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Volume I of the monograph of Oświęcim contains a presentation of the history of the surrounding land and an analysis of cultural aspects of the city's functioning. At first the authors analyze changes in the boundaries and routes, and route names from the earliest times to the present, and then show the political history of the region, which repeatedly changed its national, administrative and diocesan affiliation. The second part of the volume discusses the development of architecture and art. in Oświęcim, including the most important monuments and silhouettes of the most eminent artists, as well as the development of education. Also, prominent figures from Oświęcim were presented. The volume closes with a calendar of the city's history.
Volume I of the monograph of Oświęcim contains a presentation of the history of the surrounding land and an analysis of cultural aspects of the city's functioning. At first the authors analyze changes in the boundaries and routes, and route names from the earliest times to the present, and then show the political history of the region, which repeatedly changed its national, administrative and diocesan affiliation. The second part of the volume discusses the development of architecture and art. in Oświęcim, including the most important monuments and silhouettes of the most eminent artists, as well as the development of education. Also, prominent figures from Oświęcim were presented. The volume closes with a calendar of the city's history.
Volume I of the monograph of Oświęcim contains a presentation of the history of the surrounding land and an analysis of cultural aspects of the city's functioning. At first the authors analyze changes in the boundaries and routes, and route names from the earliest times to the present, and then show the political history of the region, which repeatedly changed its national, administrative and diocesan affiliation. The second part of the volume discusses the development of architecture and art. in Oświęcim, including the most important monuments and silhouettes of the most eminent artists, as well as the development of education. Also, prominent figures from Oświęcim were presented. The volume closes with a calendar of the city's history.
Volume I of the monograph of Oświęcim contains a presentation of the history of the surrounding land and an analysis of cultural aspects of the city's functioning. At first the authors analyze changes in the boundaries and routes, and route names from the earliest times to the present, and then show the political history of the region, which repeatedly changed its national, administrative and diocesan affiliation. The second part of the volume discusses the development of architecture and art. in Oświęcim, including the most important monuments and silhouettes of the most eminent artists, as well as the development of education. Also, prominent figures from Oświęcim were presented. The volume closes with a calendar of the city's history.
Volume I of the monograph of Oświęcim contains a presentation of the history of the surrounding land and an analysis of cultural aspects of the city's functioning. At first the authors analyze changes in the boundaries and routes, and route names from the earliest times to the present, and then show the political history of the region, which repeatedly changed its national, administrative and diocesan affiliation. The second part of the volume discusses the development of architecture and art. in Oświęcim, including the most important monuments and silhouettes of the most eminent artists, as well as the development of education. Also, prominent figures from Oświęcim were presented. The volume closes with a calendar of the city's history.
Volume I of the monograph of Oświęcim contains a presentation of the history of the surrounding land and an analysis of cultural aspects of the city's functioning. At first the authors analyze changes in the boundaries and routes, and route names from the earliest times to the present, and then show the political history of the region, which repeatedly changed its national, administrative and diocesan affiliation. The second part of the volume discusses the development of architecture and art. in Oświęcim, including the most important monuments and silhouettes of the most eminent artists, as well as the development of education. Also, prominent figures from Oświęcim were presented. The volume closes with a calendar of the city's history.
Volume I of the monograph of Oświęcim contains a presentation of the history of the surrounding land and an analysis of cultural aspects of the city's functioning. At first the authors analyze changes in the boundaries and routes, and route names from the earliest times to the present, and then show the political history of the region, which repeatedly changed its national, administrative and diocesan affiliation. The second part of the volume discusses the development of architecture and art. in Oświęcim, including the most important monuments and silhouettes of the most eminent artists, as well as the development of education. Also, prominent figures from Oświęcim were presented. The volume closes with a calendar of the city's history.
Volume I of the monograph of Oświęcim contains a presentation of the history of the surrounding land and an analysis of cultural aspects of the city's functioning. At first the authors analyze changes in the boundaries and routes, and route names from the earliest times to the present, and then show the political history of the region, which repeatedly changed its national, administrative and diocesan affiliation. The second part of the volume discusses the development of architecture and art. in Oświęcim, including the most important monuments and silhouettes of the most eminent artists, as well as the development of education. Also, prominent figures from Oświęcim were presented. The volume closes with a calendar of the city's history.
