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The main goal of the undertaken research was to present how texts devoted to literary events function in contemporary media discourse. The article analyzes the reaction of the French-speaking media to the literary event of the Francophone world – presenting a Senegalese writer with the most prestigious literary award in France. The authors review the major media publishing in French in which the figure of the laureate Mohamed Mbougar Sarr was celebrated, the content of the awarded novel as well as the opinions of critics and journalists. The online versions of, among others, Le Monde, Le Courrier International, Le Soleil, LaPresse.ca, Le Soir, L’Observateur Paalga and audiovisual media such as RFI, TV5 Monde, France 24, TSR were analyzed. The choice of the aforementioned media was motivated by the desire to investigate the issue in journalistic texts, diverse in terms of themes, content, and style. The authors also try to explain the phenomenon of hatred towards the laureate expressed by some Senegalese Facebook and Twitter users.
Review of: P. Nitsolova. Bulgarian grammar. Morphology. Sofia, University Publishing House "St. Kliment Ohridski", 2008. 523 p.
Review of: Iv. Kutsarov. Theoretical grammar of the Bulgarian language. Morphology. Plovdiv, Paisii Hilendarski University Publishing House, 2007. 638 p.
Review of: Word formation and lexicology, (comp. V. R a deva, C v. A v ramova, Yu. Baltova), Sofia, University Publishing House "St. Kliment Ohridski", 2009. 411 p.
Review of: The name in the language memory. Collection in memory of Professor Boris Simeonov (co-author P. Asenova). Sofia, Figura Publishing House, 2008, 246 p.
Review of: A. Dobreva. Iranisms in the Bulgarian language. Sofia, Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, 2008, 245 p.
Review of: M. Slavova. < I > digraphs in Thracian names. University Publishing House "St. Kliment Ohridski", Sofia 2007, 137 p.
E. P. Наmр. Comparative studies for Albanian. Prepared and edited by: R. Ismajli. Translated by: B. Rugova, Rr. Pacarizi. Sh. Minushi, G. Bërlajolli, B. Pllana, R. Ismajli. Prishtina, Academy of Sciences and Arts of Kosovo, 2007. 436 p.
Review of: M. A. Gabinsky. The Balkan infinitive is the next stage of the discussion. Anti-critical review. Chisinau, 2008, 386 p.
Place: Veliko Tarnovo; Date: April 30 - May 2, 2009
The analysis was carried out on the Judgment of the Provincial Administrative Court of November 27, 2022 with reference number II SA/Sz 1182/21 concerning the provisions of the Act on family benefits (hereinafter referred to as the Act on differentiate the situation of persons with the right to family benefits), as clearly stated in Art. 17 sec. 1 u.ś.r., the benefit in question is addressed to people who do not take up or resign from employment or other gainful work in order to take care of a person who has a certificate of severe disability. The negation of the causal relationship between the applicant’s failure to take up employment and the care provided would have to be based on fully authoritative premises, clearly undermining this relationship in a subjective or objective aspect. caregivers of disabled people, consisting in the exclusion of the entire right to the care benefit of those caregivers who have an established right to one of the benefits listed in art. 17 sec. 5 point 1 lit. a u.ś.r., in a situation where this benefit is lower than the nursing benefit. First of all, it should be noted that the purpose of the nursing benefit is to compensate for the lack of income from gainful employment due to caring for a disabled family member. for this group of caregivers, despite the fact that while providing care after obtaining the right to retirement, the guardian may not take up gainful employment. 17 sec. 5 point 1 lit. and the Act on family benefits should be understood as a way to avoid the accumulation of received benefits, and not as the exclusion of the possibility of establishing the right to a nursing benefit in a situation where the person applying for this benefit meets the conditions for obtaining another benefit specified in this provision. to obtain a nursing benefit, it is not necessary to apply for the revocation of the decision establishing the right to a retirement pension, and it is sufficient to suspend its payment.
(Review of M. Pencheva's book, Linguistic universals and typology. From description to explanation. Sofia. University Publishing House "St. Kliment Ohridski". [Library Lingua], 2006)
Review of: D. Mladenova. The starry sky above us. Ethnolinguistic study of Balkan folk astronomy. Sofia, Academic Publishing House "Prof. Marin Drinov", 2006. 421 p.
Review of: X. P. Simeonidis. The Greek influence on the system of Bulgarian proper names. Sofia, 2006. 203 p.