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The Ambiguous Nation. Case Studies from Southeastern Europe. Szerkesztette: Ulf Brunnbauer – Hannes Grandits. München, Oldenbourg Verlag, 2013, 480 oldal
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The Ambiguous Nation. Case Studies from Southeastern Europe. Szerkesztette: Ulf Brunnbauer – Hannes Grandits. München, Oldenbourg Verlag, 2013, 480 oldal
Popély Árpád: Fél évszázad kisebbségben. Fejezetek a szlovákiai magyarság 1945 utáni történetéből. Somorja, Fórum Kisebbségkutató Intézet, 2014.
Gheorghe Onişoru: Pecetea lui Stalin. Cazul Vasile Luca. [Sztálin pecsétje. A Luka László ügy]Târgovişte,Ed. Cetatea de Scaun, 2014, 322 oldal
In the period of 1968-1989 23 August became the most important celebration in communist Romania. The commemorative events around this day were organised with all the accessories of the communist era’s megalomania. This commemorative celebration is a perfect mirror of the “evolution” of the Ceauºescu-regime. The content and the language of the 216 analysed articles reflect an increasingly effective and dominant dictatorship, which had all the power to control every aspect of life. The media analysis shows us exactly the techniques, tendencies and methods of the system. From the interviews made with organisers and participants of the event we can discover the true background of the celebrations, the scripts, the methods as well as those unexpected, almost anecdotic, events which could not pass the filters of censorship, but are still living today in the memory of the participants. We have to mention the fact that after 1989 this celebration has suddenly disappeared from the list of official events, but due to numerous previous propagandists, several false historic concepts of that era survive in the present day commemorative actions and historical approach.
Prvi je skupštinu pozdravio fra Josip Markušić, provincijal Bosne Srebrene. On je rekao: Gospodo, braćo i drugovi, gosti i prijatelji, pretstavnici narodne vlasti! Svi vi dobro misleći za našu krasnu zemlju i narod, za nepovredivu slobodu vjerskih osjećaja! Sveta Crkva se nije bojala barbarskih vremena, jer je milosrdna, a milosrđe ukroćuje i osvaja; nije se bojala humanizma, jer mu je dorasla ljubavlju za preporod nauke i umjetnosti; nije feudalizma, koji je također sasma izvan njene doktrine, jer je nepolitična i uvidavna. Nije se bojala Francuske revolucije, jer je snalažljiva i ustrpljena; niti sebičnog kapitalističkog devetnaestog stoljeća, jer je ustrajna u poučavanju ljubavi i pravednosti. Tako se ne boji ni socijalizma, jer je kršćanstvo pravično i socijalno. Reklo bi se na to, da se Crkva besprincipijelno zaokreće.
Ubrzo nakon oslobođenja zemlje 1945. godine, nova vlast je preduzela niz mjera za stvaranje državne svojine. Osnovni cilj KPJ bio je jačanje državnog sektora i obezbjeđivanje akumulacije u interesu društva. Osnova za sprovođenje nacionalizacije nalazila se u Ustavu FNRJ, u članu 18 koji je predviđao da se može izvršiti „nacionalizacija pojedinih grana privrede ili pojedinih preduzeća ako to traži opšti interes...“. Uzimajući u obzir zakonske propise CK KPJ je na svojoj sjednici od 22. septembra 1946. godine donio prve zaključke o potrebi sprovođenja priprema za nacionalizaciju. Ubrzo nakon toga započelo je oduzimanje i korišćenje objekata vjerskih zajednica u Crnoj Gori od strane države za njene potrebe. U tom procesu na udaru nove vlasti našli su se objekti Pravoslavne crkve, Rimokatoličke crkve i Islamske vjerske zajednice. Svoje postupanje narodna vlast je pravdala nedostatkom stambenog prostora i neophodnošću podruštvljavanja privatne svojine. U tom smislu karakteristično je istaći da su se na udaru novih zakonskih odredbi našla imovina svih pomenutih vjerskih zajednica, iz razloga što su na teritoriji te opštine živjeli pripadnici sve tri konfesije.
Propaganda article about the role o Romanian Communist Party of the workers' guilds in defending the interests of the working people, the independence of Romania
Propaganda article about the imperialism -the concept of imperialism occupies a central place, especially when one studies History, namely international relations between States. The selection, order, interpretation and appreciation of the facts and trends of history and the contemporary world depend to a large extent on the concrete, social and national content of the notion of imperialism. In the current dominant sense imperialism represents a stage of capitalism
The seals and coats of arms and, generally, all historical sources concerning the science of heraldry are among the sources which can serve with great efficiency the educational and educational process.The special features which bear witness to this quality are the originality of the compositions engraved in the field and which transmit dates on the historical processes of the past, the expressive character of the image, the ingenuity which our ancestors were able to express synthetically Their ideals.The Romanian documentary treasure contains many coats of arms and seals that can be used to convey to young people the patriotic message of the precursors
The paper present the scientific life and educational cultural events from May 8, 1972 until December 31, 1973
Priest Rudolf Baron was born on September 3, 1921 in Golasowice, Pszczyna County. He died on December, 27 2003 in Neumünster in northern Germany.
This study illustrates the attitude of the leadership of the Hungarian Socialist Worker’s Party toward the evolutions of economic and political life in the neighboring Romania, a maverick of the Socialist system from East-Central Europe. Under the leadership of Nicolae Ceauşescu, socialist Romania took a certain distance from the Soviet Union, and adapted a largely neutral position in its ideological debate with Maoist China, even approaching Western capitalist countries to a certain extent. In matters of foreign trade, Romania tried to play a major role in exporting raw materials, as well as technology to developing countries. Simultaneously, Romania also tried to import industrial technology from the West. These processes were intensely monitored by the rest of the states of the Warsaw Pact, including Hungary, lead at that time by János Kádár. The document presented in this study is a perfect synthesis and illustration of the Hungarian perceptions of Romanian trends during 1971, especially concerning investments in developing the economy.