Źródła do dziejów Wawelu
Artykuł omawia niektóre źródła do dziejów Wawelu m.in. z archiwum Kapituły Metropolitalnej.//The article discusses selected sources of the history of the Wawel castle, including the Metropolitan Chapter archives.
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Artykuł omawia niektóre źródła do dziejów Wawelu m.in. z archiwum Kapituły Metropolitalnej.//The article discusses selected sources of the history of the Wawel castle, including the Metropolitan Chapter archives.
Burada yayınlanan 12 belge, 1909 yılının sonları ile 1910 yılının başlarına aittir. İçlerinde en eskisi 1 Kasım 1909, en yeni tarihlisi 2 Şubat 1910 tarihlerine aittir. Belgeler 9 Ekim 1909 (26 Eylül 1325) - 20 Şubat 1910 (7 Şubat 1325) tarihlerinde Cezayir-i Bahr-ı Sefid vilayetinin Rodos sancağı kazalarından İstanköy kaymakamlığı görevinde bulunan, Mehmed Reşid Şahingiray’ın özel evrakı arasında yer almaktadır.
11 marca 2016 r., podczas prac ziemnych prowadzonych we wsi Chochłów w powiecie hrubieszowskim województwa lubelskiego, natrafiono na pojemnik z dokumentami. Wstępna analiza jego zawartości wykazała, że jest to prawdopodobnie pochodzące z okresu okupacji niemieckiej archiwum prowodu (kierownictwa) Chełmskiego Okręgu Organizacji Ukraińskich Nacjonalistów – Stepana Bandery (OUN-B) lub co najmniej pionu polityczno-propagandowego kierownictwa tego okręgu.
Wlistopadzie 1965 r., podczas obrad ostatniej – czwartej sesji Soboru Watykańskiego II polscy biskupi wystosowali 56 listów do episkopatów świata, Światowej Rady Ekumenicznej i patriarchy Atenagorasa. Miały one formę powiadomienia o zbliżających się uroczystościach tysiąclecia chrztu Polski; hierarchowie prosili o modlitwę w intencji Millenium, uwydatnili powiązania religijne i historyczne polskiego Kościoła z Kościołem w różnych krajach, podkreślili jego radosne i bolesne doświadczenia oraz zapraszali do udziału w uroczystościach milenijnych w Polsce. Szczególne miejsce wśród wysłanych dokumentów zajęło Orędzie biskupów polskich do ich niemieckich braci w Chrystusowym urzędzie pasterskim, które zostało przekazane stronie niemieckiej 18 listopada 1965 r.
Jean Strouse, a well-known biographer and former long-time director of the Cullman Centerfor Scholars and Writers at the NYPL, shares her thoughts of the role of NYPL today, the mission of Cullman Center, the unknown adventurous story of how Slavic and Baltic Division was founded and how it functions today, the perils of her work on the biographies of Alice James and J. P. Morgan, and her current project on the artist John Singer Sargent and his portraits of Asher Wertheimer's family
Pierwsze próby rozpracowania ruchu prometejskiego podejmowane przez aparat bezpieczeństwa po 1945 roku nie zostały zwieńczone sukcesem. Do czasu zapoznania się z częścią akt Ekspozytury Oddziału II2 , któ- ra przez pewien czas zajmowała się między innymi ruchem prometejskim, wiedza na ten temat była nikła i pozbawiona solidnych podstaw.
Stillando il testamento, i sacerdoti consegnavano la loro anima Dio e il loro corpo alla terra. Prima di tuto invitavano ai propri funeral tutti i sacerdoti del decanato ma anche dei decanati limitrofi, preparavano una certa somma di denaro per la celebrazione delle messe e delle vigilie in loro sufragio e anche una somma da detinarsi agli organisti e ai poveri, davano le disposizioni per la preparazione del pasto da offrire ai partecipanti della liturgia funebre. In seguito formulavano delle disposizioni riguardanti i loro beni.Ai parenti o comunque ai piu intimi destinavano gli animali domestici, il grano, il vestiario, i supellenttili della cucina, i mobili e in genere gli immobili; non si menzionano i soldi. In testamento veniva firmato, anche dai testimoni, sia sacerdoti che i laici. Il document, in tal modo preparato, veniva trasmesso al concistoro (la cancelleria del vescovo).
Towarzystwo Literackie imienia Adama Mickiewicza jemność poinformować Czytelników rocznika „Wiek XIX” o rozpoczęciu wy- ma zaszczyt i przydawania serii Pism wszystkich Bolesława Prusa.
У раду се доносе три до сада непозната писма Јелене Ј. Дими тријевић (1862–1945), српске књижевнице која је оставила обимно и тек однедавно озбиљније истражено књижевно дело. Ова писма су важна, јер је је кореспонденција Јелене Ј. Димитријевић углавном несачувана. С обзиром на то да је упућена уреднику Политике, Жив ку Милићевићу (у релативно кратком временском периоду – од кра ја 1926, до краја 1927), у овом раду успостављен је контекст њиховог настанка који прати настанак њених путописа Седам мора и три океана, али значајно слика и неке специфичне књижевне прилике у Београду, и то с обзиром на наше познате књижевнице међуратне епохе – Даницу Марковић, Смиљу Ђаковић, Делфу Иванић.
