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Contains contributions and debates by different scholars about controverted thesis, new directions in research and other problems. This issue contains two contributions: About some contemporary questions of transylvanian-hungarian historiography by Zsigmmond Jakó and Misconstructions about the origin of szekely and transylvanian saxons - remarks about a new publication by Gerhardt Hochstrasser
Summary of Vol. 28/2005, No. 1, contains as well the adresses of the authors and other useful information
Europoje vis plačiau įsigali paslaugomis grindžiama (angl. service oriented) visuomenė. Profesinės veiklos ir karjeros plėtra vis labiau priklauso nuo nuolatinio mokymosi, padedančio prisitaikyti prie greitai kintančios paklausos. Paslaugų sektoriuje ypač svarbios asmeninės ir socialinės kompetencijos, tampančios konkurenciniais veiksniais darbo srityje, pvz., orientavimasis į klientą, grupinio darbo, bendradarbiavimo ir tarpkultūrinės komunikacijos gebėjimai, lankstumas bei verslumas. Šios ypač reikalingos kompetencijos dažniausiai įgyjamos neformalioje aplinkoje, už švietimo institucijų ribų – mokantis darbo vietoje ar tiesiog kasdieniame gyvenime.
Neformaliojo mokymosi klubas „Mes“ įgyvendino ES programos „Veiklus jaunimas“ finansuotą tarptautinį jaunimo mainų projektą „You(th) Can!“. Šis projektas parengtas įvairių šalių atstovams dalyvaujant tarptautiniuose mokymuose Kijeve. Jaunimo atstovai nusprendė, kad už projekto įgyvendinimą atsakingos visos šalys, taigi prieš susitikimą intensyviai ruoštasi projekto veiklai. 2013 m. rugpjūčio 19–30 dienomis Gruzijoje, Batumio mieste, vyko jaunimo mainai, kuriuose dalyvavo 36 žmonės iš 6 valstybių: Lietuvos, Gruzijos, Rusijos, Kroatijos, Ukrainos ir Slovėnijos.
Straipsnyje pateikiami mokslinių tyrimų rezultatai, kurie patvirtina, kad pasitikėjimas yra reikšmingas konstruktas kuriant ir palaikant sėkmingus santykius tarp studento ir aukštosios mokyklos. Straipsnio tikslas – teoriniu lygmeniu išanalizuoti pasitikėjimo raišką studento ir aukštosios mokyklos santykiuose. Straipsnyje analizuojami teoriniai studento ir aukštosios mokyklos santykių pasitikėjimo aspektai, atskleidžiamos pasitikėjimo antecedentų ir rezultatų sąsajos, išryškinančios pasitikėjimo raišką. Nowadays when high schools are facing a tendency of decreasing amount of students, it is not sufficient to assure high quality of the studies , to boast about the scientific achievements or to guaranty the expertise of instructors and to be proud of international research; therefore, it is vitally important to develop a system of long-term relationship with students. Theoretical studies confirm that it is essential for high schools to develop self-confidence of the students in order to establish a long-term relationship system with them. From the point of view of the student, a wide variety of learning services, large amount of information, the image of a high school created by the media as well as financial commitments put pressure on the student when choosing a high school. The uncertainty of the student is also caused by difficulty to estimate the quality of high education services. Such situation predetermines that confidence tends to become a significant part in relations between the student and a high school. Thus, a well-grounded problematic question arises: how significant is the influence of confidence in relations between the student and a high school?