Volume I of the monograph of Oświęcim contains a presentation of the history of the surrounding land and an analysis of cultural aspects of the city's functioning. At first the authors analyze changes in the boundaries and routes, and route names from the earliest times to the present, and then show the political history of the region, which repeatedly changed its national, administrative and diocesan affiliation. The second part of the volume discusses the development of architecture and art. in Oświęcim, including the most important monuments and silhouettes of the most eminent artists, as well as the development of education. Also, prominent figures from Oświęcim were presented. The volume closes with a calendar of the city's history.
Volume I of the monograph of Oświęcim contains a presentation of the history of the surrounding land and an analysis of cultural aspects of the city's functioning. At first the authors analyze changes in the boundaries and routes, and route names from the earliest times to the present, and then show the political history of the region, which repeatedly changed its national, administrative and diocesan affiliation. The second part of the volume discusses the development of architecture and art. in Oświęcim, including the most important monuments and silhouettes of the most eminent artists, as well as the development of education. Also, prominent figures from Oświęcim were presented. The volume closes with a calendar of the city's history.
Volume I of the monograph of Oświęcim contains a presentation of the history of the surrounding land and an analysis of cultural aspects of the city's functioning. At first the authors analyze changes in the boundaries and routes, and route names from the earliest times to the present, and then show the political history of the region, which repeatedly changed its national, administrative and diocesan affiliation. The second part of the volume discusses the development of architecture and art. in Oświęcim, including the most important monuments and silhouettes of the most eminent artists, as well as the development of education. Also, prominent figures from Oświęcim were presented. The volume closes with a calendar of the city's history.
Volume I of the monograph of Oświęcim contains a presentation of the history of the surrounding land and an analysis of cultural aspects of the city's functioning. At first the authors analyze changes in the boundaries and routes, and route names from the earliest times to the present, and then show the political history of the region, which repeatedly changed its national, administrative and diocesan affiliation. The second part of the volume discusses the development of architecture and art. in Oświęcim, including the most important monuments and silhouettes of the most eminent artists, as well as the development of education. Also, prominent figures from Oświęcim were presented. The volume closes with a calendar of the city's history.
Volume I of the monograph of Oświęcim contains a presentation of the history of the surrounding land and an analysis of cultural aspects of the city's functioning. At first the authors analyze changes in the boundaries and routes, and route names from the earliest times to the present, and then show the political history of the region, which repeatedly changed its national, administrative and diocesan affiliation. The second part of the volume discusses the development of architecture and art. in Oświęcim, including the most important monuments and silhouettes of the most eminent artists, as well as the development of education. Also, prominent figures from Oświęcim were presented. The volume closes with a calendar of the city's history.
Volume II of the monograph of Oświęcim contains the history of the city. It has been divided into two parts devoted to the systemic changes, spatial and economic development and religious life. The authors discuss the meaning of the name of the city, its districts and streets, and the history of the city’s coat of arms. They present the results of archaeological research and the history of the city from the earliest times until the early years of the People’s Republic of Poland. A separate chapter is devoted to the history of the Oświęcim Jews. The second part discusses, among other things, locations of church buildings, religious orders operating in Oświęcim, as well as outstanding figures of religious life, which contributed to the development of the city.
The paper aims to examine how Friedrich Engels was assessed in encyclopedias, professional lexicons and philosophy textbooks at the time when Croatia was a constitutive part of the former Yugoslavia. The methodological basis for the perception of Engels in Croatia is positioned within the framework of a predetermined concept according to which socialist culture was to be built in Yugoslavia, in all its parts, in the spirit of the ‘socialist worldview’ asserting ‘socialist values’. (Viskovic 2001). The aim of this paper is to evaluate this specific political and cultural period, marked by systematic attempts to create a comprehensive encyclopedic knowledge that would shape and finally define the dominant cultural and political sign empowered by Engels’ work. At the same time, its symbolic power had the task of illuminating the direction for the construction of complex Yugoslav socialist culture. This is only a sketch, but also an incentive for a more complex research of this unique conceptual project on the construction of socialist culture.
