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Book review of: Panorama współczesnej filozofii, Jacek Hołówka, Bogdan Dziobkowski (ed.), Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa 2016, pp. 559.
Book Review: Asen Kozhuharov „Bulgarian Naval Officers Training Abroad (1882-1944)”
Review of: Stop Genocide and Holocaust Denial; Conference Proceedings, IV International Conference, Sarajevo, 20 And 21 June 2019, The Association of Victims and Witnesses of Genocide, The Association-Movement Mothers of Srebrenica and Žepa Enclaves, Sarajevo, 2020, 283 pages
The rise of the East India Company (EIC) as the main, unrelented and not once reckless player on the economic market along with their increasing political power that largely contributed to the collapsing of the Indian Mughal Empire is what the Scottish historian William Dalrymple writes about with accomplished art in The Anarchy.
The Book of Everlasting Things written by Aanchal Malhotra is a chronicle of fragrance, loss, longing, and the ability of memory to endure and preserve the past through an invisible realm: smell. It is a treasury of intangible, everlasting things that are stronger than material, physical borders, more powerful than a place, a country, or even physical death.
Fire on the Ganges, by Radhika Iyengar, an Indian journalist, writer, and recipient of the 2018 Red Ink Awards in the category of human rights, is a masterpiece that describes, in an unprecedent manner, “the life among the dead in Banaras.” The book is based on almost eight years of research on the Dom community of Varanasi, a group of people that have a remarkable importance for the Hindus.
Review of: Ivan Čolović: Na putu u srpski svet, Biblioteka XX vek, Beograd, 2023.
Review of: Ивана Јаношевић, Непокретно културно наслеђе Палежа и Обреновца: речи, слике и прилике; Библиотека „Влада Акентијевић”, Обреновац 2022; 148 стр