Autobiographical texts represent by definition real-life time. Nevertheless, retrospective autobiographies present bygone days at the time of writing, when personal diaries relate a close past or even record the immediate present. In the diary, present is a future past of which the diarist intends to read the transcription in an another time. The tracks of these second readings sprinkle diaries but do not exhaust the wait of a complete posthumous reading in which a reader will be the diarist double. It is thus important to protect the diary so that it survives his author, and any disappearance of the diary is perceived as a collapse of oneself.
U Hrvatskom državnom arhivu, u fondu Acta urbarialia et conscriptiones bonorum, u fasciklu broj 132, čuva se komorski popis našičkog okruga iz 1723. godine, koji je nastao u svibnju 1723. u Požegi.1 U fasciklu 132 postoje dva popisa s brojem 28, koji se znatno razlikuju. Naime, jedan popis je koncept koji je očito nastao tijekom izvršenja popisa (to je u fondu drugi popis, stranice 125-162), a drugi popis je čistopis koncepta (u fondu je to prvi popis, stranice 88-124), odnosno original koji se razlikuje u načinu pisanja pojedinih sela, toponima, redoslijedu pojedinih riječi, upotrebi pojedinih izraza (npr. cedunt - cadunt) te u brojčanim podacima popisivanih dobara. Priređujući ovaj popis, odlučili smo se prirediti čistopis jer smo smatrali da je on nastao nakon povratka s terena te da su u taj tekst uneseni ispravci pogrešaka nastalih tijekom obavljanja popisa.
This research deals with the subjects about prosody and rhyme sciences which have very significant areas among scientific concepts of the Tahanawe’s Encyclopedia. The concepts about prosody spread in various sciences were identified in this study. After studied the biography of the writer, we revealed the methods that he had followed while gathering all concepts especially prosody. Firstly, the concepts about prosody were enlisted in alphabetical order. Then we focused on the relationship between their lexical meanings and lexicology. Our primary purpose on this study is to indicate from which resources and with which methods the writer obtained these articles about that subject, and his endeavor on his works. Finally, we presented the conclusion part and the works cited.
In this study that can be qualifies as a bibliometrics one, 80 articles, published in the special issues (2014, 2015 and 2017) of National Office Management and Secretarial (OMS) Congress in the Electronic Vocational School Journal, were investigated from the respect of the self-citation. The articles were handled in two sections as the synchronously self-citation and diachronously self-citation. The review related to diachronously self-citation was carried on via Google Scholar (on the 01.08.2018). The articles, beside the author self-citation, were examined from the respect of the congress self-citation. In the studies about the self-citation, it is seen that there are different types of the self-citation as author self-citation, journal self-citation, institution self-citation and country self-citation. However, the concept of the congress self-citation was used for the first time here and it adds a genuine value to the study.
This is a chronology of Marsilio Ficino’s life. The sources figure on the text’s first page.
The paper presents a short history regarding the adoption of the metric system both in the world and Romania, after which the main stages that have underpinned the development of Metrology in our country are reviewed.As a particular case, reference will be made to one of the most important areas of Metrology, with an impressive history - Mass field. As a result, the article aims to be a synthesis of the most important and representative moments from the past and current activity in this field, as well as the evolution of the measurement standards and the methods used in the dissemination of mass unit.Reference will be made to the main measurement units from the Cuza period, after which, as an arch over time, it is related to Planck's constant, according to which the mass unit is defined starting with May 20, 2019.
Ioan Axente Sever (1821-1906) was an intellectual from Transylvania, who arrived in Bucharest as a professor. He was propaganda officer during the Bucharest revolution of 1848. After the defeat of the revolution south of the Carpathians, he crossed the mountains and became leader and military commander (prefect of Legion I) in Transylvanian. In autumn 1848, together with other commanders (Avram Iancu, Simion Balint), he wrote a report on the events he witnessed. These reports were published in German, in Vienna, in newspapers from 850 and 1853. The reports meant to demonstrate that the Romanians in Transylvania were loyal to the emperor in Vienna and that they fought with Hungarian troops because the government in Budapest did not recognized Romanian’s rights as a nation.After 46 years, in 1895, Axente Sever responded to a request from the „Astra” Association to write a list with the Romanian commanders of the revolution. This six pages long letter is unknown and has not been published, although several volumes of documents from the years 1848-1849 were edited. The letter published in this paper is compared by the authors with other known lists of commanders. It appears that Axente Sever’s memory was still very good. He remembers dozens of names of comrades in arms, details of the fights with Hungarian forces. Unlike the 1849 report, written immediately after the end of hostilities, in 1895 Sever drafted a list with the names of the 15 prefects of the Romanian forces in Transylvania, who had several dozens of deputies. He indicated that at that moment there was no such list and considered it his duty to write one, as one of the few survivors. The published document, with notes and explanations, confirms other historical sources and completes them.