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Born in 1951 in Timișoara, Elisabeth Ochsenfeld lives today between Heidelberg (de), Frankfurt am Main (de) and Wolfsberg / Gărâna (ro). She graduated the Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Timișoara, in the class of Professor Leon Vreme (1973); she directed the Art Group—Studio 35 in Timișoara(1974-1980) and has had, from 1973 to date, several exhibitions of painting, drawing, mixed media, photography, and illustrations, being also the curator of a large number of exhibitions and artistic events. In 1975 she finalized the drawings for the cover of the double LP Phoenix Cantafabule based on an idea of Valeriu Sepi. She immigrated to Germany in 1986 and soon thereafter became a graphic artist for the project Rock Carvings and Inscriptions along the Karakorum Highway at the Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities (1987-2012). Her works are displayed in galleries, museums and private collections across Germany, Romania, England, the Netherlands, France, Italy, Austria, Ukraine, Hungary, Belgium, Israel, Greece, Sweden, Pakistan, Finland, South Korea, the USA, and Canada. She is the founder of Arthouse Wolfsberg / Gărâna and a member of the Association of Professional Artists in Germany, the International Women’s Cultural Federation, Freeinterartists, and Contemporanii.
Né à Turnu-Severin (Roumanie) en 1942, fils de Nicolae Foarță, médecin, et de Yvonne Foarță, née Burger, professeure de musique, Șerban Foarță a fait ses études à la Faculté de Philologie de l’Université de Timișoara (1960-1965), spécialisation roumain-allemand. En 1978, il a soutenu sa thèse de doctorat en littérature dans le cadre de la même université, thèse publiée deux années plus tard : Eseu asupra poeziei lui Ion Barbu [‘Essai sur la poésie d’Ion Barbu’], Timișoara, éditions Facla, 1980. Il a été professeur à la Faculté des Lettres de l’Université de l’Ouest,à Timișoara, de 1992 à 2005. Membre de l’Union des Écrivains de Roumanie, Șerban Foarță est premièrement poète, essayiste, prosateur et critique littéraire. Il est trèsconnu pour sa poésie qui, lui a valu non seulement desprix littéraires mais surtout une large reconnaissance auprès de ses lecteurs: Simpleroze (Timișoara, éditions Facla,1978); Șalul, eșarpele Isadorei / Șalul e șarpele Isadorei (Bucarest,éditions Litera, 1978); Holorime (Bucarest, éditionsLitera, 1986) et nombre d’autres volumes après 1989. Il atraduit en vers les livres poétiques de la Bible (Hexachordos: Psalmii. Ecleziastul. Cantarea Cantarilor. Iov. Psalmii lui Solomon. Odele, pre stihuri retocmite; Timișoara, éditions Brumar, 2011). Il a traduit des poèmes de la littérature française médiévale, y compris les fatrasies de Philippede Beaumanoir (dans la plaquette 33 de fatrazii, Bucarest,éditions Art, 2008). Cependant son début en tantque poète, avant la publication de la première plaquette (Texte pentru Phoenix, Bucarest, éditions Litera, 1976) s’est fait dans deux LP. Ses vers ont été enregistrés par Phoenix en 1974 (Mugur de Fluier) et 1976 (Cantafabule).
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Un siècle après la publication des premières recherches sur l’église Sainte-Parascève de Tălmăcel, de nouvelles études permettent de reconstituer l’histoire de la fondation du village transylvain à la fin du xviiie siècle. Elles mettent en évidence la valeur architecturale et le caractère représentatif des composantes artistiques dont l’église du village a été dotée à différents moments historiques; caractéristiques qui ont déterminé le classement de cette église en tant que monument historique. La présente étude se propose de réexaminer les recherches publiées jusqu’à présent et poursuit l’investigation grâce, entre autres, aux apports fournis par la restauration de l’ensemble mural. Les informations inédites identifiées dans les documents, les notes transcrites dans les anciens livres liturgiques des archives paroissiales, permettent d’identifier la signature de l’artiste Ioan de Poplaca, à qui l’on devrait certaines parties de la peinture murale de l’église. Sa contribution, jusqu’ici inconnue, peut être désormais différenciée de celle de l’autre peintre, Panteleimon. La différenciation de leur activité à Tălmăcel permet de mettre en évidence quelques particularités stylistiques propres à chacun de nos deux artistes; caractéristiques qui, par analogie, nous pouvons également identifier dans d’autres de leurs oeuvres. À titre subsidiaire, l’article permet de reconstituer leurs biographies.
This study identified the icon of Virgin Moscovita and the icon of the Holy Mandylion, described in Konstantinos Dapontes’ writings, with the icon of the Virgin and the icon of the Holy Mandylion preserved in his family monastery Evangelistria in Skopelos island. We can now retrace the “biography” of these two artefacts, the history of their creation, donation, and multiple “transfers” of the two icons. This study is an important contribution to the history of the early modern period in the Balkans. The icon of the Virgin Moscovite was donated to Konstantinos Dapontes by his benefactor Konstantinos Mavrocordatos in 1741 in Iasi, and the the icon of the Holy Mandylion was donated to Dapontes by his “maître spirituel”, the patriarch of Antioch Sylvester in 1762.
