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Antoni Sagan was born in 1894 in Warsaw. He was a railwayman. Since the day of evacuation he kept a diary. Having lived for a month in a railway carriage, transferred from one place to another he chronicled events, experiences, thoughts. A part of his memoirs portreys economic side of life in these atypical conditions – prices and type of purchases as well as other expenses paid throughout the journey. They reveal author’s interests and likings, economic conditions of migrants and residents of the land traversed. The chronicle is of great historic value. Written during wartime it concerns a group of people united by a common fate of peregrination through the west part of the Russian Empire, entirely dependent on the incomprehensible decisions of the railway authorities. During the journey the author begins to see the signs of war, although he almost doesn’t experience it himself at this particular time. On the one hand the diary provides comments on the situation and events, on the other hand – describes and analyses the inner state of the narrator, his suffering about not having heard from his relatives left in Warsaw. After many ordeals Sagan delivered the railway assets he was given charge of and set off for Moscow.
Induction motors are important part of safe and efficient running of any industrial plant. These motors are often used in industrial applications thanks to their usability and their robustness. Faults and failures of induction machine can lead to excessive downtimes processes; generate large losses in revenues and long term maintenance. Early detection of motor abnormalities would help avoiding costly breakdowns. In this paper a diagnostic technique of induction motor broken rotor bars is presented. The applied method is the so-called Motor Current Signature Analysis (MCSA) which utilized the results of spectral analysis of the stator current. The broken rotor bars and rings will cause twice slip frequency side bands around the supplying frequency. The fault detection method consists in monitoring of stator phase current spectrum. Twice slip frequency side bands around the main frequency detected by spectral analysis is an indicator of the broken bars. The experimental results show the efficiency of the method.
The paper examines influence of the modifying additives on properties of Karatau and Chilisay dispersed phosphorites. Authors have revealed effects of temperature and the nature of activating additives on the content of assimilated in Trilon B P2O5; on chloral- and lemon-soluble phosphate forms in derived products as well. It is shown, that Chilisay phosphorite is exposed to the greatest structural changes in dispersion process in all temperature intervals supposing the presence of modifying additives.
Higher education is enduring fundamental changes - universities are experimenting with new ways of funding and forging partnerships with private companies, competition is fiercer than ever before. All these changes indicate that higher education is becoming an industry. Thus, in order to succeed, institutions of higher education, just like profit oriented organizations, have to know how to enhance an manage their performance. The paper depicts the process of defining key performance indicators for higher education institutions in Serbia. Once determined, key performance indicators become a basis for improving control of use of organizational resources, quality of business results and for aligning business strategy with business technology.
The paper examines vertical and lateral approaches to cotton condensation. The research suggests empirical dependence between bulk weight of raw cotton and condensing loading. Thus, the received theoretical dependence helps to define more effective method of cotton condensation.
The author justifies the need to develop new standards for gas purification process. It is believed that these standards should assume introduction of new resource-saving technologies and also meet the modern international requirements to improve environmental safety. The article shows the need for the introduction and development of environmental management system according to ISO 14000 standards to reduce the industrial impact of gas deposits on the environment.
Despite the fact that gas in the energy sector in Kazakhstan is of considerable importance, and its production scale is gradually extending, processing of associated gas has not reached an adequate dynamic. There is a need to find new ways of utilization of associated gas, introduction of new capacities enabling its processing and use. Therefore, the application of technological scheme with the use of modern compact gas turbine units for gas utilization, in conjunction with electrostatic precipitator for cleaning exhaust gas from the turbine, appears nowadays as the optimal option. This utilization of associated gas should not be a matter of prohibitions or task only of subsoil users, but should become a national priority. Only this complex approach could provide expected positive outcome.
The article presents the technology and performance quality of a new type of cream-enriched products of plant origin. Dietary fiber contained in a new form of sour cream cleanses the body of toxic elements, strengthens the human immunity.
The subject of the paper is related with the effects of the implemented rehabilitation of the HPP’s at Drin River Cascade on reliability indices of generation reliability. These Project concerns four of the country’s hydropower stations, representing over half of the total installed capacity in Albania. The work presented in this paper concerns the revitalization of the generators at Fierza HPP. The intention is to assess the integrity of four hydrogenerators at Fierza and the impact of rehabilitation project to ensure acceptable reliability and availability of the plant. The successful implementation of the project has contributed directly for a better water management in terms of energy produced as well as for management of the big floods that threaten the safety of population and dams in the surrounding area of the project.
The article describes the results from the comparative analysis of the acquired clinical skills’ assessment of undergraduate medical students in an innovative problem-based learning (PBL) and traditional curriculum. Attention is paid on the fact that even partially introduced in part of the early phases of the curriculum the PBL format of education has its impact on the future clinical functioning of the medical students. The PBL students performed better in comparison with their peers from the traditional track in regard to: the complete history taking as gathering data for the family history, available contacts with acute infectious diseases and known allergies to foods, drugs and other substances; and the use of more laboratory and other tests for building a diagnostic plan.
One of the components to control the international trade with endangered species of fauna and flora is the European Community border security. Because the trade of wild animals and plants crosses borders between countries, the effort to regulate it requires international cooperation to safeguard certain species from overexploitation. The CITES was conceived in the spirit of such cooperation. All import, export, re-export and introduction from the sea of species covered by the Convention has to be authorized through a licensing system. Each Party to the Convention must designate one or more Management Authorities in charge of administering that licensing system and one or more Scientific Authorities to advise them on the effects of trade on the status of the species. Implementing the CITES, the relevant European Community regulations and directives related to endangered wild animals and plants in international trade of the Republic of Lithuania, customs has become one of the main institutions to control the trade. For the global legal means to restrict the endangered species of wild animals and plants, their parts and products of their trade, import and export, the article examines the implementation of the customs activity of the CITES convention. Customs, while implementing endangered animal and plant protection, controls how to keep determined prohibitions, restrictions and special requirements. Efficiency of security depends on the cooperation of surveillance authorities and customs. International trade regulation methods are mainly associated with certain additional or specific requirements, e.g., a license, permit, certificate, conformity declaration and the like
Review of the monograph "Lietuvių fizikos terminijos raida" by Angelė Kaulakienė.
The publications of this Coactivity issue are dedicated to deal with topical problems in glotodidactics teaching. The articles dedicated to analyze these problems, form the main problem of glotodidactics and linguodidactics as well as the problem of analysis described in these articles. The authors relied on their own pedagogical experience and conclusions of monitoring their own practical work when preparing articles. The articles summarize the gained experience and provide valuable recommendations how to improve practical work. The papers are also dedicated to deal with topical issues of language culture development. The authors present some few foreign language culture innovations and recommendations how to implement them in teaching practice. The articles are topical by subject and provide valuable conceptual attitudes. I hope that the articles will be of interest to the language teaching specialists due to valuable innovations and rational proposals for everyday working practice.