Dvisluoksnių asimetrinių konstrukcinių elementų standumo tyrimai
The article examines the geometric and stiffness centres of two-layer asymmetric constructions, variation consistent patterns of neutral layer direction angle 4max and maximum bending stiffness Dmax, while the construction is formed at the vertical and horizontal movement of the layer contact plane point B. It was estimated that in regard to inter-position of rigidity and geometric centres a more rational is the construction element of the first type when the two-ply element is formed by changing the parameters of the layer, the module of elasticity of its material is bigger, for distances between these centres are smaller, the values of this construction Dmax are on the average 3 times bigger, moreover the variation of Dmax has no intermediate extreme values. The influence and complex impact of many factors on the analyzed parameters shows that while projecting the multi-layer construction elements it is essential to carry out the analysis of variation consistent patterns of the examined parameters to certain constructions.