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The history and evolution of the approaches referring to the protection of historical parks and gardens and, more recently, of cultural landscapes, is certainly both interesting, yet little researched. According to the little bibliography dedicated t
Timișoara, one of the most important industrial centres in the Banat region, experienced a period of progress and development starting from the second half of the 19th century, leaving behind a rich industrial heritage. However, in the past decades, many factories of Timișoara have been left in an advanced state of decay, have been abandoned or demolished. Local authorities, investors, and the community are currently facing the challenging task of revitalizing the former industrial areas in line with the requirements of the local community, often neglecting the preservation of this particular type of heritage. This article explores the evolution of Timișoara’s industry and the current challenges linked to the conservation and reuse of historical industrial sites. It highlights several key moments that generated local economic growth and paved the way for the establishment of major production units, simultaneously examining the intricate interplay between industry and the evolution of the city located on the banks of the Bega River. Considerable attention is given to the recently-demolished former Hat Factory, one of the most significant architectural testimonies of Timișoara’s industrial past. In this context, the article suggests a range of prospective strategies for managing and safeguarding the still-existing industrial heritage in Timișoara, emphasizing the importance of cooperation between authorities, private investors, and the local community in finding viable solutions. In an era of globalization and rapid changes, the protection of industrial heritage becomes a crucial challenge for preserving the identity and memory of this important urban centre.
Sarajevo, siječnja 1991. Izbori su završili i započele su demokratske promjene. Nekim sretnim slučajem sam dobio privremeni posao na popisu stanovništva te sam morao u Sarajevo na obuku. Trebalo je preživjeti. Ne znam kako je Jakov Jurišić doznao da sam u Sarajevu i kako me je odmah našao u hotelu Zagreb. Iste smo večeri otišli na promociju djela Anđelka Vuletića. Poznavali smo ga obojica, prilično. Jakov je tada bio sekretar Udruženja književnika BiH. Nakon te promocije smo se priključili promociji izdanja knjiga Meše Selimovića.
Pjesnik suza, uza nade i beznađa. Pjesnik uzaludna uzdanja; pjesnik raznolikih zdanja. Pjesnik pomrčine, čavla, vječne pomrčine između intermezza – Stojan Vučićević! Nije sve kako izgleda na prvi pogled, nije tako ni u zbilji, ni u životu – možda u snovitim/somnabulnim pjesmama. Riječi ne iskazuju apsolutno, ne iskazuju Apsolut – pjesnik bi htio doseći Apsolut kroz vidovito penjanje u sjeni borova, u tihom valovlju mora; u maestralu, u buri; u hridi. Tko je komu zemlja u tolikoj tmici – tjelesno smo samo zemlja i prah, a htjeli bismo te protege uvući u dušu, kroza duh. Ujevićev cjelov sluti tajnu nebesku.
Mihai Caraman, probabil cel mai valoros ofițer de informații român din secolul XX, a avut un destin de excepție. Într-un mod oarecum straniu, întreaga sa viață reprezintă o succesiune de etape întinse pe câte un deceniu. Venit pe lume în noiembrie 1928, într-o familie modestă din comuna Oancea, județul Galați, pe malul drept al Prutului, a avut o copilărie care s-a suprapus, practic, cu ultimul deceniu al democrației românești interbelice. În 1938, când Mihai Caraman împlinea 10 ani, România intra în zodia regimurilor dictatoriale. Carol al II-lea înființa primul partid unic – Frontul Renașterii Naționale, cultul personalității regelui atingea apogeul, statul de drept era abandonat. Au urmat apoi frământări de amploare, care s-au derulat pe parcursul unui deceniu înfiorător: prăbușirea granițelor României Mari, guvernarea național-legionară, intrarea României în al Doilea Război Mondial, schimbarea alianțelor în august 1944, tranziția spre regimul comunist finalizată, practic, la începutul anului 1948.
Archival service in Croatia consists of state archives, other heritage institutions (libraries, museums, institutes, documentation centres and other institutions) in which archival material is kept (which can be considered as “archives outside state archives system”), creators and owners of the archival records and archival service management. Through the state archivesʼ network, consisting of the Croatian State Archives and 18 regional state archives, the archival service takes care of national archival heritage and ensures its protection and information integrity.
