Revista de jurisprudenţă maritimă olandeză
I. – Curtea Supremă a Ţărilor de Jos (HOGE RAAD)...
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I. – Curtea Supremă a Ţărilor de Jos (HOGE RAAD)...
Ţinând seama de ordinea cronologică a reglementării şi, mai ales, de experienţa judiciară şi documentară acumulată privind sechestrul asigurător al navei, am considerat necesar să elaborăm o schiţă de proiect pentru această instituţie juridică, aplicată frecvent în practica instanţelor.
Politica comună de pescuit se traduce prin numeroase texte europene şi naţionale, în mod cert având o piaţă universală sau cvasiuniversală şi relevând chestiuni mai delicate în raport cu teritoriile marine de peste mări, care implică adesea dispoziţii specifice.
On the basis of the will of 1766, the author traces the inferable family ties of this wealthy noble family, many of the male members of which had played important public and social roles. This publication shows the family's social and wealth rise and decline.
Review of: Simon Sebag Montefiore, Written in History: Letters That Changed the World, London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2018, 272 p.
Further to the work carried out by the Constitutional Court, two decisions (exceptions/objections of unconstitutionality admitted) were published in December regarding: Law for amending and supplementing the Framework Law no. 153/2017 on salaries of staff paid from public funds and for establishing some fiscal-budgetary measures, Law for supplementing the Framework Law no. 153/2017 on salaries of staff paid from public funds and for supplementing the Law no. 7/2006 on the status of parliamentary civil servants.
Oryginalny tekst opisujący uroczystość poświęcenia sztandaru dla wadowickiej ochotniczej straży pożarnej. Wydarzenie miało miejsce 4 maja 1888 r.
Often found in civil cases, but not exclusively, the institution of disjunction appears as a mechanism for simplifying the trial of cases by separating the trial of cases or certain petitions from the same action, in cases regulated by law. This article aims to analyze the possibility of disjoining a subsidiary petition from a complex action, in the situations where, for the trial of this petition it is necessary to administer evidence that requires a longer period of time.
In January 2023, several regulations were published in the Official Journal, including: Instructions of the Minister of Health No 161/2023 on the establishment of a state of epidemiological alert caused by influenza; Order of the President of the National Agency for Public Procurement and the President of the National Strategy and Forecasting Commission No 177/2022 on the revision of the discount rate to be used for the award of public procurement contracts in 2023. Also, in January, several normative acts were amended, including: Order of the General Manager of ANCPI no. 700/2014 on the approval of the Regulation on approval, acceptance and registration in the cadastre and land registers; Law no. 50/1991 on the authorization of construction works; Fiscal Code; GEO no. 195/2002 on traffic on public roads; Law no. 51/1995 on the organization and exercise of the legal profession; Law no. 290/2004 on criminal records; Law no. 16/1996 on National Archives, Labour Code. Not least, in the Official Gazette of January Civil judgment no. 138/20120 of Cluj Court of Appeals was published on the annulment of art. 20 para. (1) of Annex no. 1 of the Order of the Ministry of Health no. 119/2014 for the approval of the Norms of hygiene and public health concerning the living environment of the population.
With regard to the work of the High Court of Cassation and Justice (Panel on the appeal in the interest of the law), two acceptance decisions were handed down concerning: Law no. 85/2014 on insolvency prevention and insolvency procedures; GD no. 1086/2004 for the establishment of specific allowances and of daily allowance, accommodation and food entitlements due to personnel participating in missions abroad.
The Association of Agricultural Conventions, an organization of the landed gentry in Eastern Galicia, was founded by Jan Emanuel Rozwadowski in 1907 in Lviv. To date, the association has not attracted considerable interest from history researchers, but the memoirs of one of its members, Karol Krusenstern, a landowner, entrepreneur and owner of the health spa in Niemirów, are a rich source of data about the organization. The presented fragment of Krusenstern’s memoirs provides the most important information on the association’s origins, goals, operations, achievements and key activists. The memoirs also serve as a unique source of knowledge about the Second Agricultural Club, a member of the association, where Krusenstern worked as a secretary. The analyzed source provides valuable information about the club’s members and the organized agricultural conventions. Krusenstern described the association’s relations with the Association of Landed Gentry Clubs and its efforts to establish contact with similar organizations operating in Galicia (such as the Galician Farming Association). The memoirs also describe the links between the association and the National Democracy political movement.
