Komise pro slovník sudetoněmeckých nářečí Německé akademie věd v Praze a její materiály v archivu Univerzity Karlovy
In 2013, the Institute of German Studies of the Faculty of Philosophy of the Charles University in Prague handed over to the Archive of the Charles University materials of a Committee for a Dictionary of Sudeten-German Dialects of the German Academy of Sciences in Prague. These materials contain notes from the Committee’s meetings but also source materials for the creation of the dictionary and a language atlas of Sudeten-German dialects (including completed questionnaires and maps). Smaller part of the materials consists of personal documents of Ernst Schwarz, president of the Committee and professor of the German University in Prague. The aim of our contribution is to present, based on the study of surviving materials, an outline of activities of this Commission, including its predecessors, and to describe the surviving written documents related to it.