Straipsnyje analizuojamos šiuolaikinės globalios visuomenės gyvenimo kokybei itin svarbios sociokultūrinės kompetencijos, teikiančios prielaidas sėkmingai asmens integracijai į nuolat besikeičiančią aplinką, gebėjimą gyventi kartu su kitais, palaikyti harmoningus santykius tiek profesinėje veikloje, tiek pilietinėje visuomenėje. Aptariamos sociokultūros, sociokultūrinių kompetencijų sampratos, pateikiama vertybių, kaip sociokultūrinės kompetencijos dalies, svarba suvokiant ne tik save, bet ir šalia esančius, sociokultūrinių kompetencijų ugdymo prielaidos profesinio rengimo sistemoje. This paper analyses the contemporary global society’s quality of life - essential to sociocultural competence, providing conditions for the successful integration of the person into a constantly changing environment, the ability to live with the others and maintaining harmonious relations in profession and civil society. Issues discussed: the sociocultural, socio-cultural competency concepts, the values of the socio-cultural competence, the importance of understanding not only themselves, but also nearby, the socio-cultural competency training assumptions of VET system. The modern global society’s quality of life is becoming extremely important expertise providing preconditions for successful integration into the constantly changing environment, the ability to live with others, and maintaining harmonious relations profession and civil society. Sociocultural concept of public communication norms, customs, traditions, the most important social values, human relationships, lifestyle, non-verbal expression of identity and so on. The socio-cultural competence is interpreted as a public culture in a broad sense, the general socio-cultural context of cognition. Socio-cultural competence acquired and developed throughout life, is conducive to the survival and successful operation of the present job market. Socio-cultural competency content and effects of socialization is highly dependent on the specific field in which these competences are provided, acquired and applied. Vocational training as a full- time continuing education activity is conductive environment to develop these competencies. Bruges Communique (2012, p. 10) states that “the initial and continuing vocational training has a dual purpose: contributing to employability and economic growth and solve common problems of society, in particular the promotion of social cohesion.” The social aims of the training component of the development time and the strategy of the European Union higher education documents, stating that “higher education ... play a vital role in the development of individuals and society development, the formation of qualified human capital and active citizenship”
Straipsnyje apibrėžiami Lietuvos bendrojo ugdymo ir profesinio mokymo institucijų bendradarbiavimo tikslai ir galimybės, siekiant mokinių tikslingo profesinio apsisprendimo. Ugdymo institucijų bendradarbiavimas siejamas su tikslingu mokinių profesiniu apsisprendimu bei partneryste, kuria siekiama padėti silpniau besimokantiems ir į praktinę veiklą orientuotiems mokiniams pasirinkti profesinį kelią. Kokybiniu tyrimu grindžiamos ugdymo institucijų bendradarbiavimo galimybės, nukreiptos į tikslingą mokinių profesinį apsisprendimą. In recent years the Lithuanian general education institutions purposefully direct students to choose higher schools and university studies while the vocational training institutions are usually preferred by students with poor academic performance, behavioural, communication and socialization problems. This article defines the aims and opportunities of cooperation between the Lithuanian general education and vocational training institutions to achieve purposeful vocational decision of the students. The cooperation between the general education and vocational training institutions is based on the same aim, namely, to help the general education student purposefully choose a profession, promote mutual partnership between institutions and the potential exchange of resources. The cooperation between the general education and vocational training institutions could help to cope with the challenges encountered at career education, furthermore, it is associated with the implementation of students’ practical skills. The possibilities for cooperation have been determined: the integration into the vocational training process (apprenticeship, technology school leaving exam, modular programmes), education on the premises (sectoral practical training centres), cooperation with employers as well as with the foreign partners. The qualitative study, based on the possibilities of cooperation between educational institutions, aims at students’ vocational decision. Informants working in the field of vocational guidance and counselling consider the cooperation opportunities between the general education and vocational training institutions appropriate to allow students to purposefully choose a profession. The findings of the study emphasize the impact of simulation and practical activities not only on the vocational guidance activities, but also on the entire educational process in schools.