This paper is the second part of the article Letters of Bishop Michał Kuziemski. The sources to discover the history of the Greek Catholic diocese of Chełm previously published in “Rocznik Przemyski. Historia”. It consists of letters translated from Latin and Italian (nos. 16 to 24) published in the book by Fr. Luigi Glinka titled Diocesi ucraino-cattolica di Cholm (Ukrainian Catholic Diocese of Chełm) published in Rome in 1975. It is for the first time that the content of those letters is introduced in Polish historiography.
The article presents the translation and edition of a source: two letters written in December 1914 by a British officer Edward Hulse; it is his account of the events of the Christman truce. The aim of the paper is also to present and discuss the problem of mythologizing that event and changing its perception in historiography.
The second part of the correspondence between Rev. Dr Jan Kwolek (Przemyśl) and Rev. Prof. Jan Fijałek (Kraków) presented here covers eight years: 1928-1936. As for the former priest it was the prime of his spiritual, intellectual and organizational development, whereas the latter was approaching the end of his life, enjoying deserved renown in the field of historical research; he died in 1936.No wonder then that the subject matter of the letters – in vast majority authored by the Przemyśl priest – was largely an account of his successive achievements, in particular in the field of modern organization of the Diocesan Archive which he headed, requests for academic consultations about the formation of a reference library, and discussions on current academic work. Rev. Jan Kwolek would regularly write to his correspondent about concentrating the records from the parish churches of the whole Przemyśl diocese, systematically deposited in Przemyśl. He also used to tell him about the positive reception of his work all over Poland, he shared his joy about significant interest among local theology students in archive work, he did not hide his concern for the fate of the Diocesan Archive due to lack of a successor; finally, he would inform Rev. Fijałek about current events in the local church: changes in managerial positions, deficiencies of the personal policy and his own successive promotions. On the other hand, Rev. Fijałek would spontaneously respond to his younger colleague’s requests, not so much instructing him on the matters of organizing the archive, as that was something Rev. Kwolek managed perfectly well, as indicating the titles of academic books indispensable in an archive library. He did not spare words of praise, which must have been an incentive for the younger priest to keep up the good work.The correspondence makes the reader admire the enormous achievements of one person in the field of establishing in the interwar Przemyśl a second modern research and academic institution (after the Archdiocesan Archive) accessible to historians dealing with matters of the church. The letters published here enhance the reader’s knowledge and awareness by so far unknown facts from the history of research under the aegis of Roman Catholic Church in the Second Republic of Poland.
The authors present a source rarely used in historical research: a commendation of a person delivered on the occasion of their jubilee. By courtesy of the family, an unknown historical source has been edited, concerned with Bohdan Zahaykevycz, one of the major figures in interwar Przemyśl: secondary school teacher, museologist, organizer of cultural activities, brother of Volodymyr Zahaykevych (Deputy Speaker of the Sejm of the Second Republic of Poland and lawyer). After emigrating from Przemyśl, Zahaykevycz was one of the key figures in the life of the Ukrainian diaspora in the USA. This text is supposed to honor his services as a sort of liaison between the past world for American Ukrainians and their postwar reality overseas. It says a lot about what and how was remembered and maintained in the collective memory of the generations living in new reality after 1945, focusing above all on Ukrainian life in Przemyśl in the first half of the 20th century.
Interview with Mark Cave and Stephen M. Sloan (Interviewer: Jakub Gałęziowski)
Recording of the panel discussion during the 10th workshop of the Polish Oral History Society, Warsaw, October 23, 2021.