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While cities are sites of both individuality and collectivity, the resulting dualism translates into contradictory processes. On the one hand, city dwellers are inclined to adopt egoistic and self-concerned attitudes, while on the other, there is an opposite tendency with common interests secured and celebrated through common actions for the common sake. The aim of the article is to discuss the notions of common good, to examine urban space as its particular case and to conduct a preliminary analysis of conditions typical for Central European cities, all of which is followed by a proposal for an empirical study and conclusions.
Feeling maps can be understood as a subgroup of mental maps, which started to emerge in the USA in the 1960s as an interest to geographers, sociologists, and urbanists. Mental maps can be generally divided into two groups: perceptual (Lynch type) and preference (Gould type), both being named after the main representatives of the movements. Th e use of feeling maps resembles more the later preference maps, as through the maps the citizens can express not only their opinions but also their preferences regarding the public spaces. Th e aim of the project was to provide an additional source of information to the city of Olomouc when creating the Strategic Development Plan of the City of Olomouc for the period 2017–2023.
There are many faults in Turkey and %93 percent of land, %98 percent of population, %98 percent of industrial area, %95percent of dams in Turkey carry the earthquake risks. Turkey has encountered with many earthquakes and obtained lessons learned to improve the process of project with respect to supporting rapid accommodation, health, education and any other requirements. Studies have been revealed that after earthquake, three stages have been applied namely, Emergency Stage,Rehabilitation Stage, Reconstruction Stage to help the victims. According to Project Management Institute (PMI), Project Management Process Group (PMPG) consists of initiation, planning, execution, controlling & monitoring and closing.Applying these stages are vital to provide support according to plan. To understand importance of this process group,witness’ comments are evaluated, and defined bottleneck throughout providing support. Moreover, efficiency and productivity shall be measured in order to ensure being within time and budget. In this study, after earthquake process is studied in terms of project management. Results are discussed and lessons learned are obtained in order to take measurement associated with post disaster for Isparta- Burdur zone located in the mid-west of Mediterranean, Turkey.
In philosophy, in undermining the time's dominance over space, the share of Henri Lefebvre and Michel Foucault, two leading thinkers of the period of "spatial turn," is undeniably huge. The way these two thinkers handled the space made a splash even after themselves. The theories of Lefebvre and Foucault remain important today, with the structure of the place contemplating space, explaining the transformations of space and urban space over time, and presenting all these discussions in a manner associated with social and political practices. Lefebvre's considerations of the space, which extends to philosophy, history, physics, metaphysics, art, psychoanalysis, linguistics, and theology, are often regarded as a reference for subsequent studies. This study investigated the literature of the spatial turn period, explaining Lefebvre's concepts, which would become common in later periods as the "spatial trilogy." The study discussed the "perceived space" associated with everyday practices, the "designed place" where the power fictionalized, with virtual-actual extensions, and the "inhabited space," which Lefebvre called a "space of representation," which refers to differences and resistances associated with the concept of heterotopy. In the study, Lefebvre's these concepts are interpreted by comparing them to the concept of the heterotopia by Michel Foucault, another important thinker of the Period of Spatial Turn. In Foucault, heterotopic spaces with an emphasis on differences, out-of-the-norm, and ephemerality are exemplified by their physical extensions. The aim of this study is to contribute to the space literature by analyzing the differences, similarities, and concepts in which these two thinkers, who have expressed ideas about space in similar periods and inspired many academic studies in social sciences, philosophy, and architecture, have viewed the space.
The present study proposes an analysis of the conceptual apparatus that may facilitate the description and interpretation of the changes that have taken place in Transylvanian villages and ruralities over the past quarter century. The central question is: what is left of the village after these changes? Respectively, was this change superficial or has it affected the deeper strata as well? I argue that we are talking about a structure in which some strata have been radically transformed while others have remained unaffected. This led to the production of numerous ways of life that proved to be resilient. In the changing and diversified space of ruralities, there are several mentalities and tendencies that are parallel and simultaneously different temporalities that either complement or eliminate each other. Sometimes they coexist peacefully, other times they are in constant conflict with each other.
This paper is based on the assumption that there was a well-articulated idea behind the rapidly spreading phenomenon of theft after the formation of collective farms in Transylvania during socialism: people thought that what they were doing was not wrong because the real culprit was the socialist state that deprived them of their control over their lands. Had that not happened, they would still be their own masters, existentially complete, and should the supremacy of this state cease one day, they would once again be who they were before. This idea vitalized their expectations and hopes as a sacred aura. After 1989, these hopes came true temporarily, and partially, but, as it turned out, the peasant order imagined as existential completeness did not return. After joining the EU, the generation that went through socialization owning and cultivating their own land and then lived awaiting and hoping as collectivist peasants had to realize that it was all wrong: the new system brought its own shortcomings, frustrations, and disappointments as their world lost its sacredness.
Jakab, Albert Zsolt – Vajda, András (eds.).2020 Ruralitás és gazdasági stratégiák a 21. században [Rurality and Economic Strategies in the 21st Century]. Kolozsvár: Kriza János Néprajzi Társaság.
