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Kao što je poznato, pismo Divkovićevih izdanja, tako i velikoga Nauka krstjanskoga (VNK), otisnutoga u Veneciji 1611. g, višestruko stoji na razmeđu: uzusa ustavne, minuskulne i brzopisne ćirilice, ali i između uzusa staroslavenske i zapadne (latiničke) grafi je i ortografi je, između oslanjanja na fonologiju onodobnih bosanskih govora i na naslijeđenu staroslavensku praksu itd. Isto tako, Divkovićev VNK stoji i na razmeđu povišenoga i pučkoga, između rukopisa i nove tehnologije, još uvijek između srednjega vijeka i novovjekovlja, doslovce na rubu zapadne i istočne Europe, u kontekstu između latinske i crk venoslavenske tradicije u koji se uglavljuje književnojezični izraz utemeljen na narodnome idiomu.
Albert Szenci Molnár (1574-1634) is one of the most popular and frequently researched 17th century Reformed intellectuals for contemporary scholars of Hungarian studies. No doubt, this eminent position in early modern intellectual history has a lot to do with Szenci Molnár’s own techniques of self-fashioning especially present in his often autobiographically inspired forewords to his works or in his diary kept in a personal manuscript-book together with his hitherto unpublished Loci communes among others. One of the most important aspects of this self-fashioning could be regarded as a Johannes Piscator-type project of reducing the intellectual interest to ‘universal Bible studies’ consisting of the preparation of dictionaries, grammars, revised Bible editions, psalm-paraphrases and catechisms in the vernacular instead of dealing with philosophy in general including ‘philosophia naturalis’ as well.
In scholarly literature incantations are defined as set verbal units or phrases expressing superstitions that according to popular beliefs were thought to have a real effect. Incantations are probably the oldest folkloric expressions. Their origin dates far back to the Pre-Christian period. One of the earliest illustrations of their practice can be found in Persian sources. Incantations stemmed from primordial conscience according to which word and action were identical and through them one could make one’s wishes come true. Incantations are much older than prayers. They formed the basis of magical healing, love magic, driving away storms, fires and evil powers; they were part of wishes, carols and other ritual verbal expressions. Incantations differ from prayers in that that one is trying to reach the result directly, while prayer has only a mediating function, representing a link between man and God, an appeal with which a man turns to God awaiting fulfilment of his supplication. The older types of prayers used some elements of incantations. For example prayers against fever, for a good harvest and so on, in which the older pattern was only formally adjusted to the Christian ideas. For example, the person saying an incantation formula in its introductory and final part would stress that he is acting in the name of God, and there were various insertions, such as not with my, but with the help of God and so on.
Magical practices in the books of miracles represent an interesting research topic that has not received much attention in Czech historiography. The topic is closely related to problems of miraculous sites and religious pilgrimages. Using mainly the methods of historical anthropology, the paper focuses on the manifestations of magical practices connected with Baroque miracles and associated with Marian pilgrimage places of the Society of Jesus in the Czech Lands.
V jednom z najvýznamnejších centier nemecky hovoriaceho obyvateľstva Uhorska, v hlavnom meste Spiša – Levoči, sa počas dlhých desaťročí 16. a 17. storočia podrobne zaznamenávali výdaje a príjmy mestského hospodárenia. Vedúci funkcionári hospodársky, politicky a kultúrne vplyvného slobodného kráľovského mesta, ktoré sa už v polovici 16. storočia pokladalo za luteránske, viac ako deväť desaťročí precízne a zodpovedne viedli aj záznamy v tzv. Testamentbuch-u. Išlo o záležitosť miestneho významu, v ktorom hrali hlavnú úlohu zbožné hľadiská a rôzne zmluvne zakotvené povinnosti, a samozrejme, aj dobre chápané verejné záujmy. Tento unikátny prameň poskytuje osobitý pohľad na každodennosť ranonovovekého mesta, o fungovaní sociálnych a charitatívnych štruktúr, pričom tieto informácie majú väčší dosah než odraz vtedajšieho „dneška“. Ide o zvláštny doklad humanistickej mecenatúry, ktorý vznikol ako posledná vôľa jednej z hospodársky a politicky vysokopostavených osobností Uhorského kráľovstva, a ktorý si mestský magistrát prispôsobil svojim potrebám.
Pre rod Thurzovcov, ktorý je mimoriadne bohatý na výnimočných ľudí, je charakteristickou vlastnosťou ekonomický talent. Vďaka nemu sa rod vyšvihol a celkom netradičnou cestou – dočasným opustením šľachtického stavu a prechodom k meštianstvu a potom opäť návratom do šľachtického stavu, ale už do aristokracie – sa dostal na najvyššie posty a v niekoľkých generáciách sa podieľal na politickej a hospodárskej správe krajiny. Okrem toho desať členov rodu a jedna žena boli županmi v stoliciach Pest-Pilišskej, Nitrianskej, Trenčianskej, Oravskej, Šarišskej a Spišskej. Okrem výkonu vysokých štátnických funkcií však spravovali aj svoje súkromné majetky a panstvá, od prosperovania ktorých závisela aj ich vlastná prosperita. V príspevku sa zameriame na panstvá a hospodárenie predposledných a posledných príslušníkov thurzovského rodu, ktorí žili a spravovali svoje majetky v prvej tretine 17. storočia, najmä na palatínov Juraja a Stanislava Thurzu a ich dedičov.