Straipsnyje pristatomas tyrimas, kuriuo siekta ištirti, ar atlikėjai yra atsakingi už savo pasirengimą darbo rinkai, ir nustatyti svarbiausius pasirengimą darbo rinkai lemiančius veiksnius. Tyrimo metodas – interviu. Tyrime dalyvavo Lietuvos menininkus rengiančių aukštųjų mokyklų meno magistrantai. Tyrimas atskleidė, kad savo muzikines kompetencijas studentai vertina geriau nei pasirengimą darbo rinkai. Tokį vertinimą lemia studijų programos sandara – daugiau dėmesio skiriama techniniams muzikiniams įgūdžiams tobulinti, mažiau – savo profesijos pritaikomumui, taip pat studento pasaulėžiūra, formuojanti asmeninį santykį su esama ir būsima veikla. Studentai pripažįsta atsakomybę už pasirengimą darbo rinkai, tačiau menkos sceninės patirties nulemta scenos baimė, kūrybingumo stoka, nepakankamas savęs pristatymas ir požiūrio į darbo rinką ribotumas yra pagrindiniai studentų pasirengimo darbo rinkai trūkumai. Art studies are acknowledged as a specific area of higher education all over the World. Music, dance, theatre, cinema, painting and other art fields are seen as not only professional craft but also a field, linked with creative discoveries, searching for a niche, both of which are hard to plan or prognosticate. This is a very individualized activity, the goal of which is a constant renewal and search for undiscovered art forms. Artists create not only by developing but also by denying the traditional art forms and in that way often opposing or denying the tradition itself. So art studies are a constant creative challenge. (Rimšaitė R., Umbrasienė V. 2011). The mentioned authors notice the graduates of musical arts often don‘t have typical workplaces, on which the employment statistics are based, that are important for the Bologna declaration. The graduates of musical arts are often freelance artists or create unique workplaces themselves. That‘s how the results of the studies, often defined in the basic dimensions: knowledge/knowing, payments, competences and understanding (Pukelis K., 2011) become less concrete compared to the results of other study programs, on the other hand they are constantly witnessed by listening to a performer in concerts, projects, watching their individual artistic career and expression. Is the completed program and achieved study results already a guarantee of a successful integration into the job market? Integration into job market of master students has been studied by Beresnevičiūtė V., Poviliūnas A (2007), of persons without education by Gruževskis, B., Okunevičiūtė-Neverauskienė N., Česnuitytė V. (2007), attention to career planning and consulting has been foccused by Tūtlys V. (2013), Pukelis K., Navickienė L. (2011), to integration of imigrants by Presniakovaitė K. (2011), but researches about artists responsibility for the labor market were missing. Formed opinion about easy artists integration into job market reasons problem of research too.
„Europa 2020“ – dešimtmečio Europos ekonominio augimo strategija, kurios vienas pagrindinių tikslų yra mažinti socialinę atskirtį, jaunimo nedarbą, mokslo nebaigiančių asmenų skaičių. Šių tikslų įgyvendinimo ketinama siekti gerinant švietimo kokybę ir pasiekiamumą, šalinant kliūtis, trukdančias jaunimui sėkmingai įsilieti į darbo rinką. Turint omenyje Europos Sąjungos deklaruojamus iššūkius mažinant jaunimo nedarbą ir didinant socialinę integraciją, socialinės rizikos grupėms priklausantis jaunimas yra potencialus žmogiškųjų išteklių rezervas, o jų profesinė integracija yra svarbi tiek socialiniu, tiek ekonominiu požiūriu - socialinės rizikos grupių jaunimas (našlaičiai, jaunimas iš socialiai atskirtų šeimų, neįgalūs asmenys, pagrindinio išsilavinimo neįgiję asmenys ir pan.) dažniausiai neturi galimybių įgyti profesinę kvalifikaciją ar įsidarbinti dėl įvairių priežasčių, sąlygotų socialinių problemų. Pameistrystė - potencialiai efektyvi priemonė socialinės rizikos jaunimo grupių profesinei integracijai. Perėjimas nuo formalaus prie pameistryste grindžiamo mokymo atvertų socialinės rizikos grupių jaunimui naujų galimybių darbo rinkoje bei motyvuotų tobulėti profesinėje srityje. Vis dėl to Lietuvoje, Ispanijoje ir kitose Europos Sąjungos šalyse stokojama žinių, patirties ir instrumentų, kaip panaudoti pameistrystę socialinės rizikos grupių jaunimo profesinei integracijai.
