Европа през 21 век : Регионалната сигурност и необходимите реформи в Европейския съюз
The annual academic forum of National and International Security Department this year is devoted to regional security and reforms in the European Union. Foreign academics and researchers from Poland, Macedonia, Serbia, Russia and other countries are taking part in this broad forum.Why have we chosen this topic?Today, in the first quarter of the 21st century, it appears that the world is on the verge of tolerance of risks and threats. The range of these threats is enormously broad - from the danger of wars between countries and coalitions, to violence among people within states. The world is in a period of devastated global equilibrium and a slowly developing new equilibrium. The temporal distance between these two states opened a place for the manifestation of chaos.In this increasingly difficult to predict world, the European Union has not been so far under such a criticism as the present since its creation. It comes from the ultimate right and the ultimate left, pass through the center and involve more and more ideologists and representatives, even the classical left and center-right political parties. But even a glimpse of their criticism does not show a way out of the crisis. It does not show how to preserve what is valuable in politics, economics and democracy that Europeans have undoubtedly enjoyed and continue to enjoy and how to transfer it into a future European Project.