![Wörterbücher der Weltrevolution](/api/image/getissuecoverimage?id=picture_1954_11725.jpg)
Wörterbücher der Weltrevolution
from "Prawda", Moscow 1954-04-11 ("Washnoje sredstwo kulturnowo obschtschennija meshdu narodami") by B. Sserebrennikow
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from "Prawda", Moscow 1954-04-11 ("Washnoje sredstwo kulturnowo obschtschennija meshdu narodami") by B. Sserebrennikow
text 1: "Kommunist", Moscow, Nr.5, 1954 ("Na'uka i shisnj") text 2: "Prawda Ukrainy", Kiew, 1954-04-06 ("Sa nauku, preobrasujuschtschuju shisnj!") text 3: "Sowetskaja Belorussija", Minsk 1954-03-26, ("Powyschatj urowenj raboty aspirantury")
originally published in "Komsomolskaja Prawda", (Moscow), 1953-12-23 ("Obssushdenija dwoijki") by A. Ssukonzew, Saratow
text 1: "Sowjetskaja Belorussija", Minsk, 1954-02-21 ("Straschnyi snak / Ein schrecklisches Zeichen") by O. Ssimonova text 2: "Komsomolskaja Prawda", Moscow, 1954-02-20 ("Tschudessa w ssele Iwanowke / Wunder im Dorf Iwanowka") by R. Ssaakow, Uljanowsk texts about backwardness and superstition among the rural population and the inattentiveness of communist cadres, who don't fulfill their tasks to enlighten the people, especially the young generation.
collection of articles from "Literaurnaja Gaseta" about the aims of education int the Soviet Union, different pedagogic approaches (co-education yes or no?), moral appeals to tachers etc.
from "Komsomolskaja Prawda", Moscaow 1954-01-15 report on some "moral deviations" of the young generation in Russian province orig. title: "Aristokraty" by S. Tarchanova, Correspondent of Komsomilskaja Prawda in Gerogia
originally published: text 1 in Литературная Газета, Moscow, Sept. 2, 1954 ("Hinter den Mauern des Höhlenklosters") text 2 in Советская культура, Moscow, Sept. 16, 1954 ("Neutrale Einstellung") text 3 in Советская культура, Moscow, Sept. 2, 1954 ("Ein ungesetzlicher Beschluß")
Dossier about the film production and cinema in Russia and other communist countries text 1: Ukrainskyj Ssamostijnyk (Munich), 1954-04-11, Interview with Georgij Alexandrow as Chief of the Soviet Delegation at the Canne Festival 1954 (Original Title: "Less Tractors - More Love") text 2: Iskusstwo Kino (Moscow), 1954-01, ("Sa daljnejschij rost, sa raswitije wsech shanrow kinoiskusstwa!") text 3: Krokodil (Moscow) 1953-11-20, ("Filmjmy-newidimki" - "The invisible Movies") text 4: Pravda (Bratislava) 1954-02-23 ("Zlepšit' masovopolitickú prácu s filmom") text 5: Rundschau am Montag (East Berlin), 1954-03-15, about a film-biography of Ernst Thälmann text 6: Deutsche FIlmkunst, (East Berlin), Nr.1-1954, again about the Thälmann movie text 7: Neues Deutschland, (East Berlin); 1954-03-27, about the filmn-production of DEFA
from: NEUE WELT, East-Berlin, Nr. 13, 1954 (orig.: "Recht und Moral") by M Selektor
from: SAZAB NÉP, Budapest, Sep. 26, 1954 (orig.: "Felelősségünk az ifjúságért" - Unsere Verantwortung für die Jugend)
from "Komsomolskaja Prawda", Moscow, 1953-11-19, ("Plesenj / Schimmel") by B. Protopopow and I. Schatunowskij
text 1: "Literárný Noviny" 1954-03-20 ("O problémech naši dnesní satiryx") by V. Stejskal text 2: "Szabad Nép", Budapest 1954-03-20 (Ìró és shinház. Megjegyzések Gergely Márta vígjáteékának győri bemutatójához") by Zoltán Hera text 3: "Szabad Nép", Budapest 1954-03-22 ("'Kártyavár", Tabi Lástló szatirája") by István Simon
originally published: text 1 in: СОВЕТСКАЯ КУЛЬТУРА, Moscow, Aug. 26, 1954 ("Achtung! Der Rundfunkhörer hat das Wort") text 2 in СОВЕТСКАЯ КУЛЬТУРА, Moscow, Aug. 5, 1954 ("Das Programm der Fernsehübertragungen muß verbessert werden")
text from: "Kommunist", Moscow, Nr.8, 1954, ("Nassuschtschenyje woprossy kapital'nogo stroitel'stwa") by W. Maljugin and W. Pissarewskij Text about eceonomic policy in Soviet Union and especially the department of construction of industrial and agro-industrial buildings
MTS = Maschinen-Traktoren-Station (Machine-Tractor-Station) text 1: "nová scoboda", Ostrava, 1954-Jun-25 ("Pro vyšší úroveň okresních novin // Für ein höheres Niveau der Kreiszeitungen") text 2: "Freiheit", Halle. 1954-Mar-30 ("Die Dorfzeitung der MTS - ein wichtiges Mittel der politischen Massenarbeit auf dem Lande") von Franz Schneider text 3: "Freihei", Halle. 1954-May-11 ("Die Dorfzeitung «Das Bündnis» ein Kampforgan im MTS-Beriech «Otto Helm», Volkstedt") text 4: "Neuer Weg", Bucarest, 1954-Jul-06, ("Die Wandzeitungen haben das Wort") Dossier about the political impact of local and provincial newspapers as a "weapon" in the "fight for the masses"
from: "Snamja", Moscow, May 1954, ("Obidnyje skaski // Unerfreuiliche Märchen") by L. Lagin some "edifying" tales - critical remarks about everyday problems in Soviet life hidden behind the infantile rhetorics of fairy tales