Bulgares et Yougoslaves
booklet published by the "Jugoslav Association for the League of Nations". Content: Language - Religion - Traditions - POlitical Aspects - Current State of the Art - Conclusion
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booklet published by the "Jugoslav Association for the League of Nations". Content: Language - Religion - Traditions - POlitical Aspects - Current State of the Art - Conclusion
Inspired by passions and diverse interests, these studies on Bessarabia are often far from edifying public opinion. We will therefore endeavor to shed light on this issue, by supporting the following pages with authentic dates and documents, excluding any prevention and any special interest. Published by Cartea Romaneasca, Iaşi, 1926
The publisher Al. Pascalew, based in Sofia, started after Worldwar I an series „Bibliothèque des Questions Balkaniques“, in which he mainly published extracts from books which have been published in Western European countries. H. N. Brailsford had published in 1906 in London his comprehensive monograph edition on „Macedonia: its Races and their Future“ (London: Methuen & Co. 1906). The digitized issue 3 of the „Library of Balkan Questions“ offered here consists of an extract from the chapters IV and V of this 1906 book in French translation.
instead of an Abstract please read the" Introduction.PDF" of 2.5 pages which you can download free of charge from "Content" Tab here.
I would be embarrassed if anyone would take this book as a mockery of anything.During our historical events, there were also funny things. Although it is not in our people’s nature, after the wars, events have however made us too serious that we have become too gloomy. We forgot about Triša and Nerandža, and the others. Many will find the title strange: "Unpublished documents”.The idea was given by Captain Triša. Somehow, after the war, one of the Great Powers published its "White" or was that "Blue" book of unpublished war documents."This is nothing," Triša says. I will also write my unpublished documents! And he started talking….For those I am convinced will not be angry, I used real names. For the rest, I'm sorry, I had to use other names, because of the press laws. Perhaps the book would have been more interesting if the other names had not been replaced.However, I believe that almost every reader will recognize both Nerandža and Trifun. May 1929.
Book was published in 1939 by the "League of Nations / European COnference on Rural Life" LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS: Dr. Rudolf Andrejka, Head of Division in the Genera Statistical Department. Ante Celegin, Engineer, Head of Division in the Ministry of Public Works. G. Davidovitch, Secretary of the Central Union of Co-operative Societies of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. Dr. Milorad Dragitch, Adviser to the Central Institute of Public Health.Dr. Stevan Ivanitch, Head of Division in the Ministry of Social Welfare and Public Health. Milorad Jefremovitch, Director-General of the Agricultural Chartered Bank. Dr. Bogoliub Konstantinovitch, Director of the Central Institute of Public Health.Dr. Branislav Krstitch, Head of Division in the Ministry of Education. Alfonz Hribar, Inspector in the Ministry of Agriculture.Dr. Miloslav Stojadinovitch, Publicist. Velislav Tomachevitch, Engineer, Head of the Sanitary Technical Section in the Central Institute of Public Health. The various chapters of the monograph were assembled and edited by Dr. Andrejka, Dr. Ivanitch and Dr. Stojadinovitch.
Published 1928 by: EDITION DU BUREAU DE POALE-SION, BERLIN, N. 24, AUGUSTSTRASSE, 17 // The booklet provides an analysis of the way how immigrants from Europe to Palestine get engaged into the regional economy. Wealthy Jewish immigrants (mainly from Western Europe) , developing enterprises in agriculture, industry, or trade-business are providing employment rather to Arab workers (for lower wages) than to poor Jewish immigrants (mainly from Eastern Europe). So, in their socialist approach the authors come to the result that equal pay for Jewish and for Arab emploees should be obligatory for the "Capitalist immigrants".
Inspired by various passions and interests, these studies of Bessarabia often fall short of building public opinion. We will therefore endeavor to shed light on this question, by supporting the following pages with authentic dates and documents, to the exclusion of any prevention and any special interest. (Author's Introduction)
In order to make the thorough mendacity of Putin's rethorics about "Ukraine as a State of Neo-Nazis" fully evident, CEEOL is offering the Ukrainian Jewish journal ”Ї“ as the strongerst possible proof of a habit of "modern Ukrainian and world intellectual thought". The NGO "Ї", an independent cultural organization founded in the late 1980's in L'viv, focuses on modern Ukrainian and world intellectual thought. It offers periodic forums for discussion of issues concerning Ukraine and, among others, Europe, Russia, post-Byzantium, the Muslim Renaissance. It analyzes the current situation in order to develop future socio-political strategies. The organization also publishes "Ї", a quarterly journal dealing with European and Ukrainian issues in politics, philosophy, and culture. It also examines the relationship of Ukrainians with Russians, Poles, Austrians, and Jews and places Ukraine in a modern geopolitical sphere that can further Ukraine's identity as a modern state.