The Library of the Orthodox Metropolitan See of Moldavia and Bucovina in Iaşi preserves over a thousand copies of old Greek books. There are only ten manuscripts in this collection, one of which was com-missioned by Constantin Brâncoveanu, Prince of Wallachia. The collection consists mainly of Greek prints of various origins, some of which can be traced back to the library of the Princely Academy of Iași, succeeded by the Mihăileană Academy. Other volumes originate in the library of the Theological Seminary of Socola, founded by Veniamin Costachi Metropolitan of Moldavia, who donated his personal library to the Iași foundation. Sev-eral references come from the private collections of high hierarchs, while some books were collected from various Moldavian monasteries, especially from those who used to be metochia of the Greek Patriarchates and the great monasteries under their jurisdiction. This article evaluates the importance of the prints according to their dating, place of publication, owners, and contents (generally didactic books, but also polemical books of a religious nature). It also seeks to reconstruct the historical context of their circulation in Moldavia and the circumstances in which they came into the possession of the Metropolitan See of Moldavia and Bucovina. The analysis provided takes into account prosopographical investigations, the history of the Moldavian educational institutions, and the examination of the notes (mostly in Greek) on the prints.
Le musée ‘Trésors spirituels de l’Ukraine’ à Kiev comprend plus de 400 icônes allant du xve au xixe siècles. Dans cette collection, plusieurs exemplaires témoignent d’une série de traits stylistiques indiquant que leur origine pourrait se situer dans la Ruthénie des Carpates, de Pokutia ou de Maramureș. Ces icônes se caractérisent par une forme simplifiée; une palette de couleurs limitée; une composition schématique; des formes stylistiques bien connues aux siècles précédents; un fond doré gravé; et des cadres en bois particulièrement sculptés. Le présent article décrit six de ces icônes : l’icône de la Mère de Dieu sur Trône, peinte par Michail Popovich de Kolomyia, dont les oeuvres se trouvent dans les églises de Budeşti-Josani et de Budeşti-Susani ; l’Annonciation de la fin du xviie siècle, oeuvre du peintre d’icônes de Hǎrnicești à Maramureș et Bǎlan-Josani ; une icône du xviiie siècle, la Descente du Saint-Esprit, peinte dans un style similaire à celui de l’icône de Saint Nicolas de Shelestovo, près de Moukatchevo (aujourd’hui au Musée de l’Architecture et de la Vie Populaires d’Oujhorod) ; et trois icônes – Christ Pantocrator, Théotokos Hodegetria et Archange Michel – provenant du même atelier que les Trois Saints Hiérarques du Musée d’Ethnographie Régionale d’Ivano-Frankivsk.
Review of: Faces, icons and books for the soul: Moldavians in Ukraine, Ukrainians in Moldavia. Testimonies of sacred art; 16th-19th centuries, exhibition organized by the Metropolitan Museum of Iași between April 14 and August 14, 2022, to support Ukrainian refugees. Vladimir Ivanovici and Alice Isabella Sullivan (eds), Natural Light in Medieval Churches, Series: East Central and Eastern Europe in the Middle Ages, 450-1450, Volume 88 Leiden and Boston, Brill, 2023 Daniela Marcu Istrate, Church Archaeology in Transylvania. (ca. 950 to ca. 1450), Leiden and Boston, Brill, 2022, 522 p. Daniela Marcu Istrate, Dan Ioan Mureșan and Gabriel Tiberiu Rustoiu (eds), Christianization in Early Medieval Transylvania. The Oldest Church in Transylvania and Its Interpretation, Leiden and Boston, Brill, 2022, 499 p. Mihail K. Qaramah, O istorie a Molitfelnicului Românesc. Evoluția formularelor Sfintelor Taine (sec. xvi-xvii) [A History of the Romanian Euchologion: The Evolution of the formularies of the Sacraments (16th -17th c.)], Alba Iulia, Editura Reîntregirea, 2022, 310 p.
Articolul analizează imaginea toiagului înflorit în trei vieți ale Sfintei Audrey (sau Etheldreda de la Ely): una în franceză veche și două în engleză mijlocie, precum și în alte texte devoționale. Studiul arată cum, dincolo de cuvinte, imaginile sunt transferate dintr-o limbă într-alta în timpul procesului de traducere. Imaginile vehiculate de texte determină alegerea cuvintelor în traducere. Analiza se bazează pe două extrase în limba engleză medie. Primul este dintr-o ediție inedită a vieții în proză a Sfintei Audrey, acum într-un manuscris de la Corpus Christi College, Oxford, iar cealaltă din viața în proză din manuscrisul Additional 2604 de la Biblioteca Universității Cambridge, un text scris pentru o membră a unei comunități monahale feminine. Textul în franceză veche este preluat din poemul din secolul al XII-lea La vie seinte Audree, nonneyne de Ely, compus de o autoare pe nume Marie — fie Marie de France, celebra poetesă, fie o călugăriță anglo-normandă cu același prenume. Acestor texte li se adaugă alte exemple preluate din surse latine pentru a demonstra interoperabilitatea imaginii toiagului înflorit în literatura medievală.
The Histories and Film Festival in Râşnov (FFIR—Festiva-lul de Film și Istorii la Râşnov) held its fifteenth edition from 18 to 27 August 2023. ‘Radicalisation’ was the main theme of the festival, namely the fact that “our society seems less and less open to balanced dialogue; everyone defends and imposes their own truth and nuances dis-appear.” Museikon organised a debate on the topic ‘Con-temporary votive depictions—from Stephen the Great to the ktetors of our days’ (Tablouri votive contemporane – de la Ștefan cel Mare la ctitorii de azi) in the Old Church of Râşnov (dedicated to Saint Nicholas), on Wednesday 23 August 2023.