrický. Graf čtený z hlediska potomků je grafem prokreační rodiny – jinými slovy se orientuje na budoucnost. Graf z hlediska předků je grafem orientační rodiny čili je orientovaný na minulost.
The present work is devoted to Chinese traditional family institution and organization of traditional family relationships in China. The present paper analyzes the noble and rural family in imperial China. The relationships between spouses are described, and the social roles of men, women and children in the family group are clarified. Paper also reveals some interesting cultural practices related to important life events, family cults in China in the past and the institution of concubines.The present work is devoted to Chinese traditional family institution and organization of traditional family relationships in China. The present paper analyzes the noble and rural family in imperial China. The relationships between spouses are described, and the social roles of men, women and children in the family group are clarified. Paper also reveals some interesting cultural practices related to important life events, family cults in China in the past and the institution of concubines.
U Federaciji Bosne i Hercegovine od 2015. godine u primjeni je Zakon o zaštiti i postupanju sa djecom i maloljetnicima u krivičnom postupku FBiH19. Zakon predstavlja strateški zaokret i donosi određene novine u oblasti maloljetničkog prijestupništva. Temelji se na rješenjima savremenog krivičnog zakonodavstva, međunarodnim standardima i iskustvima dobre prakse drugih zemalja. Zakonom se utvrđuju posebna pravila postupanja prema djeci koja su u sukobu sa zakonom, mlađim punoljetnim osobama i djeci koja su žrtve ili svjedoci, pri tome poštujući najbolji interes djeteta te omogućavajući da dijete, u skladu sa uzrastom, iskaže svoje interese. Njegova primjena u praksi zahtijeva pravovremenu reakciju i osposobljavanje svih nadležnih organa, prvenstveno stručnih osoba organa starateljstva, odnosno centra za socijalni rad.
Jedno od najvažnijih pitanja suvremene nastave je pripremiti, omogućiti i realizirati suradnju škole i obitelji. Škola kao odgojno-obrazovna ustanova i specifičan oblik organizacije, posljednjih godina radi na osnaživanju i modernizaciji rukovodstva s ciljem usklađivanja ljudskih, fizičkih i financijskih potencijala. Modernizacijom obrazovnog sustava rukovodstvo daje sve veći značaj izgradnji kooperativnih odnosa vezanih za školu, suradnji škole sa roditeljima i širom društvenom zajednicom. Kako je ukupan obrazovni sustav praktično pred vratima reformskih procesa, tako je pred rukovodstvom veliki zadatak iznaći adekvatna rješenja za stvaranje demokratične škole po mjeri djeteta, izgradnju harmoničnih, suradničkih odnosa za rad i kontinuirano razvijanje partnerskih odnosa sa roditeljima i širom društvenom zajednicom.
Knjiga „Rodni stereotipi: Zvuči poznato?“ predstavlja veoma korisnu i interesantnu publikaciju koja nas suočava s predrasudama kreiranim oko pojmova roda i feminizma. U dvanaest tekstova prikazano je kako rodni stereotipi egzistiraju unutar društvenih i ideoloških matrica, ali i kako oni, u svakodnevnim i konkretnim situacijama, postaju sastavnim dijelom naših vlastitih zabluda. Realnost i konkretna patnja, koje se mogu prepoznati u brojnim navedenim životnim situacijama i pričama, djeluju kao žestok podsjetnik na teške i bolne sudbine žena na ovim prostorima, ali i kao koherentan i stručan materijal za edukaciju u oblasti rodnih studija i proučavanja rodnih stereotipa. U tom kontekstu, vrijednost ove knjige jest što na jednostavan način, prikazujući realne situacije, uključuje čitaoce u prepoznavanje takvih situacija te ih ujedno senzibilizira na pružanje otpora prihvaćenim i etabliranim rodnim stereotipima.