![Schattenseiten mit happy end](/api/image/getissuecoverimage?id=picture_1955_629.jpg)
Schattenseiten mit happy end
from: LITERATURNAJA GASETA, Dec 18,1954. «Problemy razvitija prozy» (Probleme der Entwicklung der Proza), speech of Konstantin Simonov at the second Union's Congress of the Soviet Writers
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from: LITERATURNAJA GASETA, Dec 18,1954. «Problemy razvitija prozy» (Probleme der Entwicklung der Proza), speech of Konstantin Simonov at the second Union's Congress of the Soviet Writers
from: LITERATURNAJA GASETA, Moscow, Dec 17, 1954, «Sovetskaja Poezija», speech of Samed Wurgun at the second Union's Congress of the Soviet Writers
text 1: LITERATURNAJA GASETA, Dec 20, 1954; speech of Ilija Ehrenburg at the second congress of the Soviet Writers' Union text 2: LITERATURNAJA GASETA, Moscow, Dec 23, 1954; speech of M. Aliger at the same congress text 3: LITERATURNAJA GASETA, Moscow, Dec 22, 1954; speech of S. Michalkov at the same congress text 4: LITERATURNAJA GASETA, Moscow, Jan 4, 1955; speech of V. Ketlinskaja at the same congress
from: LITERATURNAJA GASETA, Moscow, Dec 19, 1954, «Sovetskaja Dramaturgija», speech of A.J. Kornejtschuk at the second Union's Congress of the Soviet Writers
various extracts from sppeches at the 2nd congress of the Soviet Writers' Union published by LITERATURNAJA GASETA during Dec 1954: Speakers: G. Fedorov; A. Jashin, L. Sobolev, A.A. Fadejev,
from: LITERATURNAJA GASETA, Moscow, Dec 23, 1954. , «Reč' V. Ovečkina», speech of W. Ovetchkin (Kursk) at the second Union's Congress of the Soviet Writers
various texts of LITERATURNAJA GASETA (jan, 1955) publishing speeches at the 2nd Union's Congress of the Soviet Writers' Union speeches of: Maria Papova, A. Dovshenko; Olga Bergholz; V. Vagarshian; S. Kirsanov
text 1: ЛИТЕРАТУРНАЯ ГАЗЕТА, Moscow, May 10, 1955 text 2: ОКТЯБРЬ, Moscow, Nr. 9, 1954 text 3: ИЗВЕСТИЯ, Moscow, June 12, 1955 text 4: ИЗВЕСТИЯ, Moscow, January 9, 1955
text 1: ВОПРОСЫ ФИЛОСОФИИ, Moscow, nr. 6, 1954 text 2: ПРАВДА, Moscow, June 12, 1955 text 3: ИЗВЕСТИЯ, Moscow, March 31, 1955 text 4: СОВЕТСКАЯ ЕСТОНИЯ, Tallinn, April 10, 1955 text 5: КОМСОМОЛЬСКАЯ ПРАВДА, Moscow, May 31, 1955 text 6: ОКТЯБРЬ, Moscow, Nr.10, 1954
ЛИТЕРАТУРНАЯ ГАЗЕТА, Moscow, January 29, 1955 (über die Redlichkeit in der Wissenschaft) by V. Kawerin
from: "Rudé Právo" (Prague), 1953-12-13 ("K některým otázkám naší kultury") speech of Václav Kopecký, Minister of Culture of the Czechoslovak Republic at the Central Committee of the Communist Party regarding "Some Questions of our Culture"
text 1 from: "Iswestija", Moscow, 1954-02-19 ("Slutschaj w odnoj schkole") by M. Ssamunin text 2 from: "Trud", Moscow, 1954-02-21 ("Sluschaja prigowor") by J. Kornilow text 3 from: "Sarja Wosotoka"!, Tiflis, 1954-01-23 ("Spekuljanty i rotosei") by N. Nowizkij
original sources: text 1: SCHRIFTENREIHE DEMOKRATISCHER AUFBAU, East-Berlin, Nr. 8, 1954 ("Die Kontrolle der Durchführung") by G. Feige & H. Müller text 2: DAS GEWERKSCHAFTSAKTIV, East-Berlin, Nr. 20, Oct. 1954 ("Die Arbeiterkontrolle auf alle Lebensgebiete ausdehnen") by Arno Otto & Alfred Dämmig text 3: NEUER WEG, East-Berlin, Nr. 19, Oct. 1954 ("Wie ist der Punkt 70 des Statuts in der Parteipraxis anzuwenden?") text 4: DAS GEWERKSCHAFTSAKTIV, East-Berlin, Nr. 20, Oct. 1954 ("Kontrollen in den Werkküchen") text 5: LEIPZIGER VOLKSZEITUNG, Nov. 11, 1954 ("Nicht die nach rückwärts schauen bestimmen bei uns das Tempo")
originally published in: FÜR DAUERHAFTEN FRIEDEN UND VOLKSDEMOKRATIE, Bucarest, Aug. 13-19, 1954 ("Selbstkritik und Kritik von unten - ein mächtiges Mittel zur Verbesserung der Parteiarbeit")
original sources: text 1: Коммунист, Moscow, Nr. 12, 1954 ("Die Entwicklung der innerparteilichen Demokratie ist die wichtigste Bedingung für die Hebung der Aktivität der Kommunisten") text 2: Комсомольская Правда, Moscow, Nov. 20, 1954 ("Wer von uns versteht die Demokratie richtig?")
originally published in NEUER WEG, Bucarest, Sept. 7, 1954 ("Kritik aus den Massen") by Nina Cassian
originally published in: SZABAD NÉP, Nov. 21, 1954 ("A túllicitálásról - Über die Versteigerung zu Schleuderpreisen") by Jószef Darvas, Hungarian Minister for Education
originally published in: NEWS FROM BEHIND THE IRON CURTAIN, New York, August 1954 ("Criticism and Self-Criticism")