Obdobie 16. a 17. storočia vnieslo do uhorskej spoločnosti nové impulzy v politickej, duchovnej, ale aj kultúrnej rovine. Medzi ne patrila aj sociálna disciplinizácia, ktorá spolu s centralizáciou a inštitucionalizáciou spoločenských štruktúr viedla k formovaniu absolutistického štátu. Jej duchovnými nositeľmi boli elity krajín, vďaka ktorým môžeme hovoriť o tzv. vertikálnej sociálnej disciplinizácii, ale ako je nižšie uvedené, nešlo len o jednosmerné presadzovanie záujmov zhora nadol.
Oravský hrad patril medzi dôležité opevnené sídla rodiny Thurzovcov v období 16. a 17. storočia. Napriek tomu, že sa nezdržiavali na ňom rovnako často, ako napr. v Bytči, alebo na hrade Lietava, patril k dôležitému centru rozsiahleho Oravského panstva. Dôsledkom jeho významu bola skutočnosť, že Thurzovci sa postarali o jednu z najvýznamnejších prestavieb Oravského hradu. Zároveň môžeme povedať, že ich iniciatívou nadobudol hrad pôdorys a takú objemovú skladbu objektov, aká sa zachovala do súčasnosti. Prakticky zavŕšili stavebný vývoj hradného areálu, pretože mladšie úpravy hradu súviseli s odstraňovaním následkov tragického požiaru v roku 1800. O význame thurzovských prestavieb svedčí skutočnosť, že renesančná „thurzovská“ podoba hradu, bola prijatá v 50. až 70. rokoch 20. storočia za základnú východiskovú metodickú ideu pri Generálnej obnove hradného areálu.
The book "Parias y resistentes. La guerra interminable según Almudena Grandes" written by Aránzazu Calderón is an important work that I believe that should be read by both, those interested in Spanish Literature and Spanish History. It is also a text that reflects the great debates in these two disciplines. Both the need for the historical memory of nations and the genesis and reinforcement of what Rosenwein has called emotional communities (2006) appear in this book analyzing Almudena Grandes' novelistic project, which is entitled "Episodios de una Guerra interminable".
The first critical edition of "Memoirs and Letters", an important source for Polish history and the history of education by Izabela Moszczeńska-Rzepecka (1864-1941), who was an independence activist, patriot, pedagogue advocating the ideas of the New Education and supporting the emancipation of women and a pioneer of sexual education. Her life began in a manor house in Kuyavia, where patriotic insurgent traditions were cultivated, she received positivist education at a finishing school in Warsaw and joined the ranks of Warsaw insurgent intelligentsia (and imprisoned for her activity in this field). A social activist in the Second Polish Republic, she died in Warsaw during the Nazi occupation. She raised two children on her own: Hanna Pohoska (1895-1953) was a historian of education and an associate professor at Warsaw University, Jan Rzepecki (1899-1983) was a colonel in the Polish Army. The grave of Izabela Moszczeńska at Warsaw Powązki Cemetery is engraved with her life motto: "Full of faith in homeland’s resurrection".
The publication, commemorating the 500 th birthday of Sigismund II Augustus, contains several essays on the last Jagiellonian, his artistic patronage and the flourishing of culture, visual arts and literature among others, at the time.
Genji monogatari (The Tale of Genji) was written before more than a thousand years and is perhaps the best-known work of classical Japanese literature, sometimes even dubbed as the world's oldest novel. This publication explores the ways in which Genji monogatari was treated by authors of popular literature in the Edo period (1600–1867), especially Ryūtei Tanehiko, author of the contemporary bestseller Nise Murasaki inaka Genji, which is based on Genji monogatari. This book offers an introduction to early-modern Japanese literary paraphrases and examines creative strategies used in works that inventively drew from Genji monogatari.
The comprehensive edition presents the legendary correspondence between Polyxena of Lobkowicz and her husband Zdenko Adalbert of Lobkowicz. The letters are written in Spanish, but the editor provides an abstract in Spanish, in German and in Czech for each of them. Each letter has been also translated into Czech. The edition includes an index of subjects in Spanish. The correspondence covers the years between 1618 and 1627. The letters document the events of the Bohemian rebellion from the point of view of the Catholic nobility. They discuss also intimate issues of the marital life and religious questions. Zdenko Adalbert of Lobkowicz was a deeply religious intellectual and Polyxena was a self-conscious aristocratic landlady.
The edition presents the famous bilingual diary of Prince Ferdinand of Schwarzenberg (1652-1703) which covers the years between 1686 and 1697. The first half of the diary is written in French, the second half in German. Ferdinand of Schwarzenberg was born in present-day Belgium to a French speaking family. The introductory essay discusses his life, his Grand Tour and his career at the court. The diary focuses on his activities at the Court of Vienna which is also expressed by his term 'mon journal des affairs de cour'. Schwarzenberg discussed also international affairs of his times such as the wars with the Ottoman empire in the Balkans or wars against France. The introduction and all comments are written in German.
The monograph is a fruit of research by representatives of a variety of academic disciplines: historians, cultural and literary studies scholars, and linguists studying Central-Eastern Europe. The polydisciplinary and multinational group of authors – scholars from Poland, Ukraine, Belarus and Lithuania – is united by their interest in the cultural identity of the region’s nations. The problem of the cultural history and the present of Central-Eastern Europe is presented in two perspectives: one looks at processes of shaping elements of the identity of Central-Eastern European nations, while the other offers highly-focused synchronic analyses of selected cultural phenomena.