Vajda, András .2019 Változó létformák vidéken: Egy Maros menti falu gazdasági-kulturális szerkezetének átalakulása. [Changing life forms in rural areas: Transformation of the economic and cultural structure of a village in the Maros/Mureş Valley], Kolozsvár – Budapest: Kriza János Néprajzi Társaság ‒ L'Harmattan. 327. ISBN 978-963-414-614-8; 978-606-9015-14-8 (Dissertationes Ethnographicæ Transylvanicæ)
Mala in srednje velika industrijska mesta v Alpah so običajno na obrobnih območjih in so pogosto razvrednotena. Navedeno je večinoma posledica tega, da so se industrijske krajine v zadnjih dveh letih spremenile v razvrednotena območja, katerih prenovo ovira več dejavnikov. Med njimi so upad števila prebivalcev, slabšanje poslovnih priložnosti, draga okoljska sanacija in zahtevno upravljanje preobrazbe. Avtorji v članku proučujejo, katere možnosti za prenovo imajo alpska mesta z razvrednotenimi industrijskimi območji, katero podporo zagotavlja Evropska unija in koliko razvojnega potenciala se dejansko na ta način v celoti uresniči. Obravnavana so štiri obrobna območja v štirih alpskih državah: v Avstriji, Franciji, Italiji in Sloveniji. Izsledki kažejo, da veljavne politike EU nezadostno urejajo razvrednotena območja. Finančne spodbude so razpršene med več viri, zaradi česar jih je težko črpati, poleg tega na proučevanih območjih ni zadostnega znanja in zmogljivosti za pridobitev sredstev, ki jih potrebujejo za to, da svoje zamisli pretvorijo v uspešne zgodbe o prenovi.
Small and medium-sized industrial towns in the Alpine area are often peripheral and degraded. These areas have also experienced declines in population and business opportunities as well as substantial environmental remediation costs, and they have undergone complex transformations. This research investigates what options towns with Alpine industrial brownfields have for redevelopment, what support is offered by the European Union, and how much development potential is fully valorized in this way. The evaluation was undertaken using four case studies of peripheral regions in four Alpine countries: Austria, France, Italy, and Slovenia. The results reveal that brownfields are not sufficiently covered by current EU policies, and that financial incentives are spread among several resources and, consequently, are difficult to absorb. In addition, the regions in question do not possess the required knowledge or capacity (both individually and collectively) to obtain the funds needed to turn their ideas into successful redevelopment stories.
In the literature and in urban development strategies, different visions of cities are formulated in which there is a friendly living environment for residents. This article presents the results of research presenting ideas about the city in which one would like to live (an orderly city) and about the inhabitants (orderly inhabitants), whom one would like to have as members of the local community. Synthesizing the conducted research, there are indicated 10 features of a good city and 10 ones with reference to good residents, which gained the greatest recognition in the conducted research. At the same time, the results of research concerning the indication of Polish and world cities, in which the indicated characteristics of cities could be met, are given. They were generally the largest cities in Poland and the world. In the end, the mutual conditions of a salubrious city and respectable residents were pointed to, concluding that there are no good cities without good residents, and vice versa.
This article presents studies on spatial planning systems in chosen European countries. The study used a method to assess the activity of individual spatial planning participants according to the specific typology. Participants were divided into 5 groups, differing in the degree of integration into planning processes and procedures: originators, co-originators, participants, and passive participants: customers and consumers. The studies took into account the degree and nature of the activity of the individual participants in the different phases and forms of planning, paying particular attention to the normative planning of the constitutional phase in which planning documents are drawn up and adopted.
The realisation of spatial justice, guaranteeing the quality of life for all citizens and the prohibition of citizens’ exclusion are the fundamental principles of optimal urban management. Social seclusion is associated with social policies such as education, health, housing, employment, crime, welfare, poverty alleviation, etc. The spatial problems in Tehran are due to the political organising and political management of space in Iran on a micro and macro scale during the last hundred years. Tehran as the major metropolis of Iran has a special significance in the Iranian urban system; but in terms of spatial justice, the distribution of urban services across its districts is considered heterogeneous. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the status of “Spatial Justice of Tehran” in terms of urban services and examine the level of difference between districts. Mixed method is used in this research. The results show that the distribution of urban services is not just in 22 districts of Tehran. According to the findings, district 1 has the highest level of services and districts 17 and 9 have the lowest levels of services.
The introductory study of the thematic issue discusses the socio-historical and contemporary processes that make the operation of informal strategies common, important, and useful for the regional actors. It briefly describes research experiences and areas for further analysis on this topic carried out within the framework of WAC – Centre for Regional and Anthropological Research.
The emergence and growth of cities was a consequence of the development of society, which led to increased needs and expectations of city inhabitants. They obviously varied over the centuries, but city-dwellers expected a higher standard of living. This generated the need for appropriate city management. The management and the refore the city management are defined in various ways. Irrespective of the definition, however, the city management is handled by city authorities, in particular by the executive authority. It saim is to satisfy collective needs of the local community, i.e., to shape the living conditions meeting city inhabitants’ expectations and to improve them where they do not meet those expectations. However, the city management is not easy due to a very complex social structure. One of the instruments facilitating it is spatial planning and development. The aim of this article is to analyse how the space was shaped by city authorities and discuss the instruments with which they could and can currently shape the space and living conditions for city inhabitants.
The purpose of this article is to present the genesis and development of the Polish National Cittaslow Network and the Chinese National Cittaslow Network, as well as to draw attention to differences between the two ‘slow city’ models, respectively. The period of analysis spans the years 2007-2021. The research methods included a critical analysis of the relevant literature and source materials (statutes, regulations and other strategic documents of the association) and a comparative analysis. The main differences between the Polish and Chinese Cittaslow networks are related to cultural differences between these countries, with the dissimilar political systems and administrative divisions. The model of Cittaslow development in Poland is closer to the European ‘slow city’ model. The Chinese network is at the stage of searching for individual solutions corresponding to social, cultural and economic realities of the country.