Tinkamos profesijos pasirinkimas gali lemti asmens konkurencinį pranašumą globalioje darbo rinkoje. Dėl to kokybiškos, efektyvios ir laiku teikiamos profesinio konsultavimo paslaugos yra vienos iš svarbiausių garantijų siekiant tiek asmens, tiek ir visos visuomenės poreikių tenkinimo. Atsižvelgiant į profesinio konsultavimo svarbą, straipsnyje analizuojamas profesinis konsultavimas, aptariama profesinio konsultavimo sąvoka, jos daugialypiškumas, kompleksiškumas, analizuojami profesinio konsultavimo metodai ir technikos, taikomos konsultavimo procese. Remiantis atlikto kokybinio tyrimo duomenimis įvertintos Šiaulių apskrities ilgalaikiams bedarbiams teikiamos profesinio konsultavimo paslaugos ir jų kokybė. The increasing process of globalization and Europeanization induces some changes in the labour market. Unemployment and long-term unemployment is one of the most relevant and intractable problems in Lithuania, therefore the services offering vocational consulting should be efficient and a good quality. Vocational consulting services are dedicated for people in order to help to identify theirs interests, to develop career planning and skills of career management, to create effective plans of career. These services help persons to adapt to the economic and labour market changes. The subject of the research is methods using in the process of longterm unemployed vocational consulting. The aim of the present study is to evaluate vocational consulting services in order to identify the methods and techniques, which are applicable in the process of vocational consulting of long-term unemployed. The article consists of three parts: the first part gives the information about vocational consulting. In this part, the concepts of vocation, vocational consulting, vocational orientation, and vocational information have been analyzed. Also, the multiplicity of the concepts of vocational consulting has been examined there. The second part of this research gives the compendium of the different vocational consulting methods and techniques. Finally, the qualitative research has been presented in the third part of this work. The research has been presented in the article in order to characterize the methods and techniques of vocational consulting. Also, this research has been done in order to highlight consultant’s opinion about long-term unemployed.
Straipsnyje analizuojamos imigrantų savivaldaus mokymosi bendruomeninėse organizacijose sąsajos su jų integracijos procesu. Pristatomi kokybinio tyrimo, kuriame dalyvavo septyni imigrantai, atvykę į Lietuvą iš ne Europos Sąjungos šalių, rezultatai. Tyrimo rezultatai atskleidė, jog bendruomeninių organizacijų vykdomų užsiėmimų metu tuo pačiu metu derinamos ir savivaldaus mokymo/si, ir tradicinio mokymo/ si paradigmos. Imigrantų mokymąsi inspiruoja socialinės, kultūrinės, edukacinės, politinės ir ekonominės integracijos siekis. Imigrantų asmeninė etnokultūrinė ir bendrapažintinė saviugda realizuojama, siekiant asmeninės ir kitų etninių grupių atstovų sociokultūrinės integracijos, etnokultūrinių vertybių internalizavimo ir eksternalizavimo. Galima daryti išvadą, kad imigrantų savivaldus mokymasis bendruomeninėse organizacijose realizuojamas asmeniniame lygmenyje, kuriam būdingas patirtinio, reflektyvaus, savaiminio (atsitiktinio), transformatyvaus mokymosi patirčių integralumas. Article represents empirical material about the links between self-directed learning of immigrants in community organizations and their integration process. Results of the qualitative research with seven immigrants, who arrived to Lithuania not from the European Union countries, are presented. Research results revealed that paradigms of self-directed and traditional teaching and learning are jointly combined during activities organized by community organizations. Objective of social, cultural, educational, political, and economic integration serves as an inspiration for learning for immigrants. Personal ethno-cultural and common-cognitive self-education of immigrants is fulfilled, in order to achieve socio-cultural integration of individuals and representatives of other ethnic groups, internalization and externalization of ethno-cultural values. Overall conclusion accentuates that self-directed learning of immigrants, which is organized by community organizations with the focus on a personal level, characterised by integrity of experiences of experiential, reflective, informal (incidental), and transformative learning.