When talking to people from different sides of social divides, I have witnesses the fact that piety to ‘their’ victims is needed in order to establish normal relations with the living. As a child, I heard a neighbour, who lost her husband, saying that she expected the public not only to talk about fascist camps, such as Gonars to which my grandfather was taken from occupied Ljubljana in 1942, but also of prisons such as the one in which she herself was imprisoned after WWII in 1945. She wished that her suffering, from the hands of repressive institutions of that time, to be also remembered. Today we remember that some soldiers, who themselves were victims of Nazi crimes and prosecuted as partisans and communists, after the war became themselves violent prosecutors and torturers. Although emphasizing piety to all innocent victims is slowly becoming a widely accepted standard of political correctness, few countries have approached the ideal of overcoming divisions into ‘our’ and ‘their’ victims, in which conditions have been met to investigate circumstances of death and memory of all who had suffered.
U razgovorima s ljudima s različitih strana društvenih podjela uvjerila sam se kako je za normalizaciju odnosa prema živim a neophodan pijetet prema ‘njihovim ’ žrtvama. Još u djetinjstvu čula sam od susjede koja je izgubila muža kako očekuje da se u javnosti ne govori samo o fašističkim logorima, poput Gonarsa u koji je iz okupirane Ljubljane 1942. odveden moj djed, nego i o zatvoru u kome je poslije Drugog svjetskog rata 1945. bila zatvorena i sama. Željela je da i njena patnja u rukama tadašnjih represivnih institucija ostane zapamćena. Danas pamtimo da su neki ratnici, koji su i sami bili žrtve nacističkih zločina i proganjani kao partizani i komunisti, poslije rata i sam i postali nasilni isljednici i mučitelji. Mada isticanje pijeteta prema svim nevinim žrtvama polako postaje prihvaćeni standard političke korektnosti malo se zemalja približilo idealu nadilaženjem podjela na ‘naše ’ i ‘vaše ’ žrtve u kojima su sazreli uvjeti za istraživanje okolnosti smrti i pamćenje svih stradalih.
Izbijanje Prvog svjetskog rata zasjenilo je izvještaj koji je mogao imati golem utjecaj na razvoj međunarodnog prava, posebno međunarodnog ratnog i humanitarnog prava. U ljeto 1914. godine objavljen je Izvještaj Međunarodne komisije o istrazi uzroka i vođenju Balkanskih ratova. Iza tog naslova krije se izvještaj koji je u povijesti zabilježen kao Izvještaj Carnegiejeve zaklade za mir, u kojemu su navedena brojna kršenja međunarodnih konvencija i opisani ratni zločini počinjeni za vrijeme Balkanskih ratova. Bio je to pionirski dokument koji na 448 stranica sustavno evidentira zločine počinjene tijekom Balkanskih ratova. Tom je dokumentu prethodilo stvaranje međunarodnog ratnog prava. Suvremeno međunarodno ratno i humanitarno pravo nastaje nakon bitke kod Solferina 24. lipnja 1859. godine. U toj su se bitci sukobile austrijska vojska na jednoj i talijanska i francuska vojska na drugoj strani. Bitka je potrajala 15 sati, u njoj je sudjelovalo oko 270.000 vojnika, vođena je po velikoj vrućini i na teškom terenu, a prekinulo ju je nevrijeme. U bitci je poginulo oko 5000 vojnika, njih oko 12.000 statistički su se vodili kao nestali, a ranjenih je bilo oko 23.000. Toj je bitci svjedočio švicarski poduzetnik Henri Dunant koji je napisao knjigu Sjećanja na Solferino.
Studija slučaja „Španovica/Novo Selo/Španovica“ bavi se istraživanjem memorije o ratnim stradanjima i životu u ratu i miru u selu dvojnog imena: Španovica/Novo Selo, smještenom u blizini gradića Pakraca, tradicionalnog administrativnog i kulturnog središta zapadne Slavonije. Razdoblje koje studija obuhvaća relativno je dugo i traje od nastanka sela, 1886. unutar Austro-Ugarske Monarhije do danas. U tom razdoblju selo je prošlo kroz nekoliko masivnih povijesnih promjena: raspad Austro-Ugarske Monarhije, nastanak i nestanak tzv. prve Jugoslavije (Kraljevine Jugoslavije), kroz Drugi svjetski rat, novu socijalističku Jugoslaviju (SFRJ) i na kraju, rat u kojem se raspala i ta država. Selo je od 1991. godine u državnom kontinuitetu Republike Hrvatske.