The monograph presents a final outcome of scientific investigations undertaken by the author during last 15 years. The work is devoted to the activity of Western-Ukrainian intelligentsia in the fields of national and cultural development of the region. The idea of the national territorial integrity formulated by the Ukrainian activists at the turn of 20th century and realized during Ukrainian Revolution of 1917–1921 was partly turned into practical achievements by Ukrainian intellectuals under the Bolshevik and Polish occupation of Ukrainian lands in the 1920–30s. (PUBLISHED IN 2004 BY THE ІНСТИТУТ ІСТОРІЇ УКРАЇНИ, НАЦІОНАЛЬНА АКАДЕМІЯ НАУК УКРАЇНИ)
One part of these speeches comes from the activity in a small Lutheran village in Transylvania, which hangs on the last terrace of the Transylvanian southern Alps, right at the foot of the highest mountain giants ... But the rest arose during a six-month winter trip through the United States, on which the author visited his emigrated ethnic and religious comrades. It contains the fruits of the moment, which saw the light of day in workshops and factories, on the street, steamships and railways, at best in an inn... Their purpose was to let life speak to life. (O Wittstock) – THE ORIGINAL IS PRINTED IN GERMAN FRAKTURY TYPESET. READERS SHOULD BE FAMILIAR WITH THOSE CHARACTERS. 1927 published in second edition (1st in 1914) by »Honterus Buchdruckerei« in Hermannstadt (Sibiu)
This is an essay by Joseph Chmelař , published by ORBIS-Publisher in Prague and dedicated to the region near Ostrava, where the masin part of the Polish minority was living. Masaryk's principles regarding minority inegration and rights in Post-WW-I Czechoslovakia ,et with some obstacles in this special region.
When the Czech historian Kamil Krofta published this essay in 1937, he was still in office as Czechoslovak Minister for Foreign Affairs.
The German writer Emil Ludwig, biographer of Napoleon and Lincoln, talking in Geneva in 1927 with the English playwright Bernard Shaw about the possibility of realizing the United States of Europe, launched, during the conversation, the question of who could be the president. Shaw is told to have answered without hesitation: "I only know one, it's Masaryk". Another English writer, H.-G. Wells, called Masaryk the greatest man in Europe, placed at the most central point of the European United States.
The clarifications that these pages provide on the Macedonian question are the fruit of fifteen years of study that the author has devoted to this burning problem). They are the result of the many trips he made to Macedonia to glean historical memories there or catch some ethnographic detail or some touching scene of customs in those Macedonian valleys where echoes still echo today. the supplicating call of the Christians of the beginning of our era: “Go to Macedonia and come to help us! This cry of distress is no longer addressed to the great apostle of the Gentiles but to this League of Nations on which are based all the hopes of the peoples who await deliverance. May this appeal not go unheeded in high places and contribute to realizing the legitimate aspirations of the Macedonian population. (author’s introduction)
The author in his introduction: Recent events show that Yugoslavia is facing important decisions. Due to the change of government and the increased activity of the opposition, the most important problems of domestic and foreign policy are nearing their final settlement, with lively public interest. The way in which these questions are being raised and the point in time at which they are being raised reveal the full significance of the political events in the most powerful state in South-Eastern Europe.
«This book contains, without any major changes, my lectures on the problems of democracy, which were delivered at the University of Chicago in March, April and May, 1939. I could wish that I had had more time to complete, or, at least, to adapt some chapters of rhe book for the enlightenment of European readers. Though that has not been possible, I am glad to have the opportunity this preface provides to add a few words for my British readers.» (from Beneš' Introduction) // Original Publication in 19349 by MACMILLAN & CO., LIMITED, London 1939
Germany's recent decision to leave the Conference on Disarmament and its rupture with the League of Nations constitute an event of such significance that our government has deemed it necessary to tell our Legislative Assemblies at least the most essential on the attitude it adopts in the face of the current international situation. It is understandable that at a time when the situation is not completely clarified, when a general emotion reigns in public opinion, and given that it is our immediate neighbor, with whom we have had until now good neighborly relations, I will maintain a certain reserve in my presentation, asking the Members of the Foreign Affairs Committee to impose the same reserve in the discussion. Let us be keen not to further complicate the present situation and, on the contrary, to seek a reasonable solution. // Presentation by Edvard Beneš to the parliamentary Commission for Foreign Affairs on October 3, 1933 // Pusblished by ORBIS PUBLISHING HOUSE