Demokratischer Sport
NEUES DEUTSCHLAND, East-Berlin, January, 22, 1954 (orig.: "Die Wachsamkeit erhöhen") NEUES DEUTSCHLAND, East-Berlin, May, 20, 1954 (orig.: "Über das Abschneiden der DDR-Mannschaft")
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NEUES DEUTSCHLAND, East-Berlin, January, 22, 1954 (orig.: "Die Wachsamkeit erhöhen") NEUES DEUTSCHLAND, East-Berlin, May, 20, 1954 (orig.: "Über das Abschneiden der DDR-Mannschaft")
1) LITERATURNAJA GASETA, Moscow, March 23, 1954 ("Ein ungewöhnliches Vorkommnis". Sonderbericht der Literaturnaja Gaseta, Murom, Geviet Wladimir) by A. Bashanova 2) TRUD, Moscow, April 9,1954 ("Gutmütige Onkel und Tanten") by Irina Golowanj 3) KOMSOMOLSKAJA PRAWDA, Moscow, February 28, 1954 ("Korekkte Menschen") by A. Protopopova 4) TRUD, Moscow, MArch 30, 1954 ("In der Nacht zum Sonntag...") by J. Kornilov, W. Ssegalov
text 1 from: "Prawda", Moscow, 1953-10-24 ("Bogdan Chmelnizkij") by G. Chubov text 2 from: "Kasachstanskaja Prawda", Alma-Ata, 1953-06-21 ("Po powodu romana M. Auesowa 'Abaj' ")
text 1 from: "Sarja Wostoka", Tiflis, 1953-04-15 ("Buduschtschnostj nazionalnych jasykow") by W. Achwlediani text 2 from: Sowjetskaja Kirgisija", Frunse, 1953-06-06 ("Nowaja ortografija kirgiskowo jasyka") text 3 from: "Sowjetskaja Moldawija", Chishinau, 1953-07-23 ("Nassuschtschnyje woprossy moldawskowo jasykosnanija") by A. Borschtsch text 4 from: "Sarja Wostoka", Tiflis, 1953-08-28, (O prepodawanii russklowo jasyka w schkolach Grusii") by M. Burtschuladse text 5 from: "Sowjetskajha Litwa", Wilna, 1953-08-21 ("Nushen polnozennyj utschebnik dlja ssamostojatelnowo isutschenija litowskowo jasyka") by M. Portnow text 6 from: "Prawda Ukrainy", Kiew, 1953-11-04 ("Twerdynja srushby i slawy narodow naschej strany")
text 1 from: "Slawiane", Moscow, Nr.10, 1953 (Wysschaja Schkola russkowo jasyka w Prage" by Zedenek Blayer text 2 from: "Rabotnitschesko Delo", Sofia, 1953-05-06 ("Partijnata rabota sred turskoto naselenije")
text 1 from: "Sozialistitscheskij Westnik", Nwe York, Januar 1954 (orig. title: "Sowjetskij otkrowennyj rasgowor" by W. Alexandrova) text 2 from. "Nowyj Mir", Moscow, Nr.12, 1953 (orig. title: "Ob iskrennosti w literature" by W. Pomeranzev) text 3 from: "Literaturnaja Gaseta", Moscow 1954-01-30 (orig. title: "S newernych posizij" by Witalij Wassilewskij)
extract from A.S. Makarenko, Works, Vol 5, Academy of Pedagogic Sciences of RSFSR, Moscow 1951 basic text about the institutional structure of educational institutions in the Soviet Union and the tasks of its varios departments
from: "Sowjetskaja Pedagogika", Moscow, February, 1954 ("Professionaljnaja podgotowka utschitelej srednej schkoly w swete direktiw XIX sjesda KPSS // Die Berufsausbildung der Lehrer der Oberschule im Licht der Direktiven des XIX. Kongresses der KPdSU") by P.N. Schimbirew
from: "Társadalmi Szemle", Budapest, March 1954, ("Közoktatásunk helyzete és feladatai // Lage und Aufgaben des Unterrichtswesens") by Tibor Erdely-Grúz, Minister for Education
Dossier compiled from: "Sonntag", East-Berlin, 16th of May 1954 (Warum ist unsere Damenionfektion nicht auf der Höhe?) "Die Writschaft", East Berlin, 14th of May 1954 ("Modische" Phantasievögel) "Junge Welt", East Berlin, 16th of May 1954 (Wo beliben die Umstandskleider? / Where are the Maternity Dresses?)
Extract from: "Neues Deutschland", East-Berlin, 25th of May 1954 (Noch sehr viel ist zu tun für die Milliarde), by R. Günther, G. Hauser, J. Nitz
Dossier compiled from: "Trud", Moscow, 6th of May 1954 ("Seljonnaja kniga / The Green Book") "Prawda", Moscow, 27th of May 1954 ("Plocha ty, schapka Ssibschapka") "Iswestija", Moscow, 13th of May 1954 ("Element Ferrum")
text 1: "Prawda", Moscow, 1954-07-18 ("O wwedenii ssowmestnogo obutschenija w schkolach Moskwy, Leningrada i drugich gorodow // Über die Einführung des Gemeinschaftsunterrichts in den Sculen Moskaus, Leningrads und anderer Städte") text 2: "Prawda", Moscow, 1954-07-20 ("O perechode k ssowmestnomu obutscheniju w schkole // Der Übergang zum Gemeinschaftsunterricht in der Schule") by I.A. Kairow, Minister of Education
from "Iswestija", Moscow, 1954-08-31 text about kids iun Moscow on their frist day attending school
text 1: "NEUES DEUTSCHLAND", East-Berlin, Addendum Nr. 15, 1954 text 2: "TRUD", Moscow, Oct. 9, 1954 text 3: "ISWESTIJA", Moscow, Sept. 15, 1954
text 1: "KOMMUNIST TADSHIKISTANA", Stalinabad, July 25, 1954 text 2: "SOWJETSKAJA MOLDAWIJA, Chisinau, July 13, 1954 text 3: LITERATURNAJA GAZETA, Moscow, Sept. 23, 1954
text 1: TRUD, Moscow, Nov. 1954 text 2: TRUD, Moscow, Sept. 1954 text 3: ""MEDIZINSKIJ RABOTNIK", Moscow, Oct.8, 1954 text 4: "BAKINSKIJ RABOTSCHIJ", Baku, Oct. 15, 1954
from "Snamja", Moscow, May 1954 ("Obidnyje skaski") by L. Lagin two ironic short stories about all-day life and bueaucracy in Soviet Union
from: "Krokodil", Moscow, Nr.6, 1954 ("Literaturnyje budni") by Michail Sostschenko
text from: "Sowjetskaja Kultura" Moscow, 1954-03-23 ("Proswetiteli s kusnezkowo mosta") by G. Gogoberidse