In a knowledge-based economy the effectiveness of training is one of the core features of human resource management. Training is the main method of developing employees‘ skills, which in the long term leads to companies achieving a competitive advantage. The most important problem is not connected with the information which the trainees need to acquire, but with the methods of training. Training methods determine the effectiveness of the training, the involvement of the employees, and the durability of the outcomes. Therefore need of integration of interactive methods is becoming very important.
Šiuolaikinei Lietuvos darbo rinkai būdingos disproporcijos, kuomet esant vienų sričių specialistų pertekliui kitų sričių darbuotojų labai trūksta. Siekiant patenkinti ūkio subjektų poreikius bei įveikti disproporcijas darbo rinkoje, svarbus vaidmuo tenka profesiniam orientavimui, nes nuo profesijos pasirinkimo prasideda šiuolaikinės darbo rinkos ištakos bei formuojasi profesinės-kvalifikacinės darbo rinkos ( gydytojų, inžinierių, mechanikų, vairuotojų, suvirintojų ir t. t.). Tačiau specializuotų darbo rinkų formavimas, disproporcijų įveikimas ir ūkio subjektų poreikio patenkinimas ir liks sunkiai įveikiama kliūtimi, jeigu sparčiai keičiantis technologijoms ir pačiam profesijų pasauliui, ūkio subjektai liks nuošalyje nuo dalyvavimo profesinio orientavimo veikloje. Tad atsižvelgiant į esamą padėtį darbo rinkoje, straipsnyje analizuojamas šiuolaikinės darbo rinkos funkcionavimas, darbo rinkos ir profesijos pasirinkimo sąsajos, atskleidžiamos profesijų poreikio prognozavimo spragos bei pagrindžiama ūkio subjektų dalyvavimo profesinio orientavimo veikloje būtinybė. Contemporary labour market of Lithuania contains big disproportions and assymetries of the workforce supply and demand, when the big surplus of workforce in some occupations goes in parrallel with the important shortages of other specialists. Therefore even in cases of high unemployment employers still demand the Government permissions to recruit the missing workforce from the third countries and it concern not only high skilled, but also medium skilled specialists, such as truck drivers, welders, cooks etc. Practice also shows, that many people do not succeed to adapt to the changes of economy and technologies. These changes influence the structure and contents of the occupations and qualifications with the increasing speed and intensity. This situation in the labour market requires to search for the ways and measures on how to ballance supply and demand of workforce in the labour market. This paper provides analysis on the importance of vocational guidance for the solution of this problem by stressing the necessity of participation of enterprises and other stakeholders of economy in this process. These issues are analysed in the context of the functionning of labour market, relationships betwen labour market needs and choices of future occupation, labour market forecasting. After review of relationships between labor market and professional orientation it was determined that: a) there are direct connections between the labor market and professional orientation; b) the labor maket renders an important informative function about professional requirements, but professional orientation is blinded and cannot be effective if disconnected from market reqirements and its perspectives for further development; c) the labor market executes a controlling function on the perception of the one who chooses a profession.
