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Malonūs Acta Linguistica Lithuanica skaitytojai ir autoriai, džiugu, kad gausėja ir įvairėja žurnalo autorių būrys, kad jame savo straipsnius noriai skelbia kitų šalių lingvistai, kad jis yra skaitomas ir tampa parankine knyga ne vienam iš mūsų.
2008 metais pasirodė antrasis, patikslintas ir papildytas, Lietuvių kalbos enciklopedijos leidimas. Rengėjai enciklopediją praplėtė daugiau nei dvidešimčia straipsnių, daugiausia biobibliografinių; daug informacijos atnaujino, nurodė naujausius kalbininkų darbus, literatūros sąrašus papildė naujomis monografijomis, straipsniais, bibliografijomis. Į naująjį enciklopedijos leidimą papuolė ir Archivum Lithuanicum (1999−). Žurnalui skirtas atskiras straipsnis, jame spausdintais tekstais papildyti LKE2 literatūros sąrašai. Tačiau žurnalo žymėjimas sukelia painiavos. Nors LKE2 sutrumpinimų sąraše nurodyta, kad ALt reiškia „Acta linguistica Lithuanica, Vilnius, 1999−.“ (p. 7), šia santrumpa žymimas ir Archivum Lithuanicum.
This year (2003) the second Archivum Lithuanicum scholarship was awarded to Šiauliai University doctoral student Robertas Gedrimas. This scholarship was established in 2002 by Mr. Robin Neumann of Chicago. It is awarded to a graduate student, either a master's or a doctoral student, engaged in research on the external history of some language. The current recipient, Robertas Gedrimas, is focusing his research mostly on the linguistic attitudes of Jurgis Ambraziejus Pabrëþa (1771- 1849) and on Pabrëþa's derivational theory for new geographical, botanical, and other scientific terms. The first recipient of the Archivum Lithuanicum scholarship (2002) was Vilma Zubaitienë, who is publishing an article in this volume about the manner in which Kristijonas Gotlybas Milkus edited, corrected and enlarged (1800) a dictionary by Pilypas Ruigys (Lithuanian-German Dictionary, 1747), and about Milkus' attempts to improve the lexicographic method of Ruigys.
This year the seventh volume of Archivum Lithuanicum is not appearing just by itself - it is being accompanied by an irregular Indices volume in which we have given a list of abbreviations and advice for authors. Aurelija TAMOÐIÛNAITË has prepared indexes of persons and places occurring in previous volumes. In the seventh volume of Archivum Lithuanicum an analysis of the nineteenth century writings of Lithuania Major predominates. A series of five articles is devoted to this topic. In two of these articles Lowland Lithuanian texts are analyzed. Aleksas GIRDENIS, having compared in depth the Purpura manuscript with the Þyvatas book printed in the middle of the eighteenth century (1759), has established that the Purpura manuscript was not written in 1707, as the inscription on the title page shows, but considerably later, after the middle of the nineteenth century. He also demonstrates that the linguistic basis of the manuscript is the dialect of the Kretinga parish.
L’Académie des Sciences d’Albanie organise cette séance solennelle sous le signe du centenaire de la proclamation de l’indépendance de l’Albanie. À cette occasion, permettez-moi de vous saluer et de vous remercier de votre présence, avec une profonde reconnaissance pour les historiens qui se sont engagés par des discours académiques et tout particulièrement pour les scientifiques venus du Kosovo, de la Macédoine, des États-Unis, de l’Allemagne et de l’Italie, qui nous honorent par leur participation.
Dear readers, This is the fifteenth jubilee issue of the Proceedings of the Islamic Pedagogical Faculty of the University of Zenica. The Proceedings is published in the year in which the Islamic Pedagogical Faculty of the University of Zenica offers master studies at three departments, in which the first generation of students attend a PhD program at the Department of Islamic Religion. Furthermore, in this year a report about the socioeconomic justification for starting a PhD program at the Department of Social Pedagogy and the Department for Pre-school Education has been compiled and submitted for adoption. We believe that these processes will also affect the number and quality of future papers in the Proceedings.
Osjećam posebno zadovoljstvo što mi se pruža prilika da pišem predgovor, trećem po redu, Zborniku radova koji se pojavljuje na kraju školske 2004/05. godine u kojoj je Islamska pedagoška akademija pristupila novoformiranom Univerzitetu u Zenici i otvorila četvorogodišnji dodiplomski studij na Odsjeku za socijalnu pedagogiju.
U godini u kojoj Islamska pedagoška akademija u Zenici ulazi u drugu deceniju svoga postojanja, osjećam posebno zadovoljstvo što mi se pruža prilika da pišem predgovor, drugom po redu, Zborniku radova njezinih nastavnika i stručnih suradnika. Inspirirani riječima Kur’ana Časnog: “Uči, čitaj, s imenom Gospodara tvoga...", “Gospodaru povećaj mi znanje”, i riječima poslanika Muhammeda, s.a.v.s, koji, one koji su stekli znanje pa ga šire, upoređuje sa plodnom zemljom, koja primi vodu i njome napaja bilje i raslinje, nastavnici i suradnici Islamske pedagoške akademije uložili su dodatni trud da uz svoje mnogobrojne obaveze u nastavno-edukativnom procesu, općedruštvenim korisnim aktvinostima i aktivnostima na polju sticanja znanja i znanstveno-istraživačkog rada, pripreme radove za ovaj Zbornik.
It is a privilege to me to write this editorial as the new Editor-in-Chief of Lithuanian Foreign Policy Review (LFPR). It has been 18 years since LFPR was launched and now it has a reputation of a peer- reviewed journal indexed in Scopus, which regularly publishes research articles on foreign and security policy of the Baltic region and beyond. LFPR reputation has been established through the efforts and collaborative work of former editors-in-chief Tomas Janeliūnas and Dovilė Jakniūnaitė from Vilnius University. I am grateful for their dedicated work and achievements.