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Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Guests and Colleagues, It is my honor to welcome you and present to you the first issue of the Annals of the Law School in Belgrade published in English. It was about two years ago when the idea of our Annals in a foreign language was born. The than new Dean professor Vasiljević managed to persuade professor Basta to accept the position of Editor-in- Chief and that was the hardest part of the job. Than professor Basta gathered a new Editorial Board. And one of the ideas we agreed upon at the very beginning was that one so called „international issue“ should be published every year.
У организацији Покрајинског секретаријата за демографију, породицу и друштвену бригу о деци и Комисије за популациону политику Извршног већа АП Војводине, као и Матице српске и Новосадског универзитета, у Новом Саду је 10. и 11. новембра 2005. одржан Трећи симпозијум о демографском развоју АП Војводине и суседних региона.
The University of Belgrade Faculty of Law hosted an international conference Contemporary Issues in Company Law on September 29–30, 2011. A number of legal experts and scholars from ten European countries participated at the Conference, and a selection of their contributions is now published in this volume of the Annals of the Faculty of Law in Belgrade (Belgrade Law Review). We owe special gratitude to our colleagues Christoph Van der Elst and Rainer Kulms, who kindly accepted to be Guest editors of the publication. The selected contributions deal with the contemporary issues of company laws in various legal systems, so we believe that they will be of interest not only to legal scholars, but to the practitioners and graduate students as well.
In accordance with the established manner of the journal, this volume will be partialy dedicated to specific issues, this time those dealing with legal history and comparative legal traditions in the Balkans. Bearing in mind a symbolic importance of Vienna, which has continuously connected scholars from Austria and South-Eastern Europe, the Editorial Board of the Annals of the Faculty of Law in Belgrade (Belgrade Law Review) is happy to furnish some space to scholars in legal history of Southeastern Europe, who renewed their academic exchange in that city after many years of perturbed mutual contacts.
No abstract available, this is an editorial.
The growing importance of international commercial arbitration and arbitration of investment disputes has long ago become obvious not only to legal professionals, but to the general public as well. As the importance of arbitration grew, so did the sophistication of its legal environment and the number of professionals who decided to rethink its original paradigms. Belgrade Law Review was lucky to secure a number of contributions of the leading experts in the field on some of the most controversial topics in current arbitral practice.
For more than nine years now Serbia has not exercised sovereignty over its southern province – Kosovo and Metohia. Since the fall of Milošević, Serbian government has engaged itself in a political and legal battle intended to reintegrate Kosovo and Metohia within its constitutional order. The latest stage in this diplomatic process has been the United Nations’ General Assembly resolution, adopted in October of this year, to seek an advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice on whether the unilateral declaration of independence of Kosovo is in accordance with international law. Annals of the Faculty of Law in Belgrade, i.e. Belgrade Law Review, has recognized the importance of the General Assembly’s initiative for the further development of international public law and decided to dedicate an important part of its 2008 edition to this issue.
Dva datuma, odnosno dvije godišnjice koje je Gazi Husrev-begova biblioteka obilježila u 2017. godini i koje su prethodile izlasku ovog broja Anala, svojim značajem nas obavezuju da ih spomenemo u uvodu u ovaj broj časopisa i još jednom skrenemo pažnju naših čitalaca na njihovu važnost.
Dubrovnik conference on the philosophy of language and linguistics which took place September 12 to 16, 2016 at the IUC continued with still growing interest in the “semantics-pragmatics” distinction, this time partly focusing on Stephen Neale’s latest manuscript “Silent Reference”. The first four papers are reactions to Neale’s work, which will, hopefully, be followed by Neale’s replies to his critics in the first issue of the Croatian Journal of Philosophy in 2018.