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Since the end of the 18th century, the economic assumptions shaped plenty of regulations in force in various constitutional systems operating in Poland. A good example are customs regulations referring to international trade, being a significant element of economic (trade) policy. The development of customs has been a reflection of the established economic goals in the acts of law being introduced and remaining in force from the days of King Stanisław, via the solutions applied in the Duchy of Warsaw, Kingdom of Poland and its autonomy, the Second Republic and in the customs instruments used in planned economy.
The issue of criminal responsibility for the crime of state treason committed during the First World War in the territory of the former Congress Kingdom of Poland was one of the problems which the Polish judicial system faced in the first years after restoring independence in 1918. The present paper is an attempt at demonstrating that in the judicial practice concerning such cases, the Supreme Court did not actually adhere to the laws in effect. The Supreme Court interpreted those laws in an incorrect and sometimes contradictory manner in order to establish the possibility of condemning the persons who were deemed guilty of treason against Poland. In fact, the Supreme Court aimed at satisfying the social sense of justice which demanded responsibility of persons who acted against the interest of the Polish cause in the particularly difficult time of the fight for independence.
Review of: SALI KADRIA: NACIONALIZMI SHQIPTAR NË VITET 1912-1924, Tiranë: Kristalina-KH, 2019, 680 F.
During 1874, agricultural conditions in Montenegro gradually changed. The Princely Montenegrin Agricultural School in Danilovgrad was opened in 1875, but was closed the following year due to the outbreak of war (1876). Twenty students applied for the first school agricultural course. The following subjects were studied at the school: fruit growing, silkworm breeding, animal husbandry and farming. The lower princely Montenegrin agricultural school in Podgorica was opened in 1893, and ceased to operate in 1898. The focus of the classes was on plant production, animal husbandry, silkworm breeding and beekeeping, but also forestry. Twenty- five students who completed their education also received employment in the civil service.After the First world war, a very difficult situation prevailed in the whole kingdom regarding the teaching of schools. Some political parties (Montenegrin Party, Radical Party) had in their programs views on the establishment of vocational schools, especially craft and agricultural. Regarding the opening of an agricultural school in Montenegro, the biggest problem was the location of the future school. with a lot of problems, it was only in 1933 that the Special Agricultural School for Southern Cultures „Topolica” was opened, lasting one year, which in 1939 grew into a two-year one, and was called the Special Lower Agricultural School for Southern Cultures. The school was located in the building of King Nikola‘s castle in Topolica in Bar.
Krijimi i Monarkisë Shqiptare, kaloi nëpërmjet një rruge të studiuar mirë. Si një politikan që kishte arritur shpejt postet më të larta drejtuese të shtetit, Zogu ishte i vetëdijshëm se ndryshimi i sistemit politik, duhej bërë sa të ishte e mundur, nëpërmjet hapësirave ligjore, proces të cilin mund ta definonte Asambleja Kushtetuese. Pasi siguroi mbështetjen italiane dhe të grupimeve të caktuara të shoqërisë shqiptare, vëmendja u përqendrua në krijimin e kushteve që do të mundësonin kalimin e vendit në zgjedhje të reja. Ato më të afertat mund të bëheshin në pranverën e vitit 1929, dhe do të ishin për Dhomën e Deputetëve, pasi Statuti Themeltar i Republikës kishte përcaktuar se deputeti zgjidhej për katër vjet. Ndërsa ato për 2/3 e senatorëve, i takonte të bëheshin në vitin 1931, sepse ata zgjidheshin për 6 vjet.1 Kështu që mundësi e vetme, ishte krijimi i situatave konfliktuale mes dhomave të parlamentit, me qëllim shpërndarjen e tyre. Si pretekst për këtë shërbeu projektligji për krijimin e Këshillit të Shtetit dhe pikërisht klauzola, se kush do të kishte të drejtën e emërimit të anëtarëve të tij. Në nëntor 1927, Dhoma e Deputetëve gjatë diskutimit të bërë, saktësoi në pikën 1 se, “Këshilli i Shtetit përbëhet prej pesë anëtarësh, të emëruar drejtpërdrejtë me dekret të Kryetarit të Republikës, nga të cilët njëri dekretohet kryetar”.
The cultural dialogue between Poland and China can be traced back to the 13th century, the time of Mongol invasions of Europe, and can also be linked to the activities of the missionary Benedict of Poland. Particularly important place should be attributed to the Jesuit Michał Boym and his fascination with learning about the life, customs, flora, fauna and medicine of China, as well as his sense of research and substantive scholarly preparation. Concurrently, Chinese researchers, historians and politicians spread knowledge about Poland in China by a number of historical and geographical studies about the world; at the same time, essayists and reformers drew practical knowledge from Polish historical fate and made their compatriots aware of the need to modernize China. Those first attempts to learn about both cultures had a significant impact on the contemporary cultural dialogue between Poland and China.