Legal predecessors of the Slovak National Archives until 1952 The organisation of archives, as we know it today, began to be set up only in the 1950s. Slovakia was not a sovereign state or independent administrative unit within the Kingdom of Hungary until the beginning of the 20th century, so this was also the reason why any kind of central or national archive did not exist. Certainly, various municipal and church archives were created on Slovak territory a long time ago. Significant changes in the organisation of archiving in Slovakia did not occur during the first decade of existence of the Czechoslovak republic, although immediately after the establishment of the new republic there were proposals for the establishment of a kind of central archive in Slovakia. Jan Bedřich Novák, director of the Czech Land Archive, was the first to make a proposal in November 1918 and, according to him, a general state archive for Slovakia should have been established. Its task was to receive documents related to Slovakia from the central archives and offices from Budapest. The second proposal was drawn up in February 1919 by the Director of the Archives of the Ministry of Interior, Ladislav Klicman.
The article emphasizes the importance that “Ricerche slavistiche” has had for the developmentof Russian Studies and, more generally, for the consolidation of international appreciation for Italian Slavic Studies. The research was carried out through a bibliographic excursus which has examined all “Ricerche slavistiche” published issues, and which has also considered changes that have taken place in the academic milieu over the years. Thus, the outlined editorial and cultural path shows that the journal has always followed in the footsteps teaching and wishes that its founder, Giovanni Maver, had set in 1952.
The survey is focused on the presence of essays regarding Slovene culture and language in the Italian journal “Ricerche slavistiche”, during its full seventy years of history, from the beginning to the present time. More specifically, it will establish the amount, typology and continuity of those contributions, trying at the same time to determine how their presence unfolded and developed. Although basically a descriptive survey, an attempt to evaluate the meaning of their presence in the journal will also be made. There were forty Slovene-focused essays published in the journal, unevenly distributed over the time period considered: just a dozen in the first fifty years, whereas in the last twenty years (from 2003 on) there is a very sharp increase in number,entirely due, we must say, to the publication of two special issues, both covering the proceedings of two conferences on Slovene Studies. On the other hand, data clearly shows that the scientific value is constantly high and the typological range constantly wide, throughout the seventy years of life of the journal. From the very beginning, in fact, we find names of prominent scholars, together with younger ones that will become well-known in due time. In both cases, they published interesting and groundbreaking work. In the survey, in the case of people (and research) more distant in time, we provided a detailed context, investigating their relationships, even the personal ones, with Slovene scholars in Italian universities (such as Rome, Padua, Naples and, obviously, Trieste), or viceversa. Instead, in the case of colleagues closer to us in time, we thought it more useful to describe – although in a cursory and rather sketchy way – the content of their research. To summarize, we can say that the oldest Italian journal of Slavic Studies seems to mirror the familiar state of affairs of Slovene Studies in Italy: although scarce in quantity, especially in the first five decades, and somewhat discontinuous, nonetheless the value is good or even excellent, thanks to scholars working either in Slovenia and in Italy, or even in both countries.
Tipologjia e një personaliteti, si Jashar Erebara (1875-1953), shtrihet përtej konturave që nuk përbëjnë thjeshtë elemente biografike, por më shumë se kaq përbëjnë frymën e një kohe në të cilën u ndodhën shqiptarët në kapërcyellin e shekujve 19 dhe 20. Bazuar në dokumentet arkivore të kohës kur veproi Erebara, në formë artikujsh autorial, thirrjesh, protestash, memorandumesh e peticionesh drejtuar Stambollit e Fuqive të Mëdha apo edhe letërkëmbimet e shumta që pati me personalitete të shquara të kohës, të cilat sot ruhen në Arkivin Qendror të Tiranës , e që përbën një fond të llojllojshëm, i sistematizuar në 4500 faqe dhe i ndarë në 134 dosje, do të vërejmë se gjuha që u përdor në ato dokumente ishte e ndryshme, varësisht prej kontekstit kohor e hapësinir kur u përdorën, si : turko-osmane, angleze, frënge, arabe, shqipe, serbokroate dhe maqedone.
