Daugybingumo formos šiuolaikiniame Lietuvos teatre: postmoderni reprezentacija ar modernios tradicijos tęsinys?
The article examines new forms of representation in the contemporary Lithuanian theatre as well as their correlation with the modern representation. One of the themes of analysis is different character of the relations with the past in a modern and postmodern artistic framework. Quite often the creators of the post-soviet Lithuanian theatre use pre-existing cultural templates – myths, narratives, frames of traditional historiography, together with different texts and forms from the history of the theatre, and thus produce the effect of continuation rather than a radical break with the tradition.The article focuses on the theatrical strategies that open up to the postmodern notion of plurality: intertextual representation, intersemiosis, citation, pastiche, rewriting, deconstruction. With the help of three different case studies the article demonstrates, what kind of aesthetic forms the principle of plurality acquires in Lithuanian theatre; how the past (tradition, canon, history)reappears in these performances and how their perception differs from the modern tradition.