Gjergj Fishta, a prominent figure in Albanian literature, wrote epic, satirical, dramatic, lyrical, and publicistic works during the course of his career. He covered the journalistic side, which assessed aspects of Albania and its environment, in great detail. The majority of Fishta's prose works were released in periodicals and newspapers of the era, including “Hylli i Dritës” (1913) and “Posta e Shqypnis” (1916). The considerable work of Gjergj Fishta is a significant addition to Albanianology, theology, and cultural studies. Our inquiry will center on the newspaper article “The Riots of June 1924.” This writing in the Fishtian pen takes the form of a historical testimony, bringing historical events, facts, and real individuals in addition to its vast lexicon. As he noted, Gjergj Fishta, the demagogues of political and social life were the target of this article. In particular, the authorities, particularly those in Albania, the Assembly, the Parliament, specifically the high officials, starting with the prime minister, witnessed an undress spiritual and national, ignorance to the point of regret, extreme impudence, and nonsense motivated by greed, with serious repercussions for the Albanian world and its people. With this study, Gjergj Fishta aimed to uphold Albanian identity, the call to serve the country, and the need to modify the law to better suit Albanian society. At the end of the day, Gjergj Fishta wanted the best for his people and the preservation of the Albanian identity based on the code of tradition, just like many other patriots, intellectuals, and albanologists.
This paper explores the concept of dark tourism through the lens of a visit to the ALZHIR Museum and Memorial Complex in Kazakhstan, which was once a notorious Soviet women’s camp. The authors, who toured with guides in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan, discuss their experiences in the two major cities of Astana and Almaty, and their day trips to the steppe and wetlands, as well as the stunning Charyn Canyon National Park. The paper highlights the history of Kazakhstan, from its nomadic beginnings to its independence from Soviet Russia in 1990, and the Russian occupation and the imposition of Russian schooling on the Kazakhs. The authors also touch upon the extensive process of collectivization imposed by the Soviet regime, which resulted in the death of an estimated 1.5 million Kazakhs from starvation. The main focus of the paper, however, is the ALZHIR Museum and Memorial Complex, which serves as a chilling reminder of the horror of the Gulag system. The authors discuss the ethical implications of dark tourism and argue that tourists have a responsibility to educate themselves about the culture and history of the places they visit, to promote historical understanding and cultivate a memorial experience that draws attention to what is commemorated by whom and for what reasons.
This article looks at how the Yugoslav state-making process affected the country’s attitude toward refugees, and it describes the challenges that refugees faced when adjusting to their lived reality in the host country. In particular, this article considers the impact of both foreign policy and domestic preoccupations in shaping allegiances and rivalries between a variety of actors in the local political landscape and society, on the one hand, and between the different refugee groups, on the other. Finally, the article explores the top-down spatial management of refugees, alongside the strategies refugees pursued to respond to attempts at governing their mobility.
This article explores the key features of tabloid journalism in Belgrade during the interwar period, focusing on Krsta Cicvarić’s work as a prime example. Cicvarić’s unique reporting approach, which involved falsehoods and misrepresentations, can be linked to the Blue Book brochure on the Serbian issue in 1909. This led to his reputation as the leading figure in Belgrade’s “yellow press.” Cicvarić’s publication, “Beogradski dnevnik,” circulated from 1912 to 1926, was distinguished by its provocative headlines and unconventional content. As the director of the “Balkan” newspaper, Cicvarić directed this nationalist publication towards the domain of tabloid journalism, with the paper gaining infamy for its blatant anti-Semitism and right-wing extremist views. Despite Cicvarić’s tabloid-style publications, they did not significantly impact public opinion due to the low literacy rates among most of the population and the influential reputation of notorious newspapers during that time.
