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E. ZACHARIÄ, Reise in den Orient, Heidelberg 1840. XIV, 344 S., Nachdruck Frankfurt am Main: Löwenklau Gesellschaft e. V. 1985.
The European Union created rural development policies in order to reduce disparities between member states. The policies consist in financial instruments that can be accessed for financing rural communities. The diversity of projects that can be funded denotes the complex problems that rural areas are facing on an European scale. The study has as hypothesis the evaluation of rural development in Botosani county because of Romania’s accession to the European Union and its influence. Thus we can observe priority areas for accessing european funds. Qualitative and quantitative data on rural development projects are used to identify rural distribution projects and priority areas. The influence of policies and development strategies reduces intra disparities, ensuring authorities competitiveness needed to develop and implement other projects with the same goal.
Referring to the story of her father’s death in 1945, Krystyna Badurka-Rytel discusses the times before and after World War II. Before WWII, her father, Felix Badurka, was a soldier of the Home Army, while after the war he served as the chairman of the National Council and built "the new system". For decades, the Badurka family has been trying to find out who is responsible for his murder. The story of tracking perpetrators is presented against a broader background: the attitude of the population and the Church towards the underground army during and after WWII; the socio-political changes (specifically in rural areas) after World War II, as well as the modern times, in particular the attitude to the past. Krystyna Badurka-Rytel objects to the current Polish political history, because, as she believes, it glorifies the war crimes committed by the so-called “conspiracy” by honouring the participants with books and monuments.
The geographical position of Babadag Lake, south of the Danube Delta, raises the question of its possible connection to Razim Lake. The study of this connection is based on the diachronic analysis of 38 old maps of the analyzed area from the 16th century until nowadays. In this study, maps are seen as analysis instruments that permit the observation of the evolution of landscape and the chronology of the evolution of the connection between Babadag and Razim Lakes, based on comparison of documents from different historic periods. The cartographic diachronic analysis allows the identification of the big tendencies between opening and closure: periods of Babadag Lake opening to Razim Lake and vice versa, periods of separation of the two Lakes, as well as the current situation when the connection between the two lakes is reduced to expansion of vegetation or to artificial water exchange through a watergate. This study will be followed by a sedimentary analysis based on a coring at the site in 2011.
Sprawozdanie z międzynarodowej konferencji naukowej: „Ekonomiczne i organizacyjne uwarunkowania produkcji mleka i żywca wołowego na świecie, w Unii Europejskiej i w Polsce”, która odbyła się 20 września 2012 roku na Wydziale Nauk Ekonomicznych SGGW
An interviev with Serhij Zadan by Magdalena Nocun and Andrzej Brzeziecki Serhij Zadan (born in 1974) is Ukrainian writer, poet and translator. Bu-Ba-Bu prize winner for the best poem in 1998 year. He lives in Kharkiv. Several his books appeared in Poland: History of the beginning of the century ( Wroclaw 2005), Big Mac (Wolowiec 2005), Depeche Mode (Wolowiec 2006), Anarchy in the UKR (Wolowiec 2007), Democratic youth anthem