In 1924 Albania was in a very chaotic political state. After the elections ofjanuary, when Ahmet bej Zogu (1895-1961), a former Austro-Hungarian officer, educated in Military school in Constantinople (1903-August 1912), took power, there was a coup attempt against him on February 23, and the government changed in March. Ahmet bej Zogu left Albania in early June and, from June 16 Father Fan S. Noli, head of the Democratic Revolution and Albanian Prime Minister, led the government. Zogu was back in Tirana on December 24 and assumed power again. On the January 31, 1925 Ahmet bej Zogu was both President and the head of the Government.
Reforma systemu edukacji w Polsce w przededniu jej wprowadzenia w życie nadal wzbudza szereg dyskusji, prowokuje do formułowania kontrowersyjnych opinii, wprowadza w zakłopotanie zarówno uczniów, rodziców, nauczycieli jak i organy nadzorujące działalność oświatową. Istotne znaczenie odgrywa w chwili obecnej rozumienie zakresu podstaw programowych, określanie standardów edukacyjnych, tworzenie zarządzeń wykonawczych dotyczących konstruowania programów szkolnych, opracowywania nowych podręczników, stworzenie nowego modelu kształcenia nauczycieli zgodnie z wymogami reformy oświaty itd.
The refuse heap in the ghetto landscape is truly incredible. Its horror probably originates from overstepping its, seemingly, natural territory. The ghetto dump appears to break free from the frames, ruptures the form, passes from lifelessness to a sui generis life, ceases to be a motionless pile of refuse and assumes inner power. Ghetto rubbish dumps, i.e. junk, wretched remnants of people’s lives cast into the street, empty shells of existence – such is the landscape of the Holocaust. And yet in these piles of “dead” refuse there pulsates some sort of dark energy, while processes of biological transformation: rot, decay, and mould – symptoms of that life, last endlessly. People who left behind this rubbish had been changed into ashes cast into rivers and scattered on fields. They enter the great cycle of the transformations of Nature. Holocaust is annihilation. It consumes people, whilst each person has his own face, history, and place on Earth. He leaves behind a void. Nothing will fill it. And yet I find it difficult to cease thinking that some sort of a form of life goes on uninterruptedly in an extraordinary manner, perceivable only from a global, planetary perspective. I cannot grasp this aporia of annihilation and duration.
An attempt at a reportage and anthropological record of a procession taking place on Good Friday in Sicilian Agrigento (Sicily). The author stresses the vitality and authenticity of the religious event, indicating the strong enrootment of this type of magic-religious sensitivity in Greek heritage dating back to antiquity. At the same time, Zarewicz indicates that in Sicily “the society of the spectacle” (Guy Debord), an expression traditionally burdened with negative connotations, possesses an entirely positive implication.
To be the owner of a piece of Italy is a magical feeling. Italy is a place that can be regarded as the substructures of our culture. The Roman Empire secured Greek heritage and interpreted it by means of own creativity. This is the way in which the foundation of European culture came into being. A trip to Italy always offers a feeling of returning to our roots.
Using only a notebook and pencil, the author describes a living space shrinking day by day, the first days of the war in a basement, the sudden evacuation from Kharkiv, and the experience of being a war refugee. At the same time, this illustrated war diary is an affective record of family history.
“The creation of art in the conditions and reality of an ongoing war is a process of endless limitations and prohibitions. Instead of dealing with frustrating reality, limitations or losses I wish focus on opportunities. I would like to ponder on how our voice sounds today, how it ‘allows itself’ to be heard abroad, how we can discover it within ourselves, and what we can fall back on. At present, the role played by art has narrowed down to a healing and propaganda function, a verbalisation and record of horror, and a re-evaluation of the idea of humanism. The theatre is always the space of memory and the territory of experiences. The point of departure for my reflections consisted of taking a close look at political, historical or local reminiscences, the experiences of Ukrainian female artists within the context of an ongoing war.”
The Case of Les and the Berezil Theatre at a Session of the Soviet Commissariat for Education. Transcript from a Meeting Held on 5 October 1933.