Описът на архивен фонд „Тодор Боров“ в Българския исторически архив при Националната библиотека – в електронен вид
At the start of 2019 the Bulgarian National Library “St. St. Cyril and Methodius” provided free access for readers at home and abroad to the valuable finding aids – inventory of the archive fonds of Todor Borov in a digital format. Prof Todor Borov (Todor Tsvetanov Borov, 1901–1993) was a renowned Bulgarian bibliographer, teacher, writer, journalist and public figure. His personal archive (Fonds number 849) entered the Bulgarian Historical Archives of the Bulgarian National Library in 1993. The fonds is substantial in size – over 40 350 documents dating from 1846 to 1986. It, also, comprises 259 black and white photographs and photo albums of Borov and his wife Haritina Todorova, their children and relatives, of Borov’s friends – Alexander Balabanov, Elin Pelin, Nikola Mihov, Boyan Penev and others. Many of the photos (copies) have documented the construction of the National Library of Bulgaria building in Sofia. A significant part of the documents in the archives are related to Borov’s career – from his young years as a journalist (1921–1937), and later on from his work as a librarian, and mostly from his years of service as head of the Bulgarian Bibliography Institute (1941–1964) and of the National Library in Sofia (1944–1949).