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Book review of Dana Gheorghiu’s volume Die Fabrukler. Gyárvárosi történetek, translated into Hungarian by István Sarány.
ROMA ÉLET KÉPEKBEN AZ 1950-ES ÉVEKBEN (FOTÓALBUM) Szerk.: Kujbusné dr. Mecsei Éva. Előszó: Langerné Victor Katalin. MNL Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg Megyei Levéltára, Nyíregyháza, 2018. 78 old., á.n.
Sites of Resistance: Gypsies, Roma and Travellers in Schools, Communities and the Academy, by Andrew Ryder (London, Ucl Ioe Press, 2017)
The article analyses discursive and practical activities by governmental and non-governmental actors in Russia and Ukraine aimed at the conceptualization and promotion of human equality on ethnic grounds as non-discrimination. The author aims at analyzing the reasons why anti-discrimination instruments are in low demand vis-à-vis concerns about ethnic xenophobia and conflicts. The author argues that the given societies have limited incentives and institutional capabilities for the creation and effective application of anti-discrimination mechanisms. The ruling elites have no reason to regard ethnic inequalities as a challenge; civil society activists and ordinary claimants might not treat non-discrimination as an efficient remedy; and there is no commonly accepted image of injustice in inter-group relations. Moreover, the marginality of anti-discrimination agenda in the post-Soviet space begs questions about the said mechanisms’ universal applicability, since the latter require pre-conditions that are not guaranteed.
Timmer, Andria D. (2017) Educating the Hungarian Roma: Non-governmental Organisations and Minority Rights. Lanham, Boulder, New York and London: Lexington Books. xxxvii, 163 pages. Bhabha, Jacqueline, Mirga, Andrzej and Matache, Margareta (eds.) (2017) Realizing Roma Rights. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. viii, 308 pages.
European countries are being urged to reform their educational systems to enhance the integration of migrant populations. In many respects, migrant-origin pupils still lack equal educational opportunities in Finland despite the targeted practices and support. This article concerns the inter-ethnic interaction taking place in study guidance and counselling in the final year of Finnish comprehensive school. It poses a question ‘how do young people construct their educational identities in classroom-level interactions in a multi-ethnic class’? The mixed methods research setting offers two sets of data: selective observation (two events) and life-span interviews (n = 8). The outcomes portray how multi-ethnic school classes open opportunities and supportive bridges for the pupils to contact other ethnicities. Nevertheless, the inter-ethnic interaction was also layered with societal hierarchies which constructed and bounded pupils’ ethnic and educational identities. Finally, the article emphasises the opportunities that the locality offers to the schools.
Our paper presents the results of a study which was conducted between 2016 and 2019 in a high school in Budapest. The research attempted to measure the impact of the Haver Foundation’s activities on high-school students. The Foundation implements activities about Jewish identity, thus we intended to see whether the different activities of the Foundation changed the attitudes of high-school students, and whether they affected the formers’ level of knowledge and the associations they make with Jews. In line with the sensitivity and complexity of the research topic, and in order to create the broadest analytical framework, we followed several classes in a longitudinal setting by triangulating our methods. Results confirm the importance of these activities, especially with regard to the increase in the level of knowledge about Jews and Judaism. They also indicate that there is a need for such informal settings in high-school education. However, more extensive research needs to be carried out to obtain more accurate results about the reduction of prejudices.
Vincent, Carol, Neal, Sarah, and Iqbal, Humera (2019) Friendship and Diversity: Class, Ethnicity and Social Relationships in the City. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. 243 pages.
Hermann Gusztáv Mihály – Orbán Zsolt: Csillagösvény és göröngyös út: Mítosz és történelem a székelység tudatában. Kolozsvár: Erdélyi Múzeum-Egyesület, 2018. 496.
Gaucsík István: Az állameszme kritikusa – Tarján Ödön válogatott kisebbség- és gazdaságpolitikai beszédei és írásai. Kalligram, 2017.
Elena Marushiakova – Vesselin Popov: Gypsies in Central Asia and the Caucasus, Palgrave Macmillan, 2016. 142.