Šio straipsnio tikslas – atskleisti socialinių dalininkų bendradarbiavimo naudą profesinio rengimo institucijoms. Straipsnyje aptariami socialinių dalininkų bendradarbiavimo interesai, atskleidžiami verslo organizacijų ir profesinio rengimo institucijų bendradarbiavimo privalumai. Sėkmingi verslo organizacijų ir profesinio rengimo institucijų santykiai gali būti inovacijų, naujų specialistų įgūdžių, pasaulinės svarbos tyrimų, plėtros ir augančio produktyvumo šaltinis, todėl socialinių dalininkų bendradarbiavimas yra labai svarbus. Nusakomi konkurencinio pranašumo aspektai. Analizuojami socialinių dalininkų bendradarbiavimo tikslai profesinio rengimo sistemoje. Economic and social changes that have promoted move of the vocational training institutions towards internationalization and globalization have changed the trends of the qualifications’supply anddemand within the VET system. The cooperation of business organizations and the vocational training institutions promotes the emergence of innovations, has a positive impact towards the development of those sectors, as well as the productivity of their activities, and outlines the demand for the new specialists. Business organizations’ cooperation with the representatives of vocational education and training system enhances the vocational education and training quality and increases the availability as well as flexibility of the vocational education and training process.The successful business organizations’and training institutions relations may bea source of innovation, new professional skills of the specialists, the research of global significance, the source of increasing productivity, development;thus, the collaboration of the social stakeholders is veryimportant. Vocational education and training system, aiming to meet the needs of learners should provide larger learning opportunities for people of all ages and to focus on practical activities that facilitate the development of a stronger“union”with various business organizations. Research object -benefits of cooperation. Research aim- to reveal the benefits of cooperation between social stakeholdersin the vocational training system.
Nors Lietuvos įmonių vadovai nuolat ieško patikimų, iniciatyvių ir darbščių darbuotojų, jaunų žmonių bedarbystė vis dar didelė. Didėja atotrūkis tarp darbdavių ir būsimųjų darbuotojų lūkesčių, o jaunųjų specialistų turimos kompetencijos neatitinka tų, kurios reikalingos darbui.
Straipsnyje pateikiami kompetencijų perimamumo profesiniame rengime elementai ir rezultatai, atskleidžiantys kompetencijų perimamumo svarbą. Analizuojama kompetencijų perimamumo reikšmė šiuolaikinės mokymosi paradigmos kontekste. Plečiantis savarankiškam ir tęstiniam mokymuisi didės kompetencijų perimamumo reikšmė. Permeability is an important factor in ensuring the training optimization: it enables to shorten the new teaching or studies content including the acquired competences (Laužackas 2008). Permeability implementation encourages individuals to continue learning, saves not only time but also financial costs (Rusakova, Rauhvargers 2010). Valiulienė (2011) argues that permeability in the scientific literature has not yet been fully analysed. Permeability concept within vocational education and training was defined by R. Laužackas (2004). The scientific literature more analyses knowledge transferability (Levin, Cross 2004, Butler, LeGrice, Reed 2006, Howlett, 2010). L. Anužienė, V. Tūtlys and A. Anužis argue that “permeability of learning can be defined as a characteristics within education and training system that ensures an efficient and motivating to learn transition from one learning or studies level or a sub-system to the next level or sub-system” (2011: 20). Competency permeability concept can be related to the recognition of qualifications, comparability, transferability and vocational qualification levels. To ensure permeability it is necessary to take into account the internal institutional order and the person’s actual competencies. Permeability of competencies at the personal level is closely associated with the development of competencies – one of the essential aspects of permeability in vocational training. According to R. M. Andriekienė et al. (2004:14) based on the contemporary life-long learning paradigm, the training and education programmes should be based on competencies education and development. The aim of one or another specialty training and study programme (to develop skills required by profession) will be best attained when the programme will be developed in stages (Professional knowledge and skills – applied studies – academic studies) and will create a consistent permeability between the different levels of vocational traininginstitutions. Research problem – elements of competencies permeability and importance of results to the vocational education and training system gets insufficient manifestation at practical level, although this is much discussed about and it is admitted that permeability is particularly significant during the cognition of competencies and their confirmation.