Colonel Tanasije Dinić’s personality and contributions are principally associated with the era of the Second World War, during which he held a prominent role as a collaborator and served as one of Milan Nedić’s ministers. Th is article seeks to undertake a historiographical reconstruction of Colonel Dinić’s activities within the borders of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia leading up to the onset of the Second World War. Th e authors underscore three distinctive phases in Colonel Dinić’s life. Th e initial section of the study meticulously examines his wartime experiences, commencing from his enrollment in the Military Academy’s Lower School and extending to the early years subsequent to the establishment of the SHS Kingdom. Th e subsequent section of the article delves into Colonel Dinić’s signifi cant contributions to the establishment, expansion, and management of an intelligence network with a specifi c focus on Albania and Bulgaria. Th e third section of the article extensively addresses Colonel Tanasije Dinić’s tenure as a member of the Yugoslav Radical Community (JRZ) and the National Assembly. Th e scholarly foundation of this section rests upon pertinent literature and archival sources, which have been systematically employed to craft the narrative presented in the paper
This article is based on documents from the recently discovered Warsaw-Kholm collection of Ivan Ohienko, kept in the archives of the Institute of National Remembrance of Poland in Warsaw. The subject of study and analysis were documents related to the founding in Warsaw in 1933 of the Native Language monthly magazine, dedicated to the study and promotion of the Ukrainian language. In total, these are 177 archival sheets, the content of which has not been known to the public until now. The analysis is carried out in several directions. First of all, the circumstances of the origin and implementation of the plan, which were unfavourable from the very beginning, have been clarified: the economic crisis in the Western world, the weak organization of Ukrainian emigration. Despite such circumstances, the persistence of the initiator prevailed: he managed to launch the publication of the magazine and to ensure its existence for eight years. The characteristics of the mail are given by geography (apart from enclaves with a compact residence of Ukrainians and the territory of Poland at the time, a significant number of letters were sent to various countries of Western Europe and America) and authorship (well-known Ukrainian scholars, religious figures, editors, educationalists, as well as high school students, editors of newspapers and magazines, owners of bookstores and printers, graphic artists, activists of Ukrainian public organizations...). Also the question of the various forms of promotion of the publication and filling the address book of subscribers shall be discussed. Among the most common forms were: publications of informative nature in the existing network of periodicals of the Ukrainian diaspora; creation of a group of distributors of advertising materials and signature checks through personal letters of the editor to colleagues, friends, and acquaintances. An overview of the main actions to support the magazine, which were held in the USA and Canada, is made.
125 years ago, in 1898, the new building of the Balvan neighbourhood National Primary School was built. Since 1943, the school has been named after the genius poet and revolutionary Hristo Botev. The proposed research is based on the preserved two Chronicle books, kept in the State Archives - Veliko Tarnovo. The first Chronicle book begins on 13 September 1897 and covers approximately 12 years of the school's life. After a 27-year interruption, the history of the school continues in the second Chronicle book, which begins on 15 September 1936 and ends on 21 March 1956. More information can be found in the documents of the Municipal Administration of the village of Balvan and the Rural Municipal Natioanаl Council in Vetrintsi. The history is supplemented by the book of the local historian Rusi Dimitrov "History of the village of Vetrintsi Veliko Tarnovo", published in 2003.
The article presents in a comparative plan the information on the formation of the Bulgarian revival nation in the textbooks for secondary schools, issued in Bulgaria in the period 1993 – 2019. It examines problematic issues related to the structuring of the lessons in the section „History of Bulgaria – Bulgarian Revival“. The changes in the terms „nation“, „national idea“, „national identity“ have been traced.
The article examines two issues – the history of the village, through the analysis of the origin and development of the village and the presentation of the antiquities in its land. The origin of the village is around the middle of the 19th century, as evidenced by a photo of a family from around 1940, in which the oldest woman is 100 years old. The toddler is the current resident, and is now 80 years old. In the yard of the same person is also the only dugout known to me so far, in which the current owner was born. The second part presents a reconstruction of the Roman aqueduct that supplied the ancient city of Escus. Until now it was only tentatively known, now this is supported and documented by fragments of the water pipe found in the village. In addition, the text mentions the presence of a Villa rustica, which was located at the eastern end of the village in the town of Manastira. Evidence for this is the partially destroyed flat necropolis and burial mound (destroyed in the 1950s) from the Roman era, which are located southwest of the villa. There is evidence of an earlier life at the height of the Samodiv Mound, where there is a burial mound of the Thracian ruler of the settlement located in the area. The author witnessed a large part of the events in the history of the village.
„The Golden Book of Sofia“ in the permanent exhibition of the Regional Historical Museum – Sofia holds the status of a monument of national importance. The book consists of 86 pages in a piled condition, adorned with gold leaf. „The Golden Book“ is placed in a leather binding resembling a cover, decorated at the edges with colourful floral and geometric ornaments, and in the centre – with the coat of arms of the capital. It is preserved in a carved wooden box. This unique „chronicle“ preserves the memory of the history of the capital from 1912 to 1972. Official delegations, tourist groups, or individual guests from different cities, countries, and continents leave their names, impressions, and wishes for Sofia and its residents. The pages of the book contain information about various events related to our regional and national history.