Krajinná výstava v Chebe : historická kontinuita využitia verejného prostoru
Considering town design with regard to the originality, identity and traditions can play an effective role in city. The study focuses on changes in organization and usage of the public space in town caused by historical, demographical and political processes, and on process of identification of citizens with urban area. Via German phenomenon of landscape exhibitions we will observe reception and usage of green areas in border town Cheb. Differences in usage of the original and the recent one were caused by massive demographical change: after war removal of German inhabitants. Transforming the public space in Cheb via landscape exhibition we compare with the same process which took place in German border town Marktredwitz. Research methods used for writing this study were analysis of documents related to landscape exhibitions in general and with Chebean and Marktredwitzean exhibition in particular, participant observation and narrative interviews.